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Matt O's Ultra4 Buggy - EOR Racing #4462

Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

I am not racing this year but plan on going and pitting /wheeling till my tires fall off. I am building a new car and plan on racing next year.
Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

XE said:
I am not racing this year but plan on going and pitting /wheeling till my tires fall off. I am building a new car and plan on racing next year.

New car? You have the baddest buggy in the planet already. Are you recycling it or selling?
Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

Thanks, It is a bad ass.

I am recyciling it. New chassis, Rear diff, More motor, a bit bigger, slightly longer, more rear travel , bigger fuel tank and more bling :****:

Plus I just want to build a new one. There isn't much more I can do to this car without major cutting and it works to good to do that.
Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

Couple pics of the work Jimmy did and where it is currently

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Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

Few more. Pulled the front CO's off to swap springs so it is sitting at full bump up there

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Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

Hey Matt what does this thing weigh? Looking good.
Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

Blase said:
Hey Matt what does this thing weigh? Looking good.

It was 3580 on John's scales with Airs and DOM links. I need to weigh it again. Lost some weight with AL links, gained some with coilovers and some extra tube here and there. I bet it is right at 3600
Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

Well since I can't do much else I took some pics. Been a rough few days around our house, Samuel started getting sick before Christmas and by Saturday we took him to the ER. They admitted him and he stayed there till Monday night. He has RSV which is in the upper lungs and had a fever, labored breathing and low o2 sat. Then on Monday I woke up with chills and a fever and went to the doctor. I have walking pneumonia and am now can't be around my family for fear of infecting them. So between the hospital and being sick, the week I took off to work on this thing is going to go to waste. Oh well, it will get done sometime. I don't really lack much, biggest thing left is re-wiring the dash and relays/fuse box.

Before all the madness happened I was able to paint the chassis and get the skins started. Will not take much longer on the skins. I am feeling better and think I am going to pull the tires and take them to a tire shop to have them dismounted in the morning. Would like to swap in the new fuel pump and lines also if I have time and feel ok.

In the pics you can see the rear small skin pieces, the new light mount and tag mount and the skin template. Also took a pic of some fitting and shifter knob bling. Oh well, hopefully can make some progress over the weekend.

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Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

looking good Matt! i never thought of using foil to cover parts that you werent going to paint, cool idea for sure.

Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

Foil, towels, blue hospital drop cloths. Anything to avoid tapeing everything off. I got the foil idea from Wyatt, it is easy to put on and pull off.
Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

Buggy looks good, but I still think you need some bars for bracing on that back shock mount :flipoff1:
Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

It is thick plate that has been fully welded and dimpled, I think it will be fine :flipoff1: Lot better than a piece of 1.5" DOM with some BTF shock tabs like before.

Thanks for the 3 Shirley made Krawlers I got today. I hope one of yours doesn't fail me.... ;D
Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

Matt O. said:
It is thick plate that has been fully welded and dimpled, I think it will be fine :flipoff1: Lot better than a piece of 1.5" DOM with some BTF shock tabs like before.

Thanks for the 3 Shirley made Krawlers I got today. I hope one of yours doesn't fail me.... ;D

Oooooooohhhhh NO! Matt you're brave! ;D
Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

Well I had a productive weekend, in spite of recovering from walking pneumonia. I have done pretty much everything except wiring. I am still waiting for the body from paint. Whenever Jamie can come over and help with wiring, all that will be left is putting the interior/exterior panels back on and putting the front shocks on. I left them off because it is easier to the do the wiring when it is sitting at full bump ;D
Re: Matt O's Buggy Updates & Essentially Offroad KOH Rebuild & Prep

I hope to get finished pics up in the next week or two, really close. Jamie came over this past Saturday and we spent from about 10am to midnight cleaning up and redoing the wiring on it. It was a lot of work and very tedious, but it is much better now and all I lack is mounting the fuse block and it will be done.

Only items I have left to do is put the interior panels, seats and front shocks back in and get the hood, grill and cowl back from the painter and get them mounted. The rest is pretty much done.