Well-Known Member
Sounds like theres only a couple trails open and tons of rigs--- Can you say I-5 downtown seattle at 5:00pm (bumper to bumper) 

Depends where you go but before this rain today it had really started drying out.
How deep is the mud at elby right now
Thanks is it hard to get camping around memoreal day weekend
It will be our first time thair:cheer:
If you come in Fri night or Sat morning you'll be fine. The CG is a 1st come basis on holidays but worst case you end up in day use. Come have a beer with us when you get in. Just look for our banner. :awesomework:
Damn, I wish the trails behind the ranger station were open, awesome hill climbs
never been there wouldnt mind going. but from the sounds of it not to many trail open right now. would it be worth it or going to naches?
Some trails will be open at liberty if you sign in with the workparty and go do some work to open the trails. Check in with Dave Mcmains he will be camped by the creek all week.
I wouldn't mind help with some of the work party's. when are u guys planing to do one?
starts this weekend goes all week through memorial day.
Ok like I said never been there a link to show were its located or something would help. I might be able to make it out there this weeken if I can get everything moved in to the new house. Anything I should bring or just my self an an my wheeler
I don't really have a link. The workparty group will be camped at the Williams creek campground at liberty. As you come into liberty its the campground on your right by the creek.