The most up to date info is posted at Facebook. Look for Cle Elum Trails Off Road Team.
whats the up to date info then? cuz i dont have a facebook
The most up to date info is posted at Facebook. Look for Cle Elum Trails Off Road Team.
just exactly who are you talking to :eeek: My information is a bit different. The upper trails are closed til june per fish and wildlife elk calving areas and there is a large work party crew from the pnw4wda clearing the lower trails right now and deciding which ones will be open for the weekend. So.e of the lower trails that were in the fire won't be opened until the fs has their fallers take down trees marked as dangerous. Who knows how soon that may happen.
Btw the "head" of the cle elum district is she not a he.
The most up to date info is posted at Facebook. Look for Cle Elum Trails Off Road Team.
Till next year..moses is always awesome memorial weekend. Sand scorpions put on some cool events! Monster trucks, tough truck races and a rock crawl course. I cracked my rear case housinglanded pretty hard on not so sure about fror skidplate..i kinda wondered if the cases would survive a hard hit, now i now
We were up in the Manastash, ran the Divide, most fun ever on it with it so wet and greasy. Then ran the snow up to Quartz Springs. The last part up to the top was way too drifted in, no way anyone was getting up that. Didn't have near enough sleeping bag for friday night but the rest was ok after a trip to E-burg.