I'm sorry that you're the one standing here facing this criticism of your Association, but remember, you asked. Even though I haven't agreed, I appreciate your answers.
Dirk and Jacob hit the nails on the head. The PNW is boring and uninviting to today's wheelers. Weather or not it's correct (I believe it is) the perception is that if you don't drive a jeep on 33's, then the PNW doesn't want you on the trails anyway. Buggies, yotas, crawlers, big tires need not apply. With very few exceptions, I have seen those groups treated poorly time and time again. Either through lectures, cold shoulders or guilty until proven innocent scenarios. The PNW needs to decide if they are really a 4 Wheel Drive Association or just a Jeep Association. Why would these kids going to try and join a group that doesn't welcome them?
Jacob is right....the PNW is booooooring. I know that fighting the good fight is alot of "nose to the grindstone," boring work but why present it that way? The PNW is so stuck on their old ways that they have completely forgotten that people actually want to get out and use the land they have been fighting for! So much so that myself and many others feel like they almost want us to apologize for our hobby, to keep it in the dark, to pretend like we don't actually do it......well the new generation is calling bullshit!! They're proud of what they do, what they build, and what they can accomplish. They're ready to fight, but not in the "head in the sand" "from the shadows" approach that they feel the PNW does. This approach will have some big bumps and bruises along the way, but with the proper guidance it will work. It's up to groups like the PNW or WOHVA (which I think is already doing this) to embrace this energy and work with it, not fight against it. With the leadership of some elder independents, they are already getting more involved, dragging their own equipment, tools and sweat into the woods with alongside the Forest Service, DNR or whoever to accomplish what no other group has been able to do. WTF and Chad Atkins of the Gleed Boyz are prime examples of this.
The PNW is to busy coming up with reasons not to change and fighting their own user group to realize that the world is passing them by. They still think that everyone looks up to them and wants to join. They think that people are lucky to join them. Maybe that was the public's attitude 20 years ago, but not now. Now that attitude just causes most people to close their ears and rebel against them. The people in our hobby "might" still need the PNW, but the PNW needs them even more in order to survive.
Look what happened at the Moonshiner's Race this last weekend (I do see the irony there with Angie being a Moonshiner and the PNW President, and for the record, I like Angie.)They realized that in order to build an event and preserve their race that they needed new blood. They reached out both locally and heavily on social media to all user groups. They focused on people that were unfamiliar with racing to bring them in both as spectators and participants. They made minor adjustments to rules to make them applicable to the 20th century. They went directly to the groups of wheelers that have traditionally been shunned by the PNW and do you know what happened? They tripled the size of the event from last year! There were more NEW street/trail and youth entries than I've ever seen! There is a "buzz" over here about PNW Racing now. New people are telling their friends about it, and planning new builds for next year! They are getting involved!!
That same kind of attitude and game plan can be applied to the rest of the PNW and it will work. BUT the group as a whole has to have it. Unfortunately the few in the PNW that feel this way are powerless against the majority that are still behind the times.
Once again, thank you Pokey for for putting yourself out there and joining in this conversation.