post on MGO as well,, sorry to hyjack from HL- but someguys are too scared to come over here...ridered3 said:Agreed from a non Face-space user. Would like more info on the park posted over here too.
post on MGO as well,, sorry to hyjack from HL- but someguys are too scared to come over here...ridered3 said:Agreed from a non Face-space user. Would like more info on the park posted over here too.
yes your right. This exit you mention will work for the folks coming in from your direction.Pumpkin said:If coming from Nashville, would it not be easier to get off at Exit 143? I know this park is not at that gravel lot. Someone said something about leaving the lot and going back across the interstate. Dont want to be dragging a 30Ft goosneck all around for no reason. And dont want to leave my truck and trailer at that lot in Kimball.
Come on !!Dempsey71 said:Can sxs's come to or just jeep's and buggy's
It will work but IMO you would be better to get off exit 152 dont you think so too 99BLUEXJ ? plus be a lot quicker there will be no problem getting you trailer into the park Tom has got his up there and it is about a 50 foot enclosed plenty of room and parking you guys do what ever you want too I just dont want you to get on that road and not be able to turn around its just a little country backroad99BLUEXJ said:yes your right. This exit you mention will work for the folks coming in from your direction.
tbacon38 said:There is plenty of parking at the park I was there yesterday 12-15-12 there is about 80 acres of pasture to park in that I think will hold any trailer anyone has, I can get my 53 foot flatbed in there with my Pete not a problem, as far as the park goes it is 500 acres looking from a sat. But spread the hills and mountains out flat and its more like a 1000, ths will be a great place for every type of rig It has a lot of potential to make any kind of Trail or hill climb you want Tom is there and you can tell him where you want a climb cut in and he will do it and let you help, he has some climbs now to accommodate any rig and spend an entire day riding, That yellow Brute is an AEV conversion that Tom and I built about 2 years ago its not all that hardcore but it looks good and that was the point to turn heads and get the shop noticed I don't know about the white one I seen it yesterday but looked like a LJ with a half cab top on it, this is going to be as great place to go they just need some help cutting trails to get what we want so any chance you get check it out.
No problem I will help spread the word best I can, it was my wife's bday and we had plans in the evening I would have liked to stay longer but you know how that would have ended.ALLJ said:Tim we got there just as you guys were loading up I was driving the white LJ with the half cab we were running a little late wish we could have watched yall a little maybe next time talked with Tom last night by text and told him that maybe you would put the word out to some of the buggy guys to help with laying out some of the ones yall want to try Thanks for coming !