-Oh no I picked a side-
I'm going to take this comment and start a discussion.
It's from this thread Sustainable workgroup study MEETINGS this week! posted by japerry.
I have a question for any person that follows what we (ORV users) do on here ( and out in the "offline world"......Reiter, Walker, Evans, Elbe, Tahuya, Naches, etc.
What do you want to become of the leadership in out ORV community?
I think it's fantastic that there are folks like crash, gibby, pokey, crazy daze, nowires (there are others) that have taken it upon themselves to make a difference, and leading by example. But their following no fault of their own. It's "our" fault.
I'm not a leader. I consider myself one of nowires "associates". I also believe that crash, gibby, pokey and crazey daze have done their fair share in greatly helping the ORV community, as a whole.
Why don't we help these guys out more? Can you help these guys out more?
Look at it this way. There is a need for hierarchy. Everyone on this board can "team up" with your person of choice and HELP THEM! Whatever that may pressure.
I don't go to meetings, **** that!, I don't do trail maintenance, it's bullshit! (My opinion only!) But I have helped financially. I have helped by relaying information to mis-informed ORV users. I have made difficult decisions to NOT do something "bad/illegal/fun" with the greater good in mind.
I will continue to help "my guy" too should pick "a guy" and help him.:beer:
This should not be looked at as separation. It's actually inclusion in the process......without the political BS and headaches. You help your guy, your guy helps us all.
SO what happens when guys who are some sort of leadership get fed up--and give up? Who is going to take there places when they are gone?
Lets face it without some soft of leadership you are not going to go anyplace, the cummuntiy isn't going to go anyplace--backwards if anything.