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ORV Leadership

Whats needed is a single multi user based organization per area to fight the issues on hand.Plain and simply

Agreed. But you and many others have expressed this is not realalistic. So thinking outside of the box continues.

I got ya now.

And I'm not asking anyone to "give up the throne", but maybe the reins should be past along to others.

Who would be "your guy"?
How active are you with there other workings? Like meetings and so on?
Myabe travis can enlighten us to the reason for this.

I admit I'm not. I have gone to a few QP meetings but they usually don't work with my schedule. With a 1 hour commute each way it makes things difficult. But I try to do my/our part in keeping our play ground clean.
Meeting, meetings, meetings........this is how many folks weight one's involvement in the ORV community. Phooey......

I say being out there, on the trails, with the users is the place to be.

Like the sheltered professor of business telling his students how real life business is done. There's practice, then there's application.
Agreed. But you and many others have expressed this is not realalistic. So thinking outside of the box continues.

Right now--true. But down the road its very feasable. One thing you are forgetting Mark is currently we are in and UN sanctioned ORV area (reiter). Once that goes forth the DNR will work to try and organize a multi user group. This very same scenario plays out at both tahula(sp) and walker and are great platfroms to learn and work from. But in this stage its not feasable--but it will

And I'm not asking anyone to "give up the throne", but maybe the reins should be past along to others.

Who would be "your guy"?

One thing Mark--I was not chosen. I simply stepped up to the plate and took it to whatever level I could achieve. So I dissagree that leaders are chosen--they are made by those who are below them. Because without those folks helping you won't get any kind of leadership.

So your saying I should step down. I am curiouse as to why?
I admit I'm not. I have gone to a few QP meetings but they usually don't work with my schedule. With a 1 hour commute each way it makes things difficult. But I try to do my/our part in keeping our play ground clean.

Thats why you ask for help--find somebody within your olwn group who can--be a voice for you all..
Meeting, meetings, meetings........this is how many folks weight one's involvement in the ORV community. Phooey......

I say being out there, on the trails, with the users is the place to be.

Like the sheltered professor of business telling his students how real life business is done. There's practice, then there's application.

Without your voice you cannot be heard. without meetings things cannot be organizedand so on. I agree meetings are not for everybody--but they are a must for any organization. Let me ask you this because I am sure you have no idea what intails with building trails per the DNR. They are not solely done in the field--there are a tong of aspects to planning, materials, ect ect. Without that you will get noplace plain and simple.
One thing I would like to add. I am no "leader". I have one thing I do/love and thats the work out in the field. There are more smaller aspects of it that I do though
Would you follow me?

Interesting question... If somebody came and said--it was time for me to go to better the sport--I would do it because thats the only reason I am doing what I do--to help ensure its survival. Does that make me popular with everybody--sure it doesn't but thats just the way it is...

Do I really love/enjoy what I do regardless of how some feel about me--I sure do--would I do it again--sure would....
Interesting question... If somebody came and said--it was time for me to go to better the sport--I would do it because thats the only reason I am doing what I do--to help ensure its survival. Does that make me popular with everybody--sure it doesn't but thats just the way it is...

Do I really love/enjoy what I do regardless of how some feel about me--I sure do--would I do it again--sure would....

And this statement ensure's your leaderhood. Well said.:awesomework:

I'm not assassinating anyone. I want to break down the walls.
I like where money is going. He's simply trying to simplify the system. He's not trying to rework everything. He certainly isn't criticizing past efforts and all the valuable work many leaders have done for our sport... he's really just trying to inspire people to be more proactive while on the trail.

Hell, nothing BAD can come from what he's suggesting. Once I have my truck running, I'll pick money, or whoever I'm with most often to be my guy. And when we're on the trail, proactive measures will be promoted to promote good things happening. I really don't see where this can go wrong.

I see what Crash is saying as well. He's put a ton of physical labor in as well as the political side. He knows so much more than all of us here as to how this whole thing works. The least we can do is become more proactive on the trail, and off the trail.

Sure I guess you could call this thread "drama destined" but I appreciate mark's desire to be proactive and get heads working to better our sport than to stand on the sidelines. :awesomework:
Yes, you are. And the ORV community appreciate's it. With that said, who would be "your guy"?

I think here is where you you don't understand how we "rtw" is setup---nothing wrong with that and I am not trying to put you down in any way.

Currently I am voted into the position I am--and have never been faught against which is fine by me.

Mark in my opinion I am hoping we expand our current structure and hoping charlie continues with what he is doing. If anything I don't think a replacement is quite what is needed but more "added" to the load. Sure I would love to dive into the trail building aspect but thats charlies nitch in it and he seems to be enjoying it. With that will there be power strugles I think not. We have a pretty good understanding of each other.

I am going to assume "charlie" is the answer to the question you are asking.

Thats how I see it..
Do you pick up trash on the trail when you are out wheelin'??? Do you tell folks that are doing something that hurts the sport to knock it off??? If you do, then you are helping for the greater good...
Zukkev you could not have said it better.
For those of you whom don
Mark, if Reiter was closed where would you go wheelin? This might be a little off topic but have you looked into private or lease land options around Reiter?
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Money, Crash, and all others with an interest,

This is a complex issue and all the posters in this thread have good points, but I think some have blinders on and may not even be aware of that fact.

Money and Crash appear to be in disagreement, but I don
Mark, if Reiter was closed where would you go wheelin? This might be a little off topic but have you looked into private or lease land options around Reiter?

I'd go to Walker, Evans and Elbe....with more Canadain trips thown into the mix.

Yes. Private land is the way to go. I no longer have the means to pursue this.

Where to man?:cool:

Tight Ass, Lake Isabel and BYS/SOL......night run! Ever been to Miller River or Sultan Basin?:redneck:

(these are all now closed trails/areas, for those that don't know)

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