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ORV Leadership

I appreciate folks who want to help.......any folks, wheeler or not. But "my guy" will NEVER be a non-wheeler (or someone that does not get out wheeling with any regularity)

Who would you want on your vessel? A greenhorn or a seasoned vet?

The political aspect of this complicates things though.
I appreciate folks who want to help.......any folks, wheeler or not. But "my guy" will NEVER be a non-wheeler (or someone that does not get out wheeling with any regularity)

Who would you want on your vessel? A greenhorn or a seasoned vet?

The political aspect of this complicates things though.

Lets bounce back to what you had stated early on mark "would I follow you"..

Do you relize what that would entale? Both the in and out of field work? Not to mention the political aspect of it and association aspects of it.
Lets bounce back to what you had stated early on mark "would I follow you"..

Do you relize what that would entale? Both the in and out of field work? Not to mention the political aspect of it and association aspects of it.

Yes.......more work than I am willing to put forth. And you have two things I don't have.....history of "doing it" and a decent track record. This is why I'll never be "president".
One thing that I think deters folks from wanting to step up to the plate..

1-you don't always get out of what you put into it
2-You ALWAYS face oposition no matter what you do
3-You are a target for haters
4-You have to be strong and always look forward
5-You have to earn the respect of those who help you

These are just a few things I could get off the top of my head.
I don't agree because people who aren't out in the "real world" won't be able to understand the issues first hand. Hands on experience means alot......Not that people behind the scenes are wasting their time but I think they may be more efficeint or understanding with first hand experience..

Everyone I know that's truly active, is or has been, an avid user (wheeler). Some are less active on the trails as they become more active behind the scenes.
Yes.......more work than I am willing to put forth. And you have two things I don't have.....history of "doing it" and a decent track record. This is why I'll never be "president".

That didn't stop OBAMA!
Everyone I know that's truly active, is or has been, an avid user (wheeler). Some are less active on the trails as they become more active behind the scenes.

This is very true. While we all would like to spend all our free time playing theres a buttload of work to be done to insure there are places to play. Its a sacrafice we make and a personal choice. If it wasnt for those that do the background work there wouldnt be ANY legal places to play PERIOD. some people need to pull their heads out of the sand (or mud) and learn the realitys of this hobby. (not aimed at you Gibby)
This is very true. While we all would like to spend all our free time playing theres a buttload of work to be done to insure there are places to play. Its a sacrafice we make and a personal choice. If it wasnt for those that do the background work there wouldnt be ANY legal places to play PERIOD. some people need to pull their heads out of the sand (or mud) and learn the realitys of this hobby. (not aimed at you Gibby)

Very True, but it's not just our hobby that is dealing with the uphill battle, it's all off road sports right down to the horse riders. Ironically they have the same 1% of idiots that make their life just as difficult for their respective sports.
OK here is something you "ALL" can do from your little desk chair..... fill it out before the 13th. ----> http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=dD7C8prY9GYi5NWvowvRjg_3d_3d

I'm going to promote Duck Dodgers as "a guy". If you wheel Walker or anywhere up north.......pick Duck Dodgers as "your guy". PM him and ask him how you can help him.

And if you'd like, post here in this thread......show your "up north" wheeling buddies you have "a guy". You'll be surprised how big a snowball a few helpers can make......GET "THIS GUY" SOME MORE HELP!

I commend you Ducky.....on your past, present and furture efforts.:awesomework:
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This "Immunity Law" is what keeps DNR from having any good trails. This is where we can help DNR the most is by getting this changed. And to do that WE ALL need to step forward and be visible and aproach Olympia as a GROUP. There is a louder voice in a group. This is how WOHVA & NMA are able to file a lawsuit to recover "OUR" NOVA funds. They are doing it for ALL of us and not just members of those groups.

Thats a BS excuse to not allow you to have difficult trails at reiter.

We have difficult trails on DNR land. Lots of them. At Elbe we have the Busywild, Ranier vista, and a new difficult cut on the swamp trail.

Tahuya was super easy till folks like Ted and Joop got them to give the OK for a few good rock hillclimbs that could be a liability but have a challenge aswell.

At elbe we also have a VERY ACTIVE DNR REP That I have seen on the trail more than I have ever seen all the "super active heros" on the same trails.
Folks like gibby and the DP crew get more respect from me, They are out on the trail and meetings.
My hat is off to Nancy for here support and for working with the wheelers any way she can.

My firm belief is the buck is always going to get passed at reiter. They (DNR) dont want folks there. And will use any scapegoat to blame it on to keep you guys civil about it.

They could work with you guys IF they WANT to.
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(5) For purposes of this section, the following are not fees:

(a) A license or permit issued for statewide use under authority of chapter 79A.05 RCW or Title 77 RCW; and

(b) A daily charge not to exceed twenty dollars per person, per day, for access to a publicly owned ORV sports park, as defined in RCW 46.09.020, or other public facility accessed by a highway, street, or nonhighway road for the purposes of off-road vehicle use.

:eeek: those aren't fees?

I thought you guys pay for your ORV's as part of your fuel tax.
It depends if its state or federal
Federal you have to have a nw forest pass
State there is fuel and liscening taxes