Well-Known Member
Pins break, shims spit out. But you've installed more shims than vehicles I've owned so you must know more than me. :looser:
But then again I don't give a rat's ass about your opinion. :fawkdancesmiley:
I have broke two pins in the last year on a rig that has no shims??? when my pin breaks it spits the smallest leaf too. and since I have no shims it cant be the pins fault. when you break a pin it will spit the shim, yes and any leafs under the clamp also and let the front end slide foward or back. pins break when folks just slide them into the large holed shims and they dont fit in very deep and let it rock on the edge til it breaks.:booo:
I wasnt putting you down.:flipoff: I just think pins have got a bad rap because of aluminum and slotted and large hole ones. but yes rotating would be the best recipe:beer: what would you do if it was your truck?