What a bunch of inconsiderate hillbillies we must look like. Thanks to whomever stood up and asked the crowd to act like civilized adults, but apparently that wasn't clear enough English for the good old boys around me
Short story:
- He stressed the idea that the closure is indeed temporary.
- A lot of area, however, is permanently lost. Get over it. The entire lower (west) area around the first pit will be designated non-motorized use only. Hikers, bikers, horses.
- Regardless of your opinion on how things should be done, the DNR has chosen to fully close the entire area (except to walk-in users) temporarily while work is planned and completed over the winter months. Like it or not, it is the most cost-efficient way to get things done from their perspective and they're trying to do this all on a shoestring budget ($140K).
- He overused the term "scientific process" or whatever it was he kept saying. But regardless, he's right. The physical attributes of the areas being closed to motorized use make them unsuitable for sustainable long-term use. You don't have to major in soil science to understand this.
- The DNR is cognizant of the fact that none of us trust them to make the right decisions with regard to how trails are built. So they're hiring a consultant to collect input from us users and implement that into the plan.
- The end goal is to have a more complete facility with a campground like Middle Waddle, but that won't be for a while yet. The entire plan is estimated to cost $9M.
- The planning process is going on now, with the criteria for implementation scheduled to be finalized in December. Work could begin in January. He mentioned April 1st as a date for evaluation to determine when the area would re-open.
- Over the course of the closure, they are planning to institute a "forest watch" program, particularly on weekends. I assume more information will be going out to people that are on their mailing list as potential volunteers.
I'm sure there's more, but I think that covers most of what I got.
I can't find a digital copy of the map they had posted. I thought they said it was on their website, but I didn't see it. I should have taken a picture.