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Race Safety - Was "How young is too young?"

Re: How young is too young?

If I was in that buggy it would have done the same thing. I cant remember seeing anything on my run till the buggy stops and I just hope I was going a quarter the speed she was! It was discussed in the drivers meeting about how the srrs didn't know the top had been changed until they showed to tape it off. They were worried about it and actually moved the timers a little farther down the hill. They prolly shoulda left that road completely blocked off.
TacomaJD said:
I'm sure you'll really miss me on the trails...one less rig to show that Jeep how to climb ****.... :flipoff1:
Re: How young is too young?

Ive said it before,, with the way the sport is progressing, there should be remote kill switches on the cars with a track official being able to shut them down. ...the blue tape had nothing to do with this , the driver has to make a lefthand turn at the end and the girl was about to go to the right... Age doesnt make a person a pro, but a 15 year old definitely isnt the pinnacle of good judgement!
Re: How young is too young?

patooyee said:

First, I am 100% certain that rig "got away" with her. Look at her, look at the throttle, look at the steering. She was just a passenger inside a pinball.

Second, when someone gets killed and sues SRRS, goes to court and says, "SRRS allowed a 15 year old girl without a license behind the wheel of a high performance 800hp racing machine on a dangerous course," you really think, "Yeah, but the people were in front of some blue tape" is going to hold up??? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



We just had a case here locally a year or so ago where a drunk dude was jay-walking, got hit and killed by a car. He was wrong to even be in the street but the driver of the car is still in prison now. Humans get the right-of way no matter what. Someone with a driver license should know that.

I agree.
Re: How young is too young?

Bama said:
Ive said it before,, with the way the sport is progressing, there should be remote kill switches on the cars with a track official being able to shut them down. ...the blue tape had nothing to do with this , the driver has to make a lefthand turn at the end and the girl was about to go to the right... Age doesnt make a person a pro, but a 15 year old definitely isnt the pinnacle of good judgement!
I will say before this turns into a bash Sydney or AJ thread they are really really good down to earth people. It amazed me when I found out who AJ "was" after hanging out with him a few times then was overly impressed with his daughters maturity and behavior. I say she is an exception to most teenage girls. I bet none of you know she was on the radio with her dad the whole time and he was screaming GO GO GO GO!

I know this is not the same caliber buggy but nobody bitched about this.
14 Year Old Rock Bouncer on Cable Hill
Re: How young is too young?

patooyee said:

First, I am 100% certain that rig "got away" with her. Look at her, look at the throttle, look at the steering. She was just a passenger inside a pinball.

Second, when someone gets killed and sues SRRS, goes to court and says, "SRRS allowed a 15 year old girl without a license behind the wheel of a high performance 800hp racing machine on a dangerous course," you really think, "Yeah, but the people were in front of some blue tape" is going to hold up??? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



We just had a case here locally a year or so ago where a drunk dude was jay-walking, got hit and killed by a car. He was wrong to even be in the street but the driver of the car is still in prison now. Humans get the right-of way no matter what. Someone with a driver license should know that.

Beginning of the post has no license, end of post has license... same outcome. So what's the point in limiting those without the license if the parent consents? We gone die anyway
Re: How young is too young?

LandSpeeder said:
Beginning of the post has no license, end of post has license... same outcome. So what's the point in limiting those without the license if the parent consents? We gone die anyway

My post throws even the death out, really. My point is the liability from SRRS's legal POV once the death has occurred. I would be willing to bet that a jury of our peers would not see letting a 15-year old, male or female, behind the wheel of a buggy on a dangerous course of densely packed spectators the same way as you apparently do.

Hell, I can even see this in court: "If the people were in front of the blue tape why did you allow the race to continue?" Bam, SRRS's only defense just became their biggest liability.
Re: How young is too young?

It honestly has nothing to do with parental consent. It's about safety. I don't think at 15 you can have enough experience to handle any situation that you could be faced with. I would say 18 should be the appropriate age. In front of the blue tape, behind the blue tape, under the blue tape or wearing the blue tape. Doesn't matter. One of these days a rig is gonna go into the crowd. No amount of blue tape is gonna stop it. Experience, common sense and maturity are going to come into play in controlling and avoiding it. I'm impressed with the kids and their skills but they should not be competing with the big boys yet. Just my opinion.
Re: How young is too young?

patooyee said:
My post throws even the death out, really. My point is the liability from SRRS's legal POV once the death has occurred. I would be willing to bet that a jury of our peers would not see letting a 15-year old, male or female, behind the wheel of a buggy on a dangerous course of densely packed spectators the same way as you apparently do.

Hell, I can even see this in court: "If the people were in front of the blue tape why did you allow the race to continue?" Bam, SRRS's only defense just became their biggest liability.

Well, if the fifteen year old did the driving, and someone died. it would likely be in juvenile court. Not our peers.

But even still. If someone were to die, the drivers age does not matter. Does it?
Re: How young is too young?

patooyee said:
My post throws even the death out, really. My point is the liability from SRRS's legal POV once the death has occurred. I would be willing to bet that a jury of our peers would not see letting a 15-year old, male or female, behind the wheel of a buggy on a dangerous course of densely packed spectators the same way as you apparently do.

Hell, I can even see this in court: "If the people were in front of the blue tape why did you allow the race to continue?" Bam, SRRS's only defense just became their biggest liability.

and imagine if she hurt someone (or worse)? that's something an adult would have a tough time with let alone a young kid dealing with the rest of his/her life
Re: How young is too young?

FWIW, the only reason I brought up the drivers license was based solely on someone with a license being mores experienced at driving in general vs. someone without. I was not implying that a drivers license would make 100% difference. Crap, I was driving myself to my grandparents 60 miles away and to high school by myself at 15.
Re: How young is too young?

I was thinking the same thing but didnt really want to bring it up. But since it was I will comment. I was there and It was pure luck someone didnt get hurt in that run. I thought she was going into the crowd when she went up the left hand bank at the top. Then if the buggy hadnt rolled several would have got ran over at the top. Just glad nobody got hurt. And she aint afraid to put her foot in it.
Re: How young is too young?

Hell, last years Cable Hill, Plowboys front tires were brushing my teeth. And he was doing his damndest to get up the bank at us for 5-10 seconds AFTER his steering broke. so he definitely didn't have control. No one complained of his age.

Maybe I am supposed to die at an offroad event. Cause Timmie almost ran over us at his first ever Primos air launch RBD 2010
Re: How young is too young?

LandSpeeder said:
Well, if the fifteen year old did the driving, and someone died. it would likely be in juvenile court. Not our peers.

But even still. If someone were to die, the drivers age does not matter. Does it?

You don't seem to get what I'm saying. If someone is suing SRRS, NOT THE KID, NOT THE KID'S PARENT, for liability, the line of questioning gets directed at the owners of SRRS or whoever made the decision to allow a child to drive a death machine, and why they allowed them to do so knowing that bystanders were outside the "safe zone."

Yes, any criminal case would be juvenile. But I haven't been talking criminal for one second here.

Lets not even begin talking about assumed liability. She was AJ's daughter? AJ signed for her? AJ seems to have money to spare. Lawyers gonna go after that even quicker than SRRS. The criminal proceedings are the least of the worries IMO. The kid will probably not even go to juvenile detention. No lawyer will want to go after a kid to put him/her in detention over an innocent mistake or bad parental judgement. I doubt there would even be a case.

It would just be all about the money. SRRS's and AJ's. And the case against them would be a slam dunk in my non-lawyered opinion. :) The kind of case that most ambulance chasers can only dream about.
Re: How young is too young?

Maybe there should be no spectators at all, and errbody just watch it on Discovery Channel :flipoff1:
Re: How young is too young?

LandSpeeder said:
You're right. We'll all meet in the bunker. I'll grab the canned goods.

Yes, that is what I was driving at. You get me. :-*
Re: How young is too young?

Since this is a sanctioned event, where you signed a waiver, no prosecutor would touch that as far as bringing criminal charges. Clearly there was no criminal intent. A civil suit could potentially be aimed at SRRS. However, I *feel* and this is purely my opinion, that you shouldn't be allowed to pursue civil litigation. Everyone here knows what they are going to watch. It is incumbent on YOU to stand in a place where you feel safe. If you misjudge that, you were probably too close. Everyone at the top or on the left side where the 2 buggies got rowdy was standing as close as they possibly could. Some were even pushing the boundaries that SRRS set to keep them safe. If you get ran the hell over, it's because you didn't leave yourself enough stand off and an escape route or sufficient barrier. If you don't feel safe and don't want to get ran over, watch the **** on YouTube where you can comment about how they have too much air in their tires. Law suits are killing America. I don't need anyone to babysit me. I'll sign away all of my rights. That way the only legal proceedings possible would be criminal. Obviously if you intentionally run over someone, even in a park, that's an issue but that isn't what we are discussing.
Re: How young is too young?

For this sport to "grow" you have to have people there that aren't a part of it. How are they to know that a buggy is capable of jumping 20 feet into the air and landing in the crowd? Even guys who are into wheeling that I bring to these events for the first time are completely taken by surprise by how crazy it can get. Someone just coming to watch that knew nothing would never have an idea of where to self-designate a safe-zone. That's where it becomes SRRS's responsibility IMHO. Part of that is establishing and enforcing reasonable safe zones and not allowing obviously high-risk drivers to drive.

What is some full-blown mentally retarded person wanted to run? Maybe some parent has a 40-year-old down-syndrome child who has dreamed of driving an 800hp race buggy up Cable hill his entire life, but he's never even driven a car on the road? Is that cool, too? Crowd's fault for not staying behind the blue tape?
Re: How young is too young?

1tfrot said:
and imagine if she hurt someone (or worse)? that's something an adult would have a tough time with let alone a young kid dealing with the rest of his/her life

This right here. As you may or not know a gentleman got hit with a rock from my buggy at a recent race. He went into surgery in pretty serious condition. I can tell you now I am not a very sympathetic person usually just who I am. But I have not stopped thinking about this gentleman since I seen him laying on the ground from something I dont think I could have pervented but defiantly involved in. I cant imagine being a younger person and having to deal with these emotions/feelings. Just my opinion from a recent experience.

Creepycawly you must be crazy if you think that sheet of paper holds that much weight when it comes to something as serious as a DEATH of someone. I good attorney will rip and pick that thing to pieces. I have always thought it would be a smart move for any promoter, event organizer or park owner to make it known at drivers meeting what you signed and what your liabilities are while doing this.