Since this is a sanctioned event, where you signed a waiver, no prosecutor would touch that as far as bringing criminal charges. Clearly there was no criminal intent. A civil suit could potentially be aimed at SRRS. However, I *feel* and this is purely my opinion, that you shouldn't be allowed to pursue civil litigation. Everyone here knows what they are going to watch. It is incumbent on YOU to stand in a place where you feel safe. If you misjudge that, you were probably too close. Everyone at the top or on the left side where the 2 buggies got rowdy was standing as close as they possibly could. Some were even pushing the boundaries that SRRS set to keep them safe. If you get ran the hell over, it's because you didn't leave yourself enough stand off and an escape route or sufficient barrier. If you don't feel safe and don't want to get ran over, watch the **** on YouTube where you can comment about how they have too much air in their tires. Law suits are killing America. I don't need anyone to babysit me. I'll sign away all of my rights. That way the only legal proceedings possible would be criminal. Obviously if you intentionally run over someone, even in a park, that's an issue but that isn't what we are discussing.