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Race Safety - Was "How young is too young?"

Re: How young is too young?

BUG-E J said:
I promise you she scares me much less than people that show up with a **** load of money and throw it at a bouncer then hop in it and go wfo up a hill. I know she has wwwaayyy more seat time than anyone realizes.

This is rite on! With that said I think to compete in an event of this size emotionally is tough to deal with for a young person....hell anyone. There are a bunch of good drivers that once the adrenilalin kicks in with the big crowd lose all control. I really don't mind kids driving around on the trails but if a throttle sticks, lose steering, will they have the composure to deal with it? Even worst if something terrible happens I doubt they emotionally would have a good time dealing with unintentional harm or death to another person. I would never want to put my son in the position to deal with that kind of mental trauma at a young age.
Re: How young is too young?

What do drag strips or drag race sanctioning bodies require for young kids to race? Is there a horsepower or ET limit? Perhaps there could be a powderpuff equivalent series for male and female drivers under a certain age, where a season or two is completed before stepping up to the Sprint Cup of bouncing to build experience and spectator confidence.
Re: How young is too young?

patooyee said:
My post throws even the death out, really. My point is the liability from SRRS's legal POV once the death has occurred. I would be willing to bet that a jury of our peers would not see letting a 15-year old, male or female, behind the wheel of a buggy on a dangerous course of densely packed spectators the same way as you apparently do.

Hell, I can even see this in court: "If the people were in front of the blue tape why did you allow the race to continue?" Bam, SRRS's only defense just became their biggest liability.

This is spot on.
Re: How young is too young?

Looked like she was trying to save a roll as she drove out after it kicked left. If the video title didn't say it was Sydney, you wouldn't know her from any other driver that ran.

age is just a number
Re: How young is too young?

All I know is if my teenager died in a 800 horsepower machine (drag racing or hill killing) I wouldn't say, "**** happens, they were ready & had a good life, oh well" I would feel immense guilt from which I would NEVER recover... which tells me they probably too young... But, some kids just plan got it & can handle anything, so :dunno:
Re: How young is too young?

The 15 year old girl has skill! i would say that girl could out wheel me all day every day. I have seen her videos for some time now. Age is not the big factor. For me its maturity and skill. She has shown she has skill and she seems to be mature. Even with that being said i think a minimum age to race in the srrs is a good idea. This girl might be able to race but lets say some other girl or young boy is not but is still in the race and gets hurt then the SRRS will not be the same. Measures need to be taken now before a serious injury happens and wrecks the sport. I love me some bouncers but id rather see the sport grow and get better not die out in another year or two.
Re: How young is too young?

I think thats true regardless of how you lose a kid. Parents aren't supposed to lose kids. Its supposed to be the other way around. At any rate, bouncers are super safe for the drivers. Id rather be inside than outside. Obviously fire is the exception, but there are safety measures in place.
Re: How young is too young?

yankster said:
What do drag strips or drag race sanctioning bodies require for young kids to race? Is there a horsepower or ET limit? Perhaps there could be a powderpuff equivalent series for male and female drivers under a certain age, where a season or two is completed before stepping up to the Sprint Cup of bouncing to build experience and spectator confidence.
Jr dragster for the youngsters everyone has to get a licence 9.99 or faster.
Re: How young is too young?

I think it still goes back to jealousy. I've been waiting for someone to bring up the 6 year old driving the custom single seat RZR by himself all weekend. No one has. Cause no one knows him. Kindergarten ain't nothin but a number. ...wait.
Re: How young is too young?

LandSpeeder said:
I think it still goes back to jealousy. I've been waiting for someone to bring up the 6 year old driving the custom single seat RZR by himself all weekend. No one has. Cause no one knows him. Kindergarten ain't nothin but a number. ...wait.

Thats how old he was? :eek: He came darting past us, on the way to get some overpriced burgers. Little dude was weaving between other rzrs and rigs like it was nothing.
Re: How young is too young?

LandSpeeder said:
I think it still goes back to jealousy. I've been waiting for someone to bring up the 6 year old driving the custom single seat RZR by himself all weekend. No one has. Cause no one knows him. Kindergarten ain't nothin but a number. ...wait.

Because there wasn't a close call of him plowing a 3000lb buggy through a crowd of people. There is a big difference, in my opinion, of letting your kid drive your buggy up a trail VS. racing up a brutal hill with 1000s of spectators around. But that's just my opinion.

And yes, I am jealous.
Re: How young is too young?

ibrokeit said:
Because there wasn't a close call of him plowing a 3000lb buggy through a crowd of people. There is a big difference, in my opinion, of letting your kid drive your buggy up a trail VS. racing up a brutal hill with 1000s of spectators around. But that's just my opinion.

And yes, I am jealous.

I'm watching the race, my eyes are focused on one rig. I'm not watching a small group of folks whiz inches past me to get to another obstacle. They scooted past me at Tub rock through the crowd of hundreds and I turned and asked, "was that a kid driving that rzr?!", it wasn't until I saw video titles stating his is 6.
I still don't have an issue with this, I'm just saying, no one is saying anything about him. And your last post reitterates it.
Re: How young is too young?

creepycrawly said:
Since this is a sanctioned event, where you signed a waiver, no prosecutor would touch that as far as bringing criminal charges. Clearly there was no criminal intent. A civil suit could potentially be aimed at SRRS. However, I *feel* and this is purely my opinion, that you shouldn't be allowed to pursue civil litigation. Everyone here knows what they are going to watch. It is incumbent on YOU to stand in a place where you feel safe. If you misjudge that, you were probably too close. Everyone at the top or on the left side where the 2 buggies got rowdy was standing as close as they possibly could. Some were even pushing the boundaries that SRRS set to keep them safe. If you get ran the hell over, it's because you didn't leave yourself enough stand off and an escape route or sufficient barrier. If you don't feel safe and don't want to get ran over, watch the **** on YouTube where you can comment about how they have too much air in their tires. Law suits are killing America. I don't need anyone to babysit me. I'll sign away all of my rights. That way the only legal proceedings possible would be criminal. Obviously if you intentionally run over someone, even in a park, that's an issue but that isn't what we are discussing.

You obviously have never watched/listened/read any national news. Those waivers don't mean **** to an attorney or a jury. Stupid people will be stupid and still sue the **** out of someone even though it was their own damn fault for being somewhere that was clearly marked for their own safety.
Re: How young is too young?

Everyone get's to gas it - period ! :dblthumb:
Re: How young is too young?

Cool discussion. I like it

I personally love giving my daughter seat time. Both in my rig, in my truck and my wife's car. She's 11. I firmly believe like with anything else, there is no replacement for experience. Plain and simple seat time before she is legal and driving on her own especially with friends in the car can only better prepare her for making split decisions in an emergency situation.

As far as racing or driving in large crowds of people, I wouldn't put others in danger just in case she were to have an oops.

If they put a giant sign at the top of the hill being raced that said " It is possible a minor child may be driving an 800hp rig today out of control. Watch at your own risk" would there be less people on top of that hill?
Who knows?

I think this is put on the shoulders of parents to make good decisions
Re: How young is too young?

How's Nick the starter feeling? I watched him take a 200 mph rock to the side of his head after giving the starting nod to a buggy. 1 inch higher up and he might not be starting the next race. That rock came from at least 150 feet away and he could not do anything to get out of its way and the rock still continue to travel another 40-50 feet past him striking Keith's recovery vehicle. Stuff happens so quickly even for the staff. Hope he's fine today.
Re: How young is too young?

I think a lot of it has to do with this type of wheeling.

If you look at the number of close calls, they were across all ages. Bouncers run on a fine line between in control and out of control. We all know what happens when that line is crossed. That line was crossed a few times this past weekend....and I think a lot of people got lucky. It doesn't mean anyone is a better driver than the other, but....that **** happens in a split second. You go from in control at full throttle, tires spinning at 100mph, then they hook, then you go into the crowd. Your brakes and steering don't work when your tires aren't touching the ground.

Spectators want to get down and in the action. No denying that. But....I think this is where the problem lies. Either have more volunteers to enforce where spectators can stand, or pick a hill with more spectator visibility (this is the better option in my opinion), or set up some cheapo bleachers. I was way down the hill by the starting line and there were many good sized rocks getting thrown down by us. It's going to be tough though...and take some $$ for something like that to happen.

The series went to great lengths to ensure driver safety...and these guys are taking huge hits and walking away with a smile on their face. I think similar lengths need to be taken to ensure fan safety as well.

These are definitely growing pains of the sport. I mean...that GR event was huge. TONS of people there to watch this event. It's good for visibility of the SRRS and it's a good time. However, these places are a gold mine for a personal injury lawyer....and all it's gonna take is one to ruin a park, a driver, and the SRRS.
Re: How young is too young?

Instead of blue tape use vinyl orange fence. Cant go under it and if you hang it right not really anyway to go over it unless it gets cut. As far as liability is concerned, SRRS has the insurance to cover any mishaps, that's why they have it. It is the emotional liability that is the hard part. Someone has to go to bed at night and decide if they did everything they could to prevent an accident, even the driver and person responsible. That is the reason I do not like riding bikes and atvs with a passenger, I can handle messing myself up, it would kill me to know I hurt someone else. I also think it is a fine line as far as age and ability but the fact of the matter is nobody but my wife and I are able to make the call if our child can handle something. It goes back to the emotional liability, If i think my son is ready for something, I better be ready for the consequences that could possibly happen to him or those around him. If the girl has the seat time and physical ability to handle the buggy, most likely she will have the mental ability to handle it as well. I think as the sport progresses so will the actions promoters take to ensure safety for all involved.