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Race Safety - Was "How young is too young?"

Re: How young is too young?

LightBnDr said:
If they put a giant sign at the top of the hill being raced that said " It is possible a minor child may be driving an 800hp rig today out of control. Watch at your own risk" would there be less people on top of that hill?
Who knows?

Definitely a good question to be asked. I'm on both sides of the fence here though because idk what goes on inside some of these guys heads, but I guarantee there's more than one with the mentality "gotta be FULLY COMMITED" and hammer it and hold on hoping for the best. So do I think a mature-for-the-age (not referencing anyone in particular, I'm only 22 myself) younger kid will have a better mentality of don't get hurt, just make it to the top? As I said earlier. I don't know what goes on in anyone's head and who am I to make a decision based on people I don't know anyways.
Re: How young is too young?

I'm not going to go through all the comments and look for if its been said yet but the remote interuptor system on monster trucks will solve this whole debate. Case closed move on.
Re: How young is too young?

jneese9125 said:
I'm not going to go through all the comments and look for if its been said yet but the remote interuptor system on monster trucks will solve this whole debate. Case closed move on.

I don't think this will work. Bouncers go from seemingly in control to in the stands in a matter of milliseconds. Doesn't matter if engine is running or not once all 4 tires leave the ground.
Re: How young is too young?

LandSpeeder said:
I think it still goes back to jealousy. I've been waiting for someone to bring up the 6 year old driving the custom single seat RZR by himself all weekend. No one has. Cause no one knows him. Kindergarten ain't nothin but a number. ...wait.

yep when I saw this post I was already thinking the same thing.. I saw this kid in his little custom mini razor below tub rock on friday afternoon right before you and Ricky B showed up. My friend and I were talking about it when he showed up, awesome little razor but man we were thinking this kid is a little too young to be solely operating a vehicle. I will say his dad had him trained well. When they left he hopped right in line behind his dad and stayed 5ft off his bumper the whole way out.

I guess my concern with this whole discussion is how and if young/inexperienced drivers can handle the vehicle if something fails. Knowing how to react to unforeseen situations like a throttle sticking or a steering component letting go is something that only comes with experience I think. Reminds me of that video of TC driving Shelby's buggy when the throttle sticks right as he was pulling one of those U-turn maneuvers to keep from rolling over and within a split second he's headed straight at the crowd with the engine on the rev limiter. Luckily he had enough experience to immediately hit the ignition off to keep from plowing over people.
Re: How young is too young?

CheapJ7 said:
I don't think this will work. Bouncers go from seemingly in control to in the stands in a matter of milliseconds. Doesn't matter if engine is running or not once all 4 tires leave the ground.

9 times out of 10, rolling down isn't the problem. It's the uncontrolled progression forward. Killswitch would absolutely be substantial, regarding safety.
Re: How young is too young?

jneese9125 said:
I'm not going to go through all the comments and look for if its been said yet but the remote interuptor system on monster trucks will solve this whole debate. Case closed move on.
I said years ago this sport was turning into monster truck like events. Doing the remote kill would piss a lot of drivers off if the guy on the other end of the remote kills them early when they were trying to save it etc. I do however think EVERYONE should have a main battery cut off switch in the rear just like a race car. 1st thing you hear when someone rolls is "shut it off" running up to a rig and not knowing the condition of the driver is a hazard to everyone involved. I think this would help keep things a bit more safe and anyone going up to the rig can kill it instantly. Made this should be another spinoff thread...
Re: How young is too young?

kmcminn said:
I like it better you not here all the time.
Hahahah!!! Man o man... If u didn't laugh at that U may just love penis. Speakin of lovin penis hows tha Asian scooter crew JD? Dam u and ur power ranger lookin friends! :flipoff1:
On serious note. If I ever start arguing with Eric, or patooyee, please someone pm me and remind me that I'm dumb, they are smart, and that I'm gonna lose. Thanks.
My opinion, you build it and pay for it and u race it, if not then stand on the blue tape, or behind , hell wherever Yall said...
Re: How young is too young?

kushKrawlin said:
Hahahah!!! Man o man... If u didn't laugh at that U may just love penis. Speakin of lovin penis hows tha Asian scooter crew JD? Dam u and ur power ranger lookin friends! :flipoff1:
On serious note. If I ever start arguing with Eric, or patooyee, please someone pm me and remind me that I'm dumb, they are smart, and that I'm gonna lose. Thanks.
My opinion, you build it and pay for it and u race it, if not then stand on the blue tape, or behind , hell wherever Yall said...

Negative sir. I've been accused of being able to argue with a wall. So I'm pretty dumb.
I personally realize that these are opinions. And with, no side will win because most people leave still feeling the same way they felt when they arrive. It's just fun to banter sometimes. That's all a chit-chat forum is for. Banter. Let it out here, and not on your wife.
Re: How young is too young?

Wavers are signed..... Parents agree to let their (child or children compete in this sport).

Is it right? Is it wrong? That's the parents choice.

I am expecting a child in late Oct. of this year.....looking back at what my mom and dad let me do over the years......pretty scary, dont know if I could let my kid do some of the things I did haha...

In the end its a choice....its not your kid in strapped in the buggy and if it is.....you agreed and supported their decision.

Case Closed.
Re: How young is too young?

MtnGoat said:
Case Closed.

But it's not. Sadly in today's society it isn't even close to being closed. Its wide ass open....

Do I have the answers on how to fix it? No. Even if I did, I don't think it would matter. People in a general sense…are retarded; and I am just going to go ahead and say that someone IS going to die at one of these "races". When that happens…a driver who had an accident, a park owner who just wanted to make a good place for people to ride, and the fans who witnessed the accident will all have their lives (both mentally and financially for some) turned upside down.

This is America. You are free to do whatever you want and I am certainly not one to tell people what to do with their lives. But I am just going to say that this **** is getting REALLY dangerous, REALLY fast. All for some imaginary internet points.

This isn't (or shouldn't be) a discussion on any specific child (or grown up) driver. Sure it got started on one specific girl, but let's not get hung up on just her. I have seen way more dangerous **** done by grown ass men. It's really a discussion on fan safety at sanctioned events. Fans that sometimes don't know what they are getting into because they are just going to their first event. NEW wheelers. NEW fans. It is the responsibility of the business that is hosting the race to make sure those fans are safe…and unfortunately I feel like luck has been handling that so far. Again, I know they are trying and I know they are doing their best…but the fact is…it needs to be done better if this is going to last.

I have heard MANY times "I'm just gonna mash my motor and hold on and not let up until I'm broke or at the top". That's all fine and good…but someone other than a driver will eventually get killed because of how many people are standing around while they stomp on the loud pedal.
Re: How young is too young?

My guess is it won't be a spectator but a :tc running over to a flopped buggy to give him that bottle of water that's gonna get hurt/killed.....
I was intending to stay out of this thread, however, as it has not turned more to "race safety", I'll chime in.

I am not going to take sides anymore. Most know my feelings, if not, ask me around the next campfire or trail intersection.

But, PERSONALLY, I don't feel there is a place *I* can stand that meet my requirements. Safety and visibility. Safe and can't see, or see and not a safe distance if a rig has a throttle or steering failure, or a knocked out driver on the gas.

So, I have made the decision to not go to the events. Matt and Cole get in all kinds of risky positions to show the best on YouTube. Unless I stand next to them, I can't see as well as their camera. So, I just wait a day, and watch it on YouTube, and use the weekend to go and support my local park and "trail bounce".

There was a time where I really wanted to make the safety changes necessary in the sport. I have helped HPO add concrete barriers to a race hill. I have assisted at RBD moving the crowd WAY back. Giving better safety and visibility to all. I have started threads about safety and possible outcomes to the current direction.

However, I do not like the possible legal ramifications of helping place barriers and tape. I feel by assisting in placing the safe barrier, I am open to liability if the "safe zone" is not safe.

I live my life by a simple prayer, called the Serenity Prayer. It goes like this:

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next.

I used to think this fell into "Courage to change the things I can", but recently, I have changed it from that category to this "God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change"

I have decided I do not have the ability to change the safety and direction of the sport. So, carry on, I'll be out "trail bouncing" and watching YouTube while most are at work.
*gasp* Personal Responsibility!

FYI, here's what can happen when a driver is "along for the ride" (KO'd). Perfect use case for a remote kill switch. If this happened with a rock bouncer, imagine the rig rocketing across that space going 3x faster. That would have been seriously bad news.

Rock Crawler - Stuck Throttle
bgredjeep said:
*gasp* Personal Responsibility!

FYI, here's what can happen when a driver is "along for the ride" (KO'd). Perfect use case for a remote kill switch. If this happened with a rock bouncer, imagine the rig rocketing across that space going 3x faster. That would have been seriously bad news.

Rock Crawler - Stuck Throttle

A bouncer would have been going faster and would have ran over the other buggy. Just saying :popcorn:
So we need 8 foot tall concrete barriers, people to pass a "can you handle it" driving course, remote kill switches, and a jumbo tron or 2. Holy **** I'm tryin to save up for a motor! :stir:
Re: How young is too young?

Craig_c said:
My guess is it won't be a spectator but a :tc running over to a flopped buggy to give him that bottle of water that's gonna get hurt/killed.....

this is highly possible. how many times have we watched the "recovery crews" almost turn a buggy over on top of someone else?

Yea yea... i get it.
"These are volunteers"
"They are doing their best"
"You come and do it better, you big jerk"

Is that going to wash the blood off of someones hands when someones brains are scattered in the woods by a buggy who "wont let off the gas until hes broken or at the top?"

Not for me to decide. Also (like JohnG) why you won't ever see me potentially volunteering my life for race support at a Youtube video-making party in the woods.

Again, don't get me wrong. People can do whatever they want to...just be ready for the consequences when **** inevitably goes south.