Kansas-Kid said:
Is America the only country with lawyers?
Or have people in this country become wimps and think the system should protect us and care for us because we can't do it ourselves.
If you get hit with something or ran over at an off-road event and sue because you choose to be there and put yourself where you could get hurt then you should be publicly shunned and it thrown out of court. The problem is we let to many people get away with it.
Rock bouncing is an extreme sport and that's why most of us love it and I believe event promoters are trying to run a fine line of letting folks get close to the action and at the same time keeping them at a reasonably safe distance. However YOU have to take some responsibility for yourself and worry about YOURSELF!
To get back to the topic of the original thread Sydney did a heck of a job racing and I look forward to watching her race more and beating several of you at future races.
No, but we are one of the few with enough lawyers and a broken enough system that people can get rich by getting hurt.
Do I agree with it? Hell no. I think it's one of the biggest problems with this country. But I can't change that.
We are becoming (have become) pussified and WAY too PC (but that's a whole different thread).
Simple fact is that people tend to sue when they find out that getting their foot run over is worth $X,XXX,XXX. Or they get hurt, lose their job, and realize they have a family to support and find out that they can get $XX,XXX,XXX from Tommy Cameroon to "help" cover their bills.
Think of it like this… You go to an event thinking it's just going to be another day in the woods. Oh hey, I'll stand over here, there is no way that I can get hurt over here, there is a fence…a sign…and 50 other people over here. The guy driving the NEVERLIFTNOSURRENDERTAINTMONSTER2000 buggy decides that he wants to back up further than anyone has yet and launch the hill from bygod 16th gear with his datgum tars set on dig mode. His adrenaline is pumping, he knows he can make it and put on a good show. There is a crowd at the top of the hill, but they are far enough back that no one else has hit them yet…but that's because nobody has decided to take their balls out of their zippers yet ( :****:

). Well Jimmy-bo-bob loses control and launches his buggy into the crowd and kills your wife, maims your kid, and breaks your leg. You think "hey…this asshole used one too many whoopows trying to get on a Youtubes video." You can't work now because your leg is jacked up and you too depressed from the absolute hell you are living (which I REALLY hope no one ever has to deal with here), and your bills are stacking up. Mortgage is due, 250,000$ worth of medical bills are there, collectors are calling you every day.... Saul Goodman, the best lawyer in town, calls you one day and says "Hey KansasKid…I can get you about $30,000,000 from the guy that crushed you – his family business is worth 3 times that."
It's all downhill from here. Even more so with the new fan that came out with his kids for the first time ever because they think these weird buggy things are pretty dang cool and wanted to go see them jump stuff and see what all this hype is about. Welcome to America.
Again, do I agree with any of that? Not even sorta. I'm right there with you thinking people should take responsibility for themselves. But that's just not how it is anymore sadly. ESPECIALLY during sanctioned race events. Normal days on the trail – this isn't really an issue as bad since people aren't driving like this on a normal basis.