Re: Random Thoughts
Reconfirmed my dumbness of people a few moments ago.....(after reading all the above math stuff).
Associate in the back working comes up front says;
"One of my girls is selling donuts, a dozen for $5...would you buy a box please?"
Sure, lets see if I collected enough cans this week for 5 bucks.
"I figured your wallet would be bustin' at the seems!"
No....I use plastic and swipe everything.
"I do debit card, I don't have a credit card"
Why...those are nice to have and if you use them right you get cash back from things you buy. Its pretty cool.
"Well if you can pay it off every month you do!!!!!"
So pay it off every month then?
"Oh...that jus don't work for me"
Why not? You cannot just spend what you can actually afford?
"Well they only give you about 200$ cuz I got no credit"
Ok, so get a credit card and only put about $100-125 a month on it, then pay it off. Use your debit for whatever else you need. The more you use the credit card and pay off each month, the more money they'll allow you.
"That's just too complicated, if I need money I just goto the Title Loan get the money right there. I do it all the time and don't have no problems".
You know those places charge you a percentage on what you borrow when you pay it back right?
"They just tell me how many payments I gotta make and how much"
You might wanna look into that's your $5 (I showed her my wallet that had eight 1 dollar bills in it.)