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Random Thoughts

Re: Random Thoughts

That too. Work 2nd shift for a year and a half and never see your friends or family hardly... I'm on 3rd now and like it better. It's nice having nights off at home or whatever. Can sleep when you get home or later in the day if you have stuff to do. Weekdays off can be nice occasionally as long as it's a weekday and a Saturday or back to back, but I'd still prefer a Saturday- Sunday or Friday-Saturday on 3rd.
Re: Random Thoughts

6 days a week sucks too. I spend the 1 day off just recouping from the week and get nothing done.

I spent 5 days on a normal person schedule while I was on vacation, tried to go back to going into work at 2am wasn't happening last week. I'd sleep through my alarm or wake up before it went off and not be able to sleep. Luckily our company is very understanding and don't seem to care when **** like that happens from time to time.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Holy hell that all sounds shitty. I've always said seconds would be impossible for me. I enjoy seeing friends and family. I do an activity (ball/scouts/football/etc) with the boy 3 nights a week currently. Not sure how any of that would happen on seconds.
Re: Random Thoughts

I've been working 6 a days a week for 5 weeks now. I actually have just become a machine and wish that I could snort Coke a couple times a day with no negative side effects. I actually kind of enjoy working so much. My days kind of meld together now but who works 6 days a week if the money ain't excellent?
Re: Random Thoughts

rednecklights said:
2 weeks nights then 2 weeks days

Always tired

I think I'd like that... Working 3rd isn't that hard for me, I can sleep fine in the day. Sometimes my work week includes working 7-9 days in a row too, it'd be nice to have it broken up into 5 day weeks but that's not how a hi speed food manufacturing plant works. Depending on what rotation you're on you have to work 8-10 days in a row before you get 9 off for a week of vacation. We have to take a whole week since we aren't allowed individual days or paid sick days.
Re: Random Thoughts

blacksheep10 said:
Holy hell that all sounds shitty. I've always said seconds would be impossible for me. I enjoy seeing friends and family. I do an activity (ball/scouts/football/etc) with the boy 3 nights a week currently. Not sure how any of that would happen on seconds.

Simple, you wouldn't.
Re: Random Thoughts

94xjsport94 said:
That too. Work 2nd shift for a year and a half and never see your friends or family hardly... I'm on 3rd now and like it better. It's nice having nights off at home or whatever. Can sleep when you get home or later in the day if you have stuff to do. Weekdays off can be nice occasionally as long as it's a weekday and a Saturday or back to back, but I'd still prefer a Saturday- Sunday or Friday-Saturday on 3rd.

Work 2nd shift for 14 years.....LOL. I've only had 3 jobs since I was 15, all have been on 2nd shift. If you added every day shift I have ever worked together, it would probably total up to about 6-8 months. :wtflol:

I don't even have anything to bitch about, I'm done too used to it now. :****: works out good for going to school during the day though.
Re: Random Thoughts

Hopefully your going to school to get off second shift, :****:
Re: Random Thoughts

Nurse wife worked 7 on 7 off for a couple of years before we got married. She gave that up so we could have weekends and nights together. No wonder I don't get to ride anymore...
Re: Random Thoughts

poolman said:
Hopefully your going to school to get off second shift, :****:

Naw, I like it here.....Haha hell yes I am. I've got a pretty good job local to our area, and there is very little turn around here, otherwise I would have already been on 1st shift here. I've been here over 9 years full time and still only have like 35-40 under me in seniority. Lol. All the fawkers on dayshift are the ones that have been here dang near since the plant opened in '88.
Re: Random Thoughts

Even after I get my 4 yr business degree, there's so much politics here, it would be tough to move into the front office. So I may scout elsewhere and maybe even have to make an hour commute to Huntsville or Chattanooga to make the kind of money I want to make.
Re: Random Thoughts

Hail to tha naw. 2nd shift is terrible. Hottest part of the day on the production floor around 110* in spots, take over for the stuff 1st wouldn't do, big bosses hang around and hand out bs projects, they start all the new and temp production employees on 2nd with no training on how to run their machine or send the worse ones to 2nd, and did I mention you have to work every night?
Re: Random Thoughts

TacomaJD said:
Even after I get my 4 yr business degree, there's so much politics here, it would be tough to move into the front office. So I may scout elsewhere and maybe even have to make an hour commute to Huntsville or Chattanooga to make the kind of money I want to make.

An hour commute would suck! Nothing worse to me than to end my day late at a location an hour from home. Especially on Fridays.

My schedule isn't very easy but it's a lot easier than the 8-5 plus pretty much on call 24-7 schedule i ran when I drove a heavy wrecker. Working 100+ hrs a week whenever the phone rang was pretty miserable and highly illegal for a truck driver. If you're ever driving next to a tow truck, punch the gas and get out of the way! There's no telling how much sleep that dudes gotten.

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Re: Re: Random Thoughts

money_pit_yj said:
An hour commute would suck! Nothing worse to me than to end my day late at a location an hour from home. Especially on Fridays.
Ah, several do it around here because we are so far from badass paying jobs. Which is why I am in no hurry to leave where I am currently. I don't make badass money, but I live very comfortably.

My best friend commutes 80 miles, hour and a half one way, 3 hour 160 mile roundtrip, 5 days a week, sometimes 6 and 7 days a week during outages. He is an Electrical Engineer but I think his job title is Nuclear Systems Engineer with TVA at Sequoyah Nuclear Plant in Soddy Daisy TN, but he makes badass money for it.