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Random Thoughts

Re: Random Thoughts

6 years ago today I sat out on a mission to see how hard I could hit a guardrail on a sportbike......haha! Not exactly, but it is my 6th ampuversary! :JRich: booyang
Re: Random Thoughts

Why do people who live in house trailer with tarps on the roof go out and buy a brand new Vette? :dunno:
Re: Re: Random Thoughts

MoparMan said:
Why do people who live in house trailer with tarps on the roof go out and buy a brand new Vette? :dunno:
Priorities..... On an extreme level.

When I first moved out and into a 770 sq/ft house that the floor was falling through.....I had no problems buying tanks of nitrous weekly....eating out at nice restaurants.... Spending 1000$ on racing slicks every other month.

Then I grew up a little. Still spend money on stupid ****, but I enjoy a nice home more now.

With that being said....there are 2 dog turds on my driveway that I don't plan on removing anytime soon. LOL
Re: Random Thoughts

LightBnDr said:
I love seeing guys hit the car lot to negotiate and forget they left their sunglasses on their head then quickly put em on to negotiate with a salesman. It's cloudy outside

Lol march madness baby. Salesmen like a pack of wolves

I love negotiating with car salesmen because I was raised on a car lot. They never see it coming, they always hand me over to their manager and we laugh and chuckle. I am never unreasonable with the price on the vehicle, but will haggle and haggle on what they give me for mine.

Why is it that, EVERYTIME I drop the water hose, it hits on the trigger and the sunavabitch has just enough weight to lock the spray on right at me? I feel the need to curse it, like it knows what it's doing!

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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts

tonybolton said:
Priorities..... On an extreme level.

When I first moved out and into a 770 sq/ft house that the floor was falling through.....I had no problems buying tanks of nitrous weekly....eating out at nice restaurants.... Spending 1000$ on racing slicks every other month.

Then I grew up a little. Still spend money on stupid ****, but I enjoy a nice home more now.

With that being said....there are 2 dog turds on my driveway that I don't plan on removing anytime soon. LOL
I was about to say, ppl probably say the same about me in my 1,000 sq ft 2 bed house doing the same. Lol

tyldyl12 said:
Why is it that, EVERYTIME I drop the water hose, it hits on the trigger and the sunavabitch has just enough weight to lock the spray on right at me? I feel the need to curse it, like it knows what it's doing!

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

Happens to me all the time, unbelievable.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts

tonybolton said:
Priorities..... On an extreme level.

When I first moved out and into a 770 sq/ft house that the floor was falling through.....I had no problems buying tanks of nitrous weekly....eating out at nice restaurants.... Spending 1000$ on racing slicks every other month.

Then I grew up a little. Still spend money on stupid ****, but I enjoy a nice home more now.

Yeah I understand being young and having priorities messed up, but I drive by this place a couple of times a week and there is also another Vette (C6 I believe) and couple of other vehicles sitting there all times of the day. I'm not knocking them for living in a trailer, hell I grew up in places way worse. But I have to assume by the big ass tarps that have been on the roof for several weeks before the new Vette showed up that they need a new roof.
TacomaJD said:
I was about to say, ppl probably say the same about me in my 1,000 sq ft 2 bed house doing the same. Lol
With that being said....there are 2 dog turds on my driveway that I don't plan on removing anytime soon. LOL

Nah JD, I can understand living in a small house if you don't need a bigger one. But I'm sure you take better care of your place than these people do.

Yeah Tony, I know what you mean.....I myself prefer to keep my vehicles clean over cutting my grass. Don't get me wrong it gets cut when it really needs it but I don't cut it every other day like my neighbor. I actually tend to let my yard go just cause I know it pisses him off.

Few years back a guy about two miles away from me, had a neighbor get mad cause he didn't cut his grass every week. So he decided to let it grow and have a buddy bale it for hay. I think it got cut twice that year.
Re: Random Thoughts

Haha, that's hilarious! I have to do mine every 2-3 weeks during peak season but :****: my neigbor cuts his every other day.....it's funny as tell to watch him run outside and cut it in high gear if he knows it's about to rain.
Re: Random Thoughts

My neighbor is a yard nazi. If he mows today and I mow tomorrow, you bet your ass he'll be mowing the next day so his grass isn't taller than mine. :****:

My neighbor is outside mowing his grass all the time and keeps it crazy short. Pretty sure he just wants to get out of the house away from his wife.

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Re: Random Thoughts

I only cut mine on friday after work. If it rains, well, better luck next friday.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts

5BrothersFabrication said:
My neighbor is a yard nazi. If he mows today and I mow tomorrow, you bet your ass he'll be mowing the next day so his grass isn't taller than mine. :****:

MoparMan said:
Yeah Tony, I know what you mean.....I myself prefer to keep my vehicles clean over cutting my grass. Don't get me wrong it gets cut when it really needs it but I don't cut it every other day like my neighbor. I actually tend to let my yard go just cause I know it pisses him off.

Oh Lord..... I'm 100% relating to both of you.

I have a nice old lady next door to me that when I mow my yard you bet your ass she's out there the same day or the very next day mowing whether it needs it or not.
Re: Random Thoughts

Ha ha, Y'all have neighbors close enough that your yards touch :flipoff1:

No one on my road gives two shits about what the other people are doing. Of course we can only kinda see each others houses in the winter when the leaves are off.
Re: Random Thoughts

TBItoy said:
Ha ha, Y'all have neighbors close enough that your yards touch :flipoff1:

No one on my road gives two shits about what the other people are doing. Of course we can only kinda see each others houses in the winter when the leaves are off.
Haha that's right woodslife!
Re: Random Thoughts

TBItoy said:
Ha ha, Y'all have neighbors close enough that your yards touch :flipoff1:

No one on my road gives two shits about what the other people are doing. Of course we can only kinda see each others houses in the winter when the leaves are off.


Hell I don't even own a lawnmower, I don't have enough grass to even need one. A good weed eater, leaf blower, and chain saw is the extent of my yard equipment.

Screw living in a neighborhood where some jerk-off wants to bitch about what I'm doing on my property.
Re: Random Thoughts

I live next to a guy who owns rental properties and an HVAC company...we lovingly call him Sanford...as in Sanford an Son. Super nice guy, do anything for ya and works on my HVAC fo free...but his property is covered in old HVAC units, random appliances, etc etc etc. We have a nice tall hedge row between us an him so it really doesn't bother me. Anyway...as long as my yard looks better than his, I don't figure anyone can say crap to me! LOL