Suppose I can post a few more.
The belts I have are Y style uppers. We tried just wrapping the shoulder bar but there wasn't enough distance to put the V where it needed to go regarding neck room. Thus, over the bar and down they went (like they were manufactured to do).
Nice big grab handles, especially for once the roof goes on.
Originally we had planned two more bars on the roof which would go from the node in the back and V out to either A pillar. The decision was made that not only would it add clutter, but head room would be jeopardized. At first I was unsure of the single spreader, but it's growing on me.
Seats tied in to cage. Kept it pretty basic as suspension seats will go in down the road.
As for tie-ins, I said the next time the body comes off will be for back halving, so no need to worry about sandwich plates at the B or C. Since I had cut out a bunch of rust and **** where my old plates were, Mike was able to bend up some 1/4 plate and work a mount onto my slider where its welded to my frame. While he was at it, he worked in a way to bolt the tub in since I had cut off every body mount from midway back.
Back was simple, and we'll add a similar plate to secure the tub.
Just have to finish mounting the lap and sub belts and then painting shall commence. Then belly skid and anti-wrap and I'll bring 'er home