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Rigamortis - '81 Toyota Build

Ive just messed the big screw, which I thought was mixture..

I'm gonna do some more trouble shooting this afternoon
Dwill817 said:
I'm about to burn this thing to the ground and scrap whats left! :****:

I will give you scrap price for it right now and then some for your trouble! ;D

I'm kiddin man! Don't get discouraged stay with it, you got a good lookin truck man :****:
Found it!!!!

Broken wire inside the distributor!!

I went and bought a new dist. cap, rotor button, coil, and wires. And then found the broken wire after all that didn't work! Lol

Wish I could say it runs like a top but it's missin and back firing some. But it'll idle forever and rev up without dying so that ain't near as bad as what I've been going through..

Damn! I thought sirely the diaphragm was it! Same exact symptoms mine had. I also remember saying the exact same thing about threatening to burn it to the ground when I was working on it. Maybe you will get it slicked out, sounds like you've narrowed down most of it.

TacomaJD said:
Damn! I thought sirely the diaphragm was it! Same exact symptoms mine had. I also remember saying the exact same thing about threatening to burn it to the ground when I was working on it. Maybe you will get it slicked out, sounds like you've narrowed down most of it.

Yeah after I bought $200 worth of extra parts lol..

I'll figure it out.. Hoping to ride on April 9th somewhere
Re: Re: Rigamortis - '81 Toyota Build

Dwill817 said:
Found it!!!!

Broken wire inside the distributor!!

I went and bought a new dist. cap, rotor button, coil, and wires. And then found the broken wire after all that didn't work! Lol

Wish I could say it runs like a top but it's missin and back firing some. But it'll idle forever and rev up without dying so that ain't near as bad as what I've been going through..
Might need to adjust the main mixture screw. Maybe check timing?
Timing is good. Hanging out around 10-12..

I'll have to mess with the mixture screw still..

I start my 7 on tonight so it'll be slow to no progress the next week..
Boomtacoma01 said:
Nice looking build so far. Good luck on the Propane issue.

Thanks.. I follow your build on on TW and prolly a few other sites. I just don't post as much on those..

I like the Hardline folks!
4x4Freakie said:
nice! :dblthumb: good luck on the build


Doing a compression test tomorrow. I haven't even touched the truck since the other night.. I hope I can find the misfire pretty easy and my compression is good!
Well the compression check as follows:

1- 112
2- 90
3- 130
4- 130

Looks like it's coming out..
Okay so I found a 20r head, 260 cam, header, and 20r intake. Should be on its way tomorrow or Tuesday.. Guy couldn't ship it over the weekend & wanted to wait till his PayPal cleared completely which is understandable. Hopefully gonna pep things up a little bit till I can get around to getting a turbo on this thing :driving:

I spontaneously ordered a Nikon d3300 DSLR camera w/ two lenses (15-55mm & 55-200mm) last night!! It's supposed to be here tomorrow! Free one day shipping from Amazon! Really excited about it and I'm hoping that I can take some quality photos now! May even come and take pics and videos of some of you guys!
Well its been like 5 months since I've touched this thing.. I got married in May, started school back, and was working two jobs all summer. Plus its been too dang hot to mess with anything and I've been buying guns like crazy and shooting up a bunch of ammo so this sorta got threw on the backburner.

Anyways, its started to cool off some and I've been riding shotgun with some buddies and I've got my motivation back and a little time so maybe I can button this thing up and get to riding some..

I've made a little progress lately..

Bent up a shock tower and got those in. I cut off all the old brackets off the frame and got those all cleaned up. So from the cab back, its ready enough to ride. I'll either do some tube work or hang bedsides once I get it going again.

Its all painted and purdy now, but I haven't taken any pictures.


I've been working on getting my motor back together this morning.. Got this far:


Might get to crank it up on Wednesday if I'm lucky..
I rode along at HPO with my buddy and it put me back in the mood.. Maybe I can actually get something done this time.

I saw the videos.. your truck is lookin good!