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Rockwells make your sac swell!

Re: My first set of rocks

Front like so


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Re: My first set of rocks

Also a good idea like this


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Re: My first set of rocks

And front


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Re: My first set of rocks

Hubs are simple to flip I ran 6 1"1/2 bolts in mine and 6 1"1/4 bolts where your bushings go top and bottom of you knuckle ( make sure you run a tap all the way thru holes knuckles are already drill all the way through but not tapped all the way) then drive your wheel studs out drive back in other way take drive flange off then bust ur jam nuts off 3" socket pull bearing hub should slide right off grind down the back half of your wheel studs for clearance install hub and bearing turn hub as your tighting jam nut till it won't turn (to seat bearings back) back off jam nut till hub turns free reinstall drive flange :dblthumb:


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Re: My first set of rocks

I think he was talking about flipping them to the narrow position, in wide position , you don't need to modify anything
Re: My first set of rocks

Rockwells607 said:
I think he was talking about flipping them to the narrow position, in wide position , you don't need to modify anything
pic was just bolts installed before I flipped hubs
Re: My first set of rocks

Gotya , i like your buggy alot, pretty much any rigs with rocks get my attention ....I wheeled with show girl last weekend....that thing is just flashemifyougotem
Re: My first set of rocks

Rockwells607 said:
Gotya , i like your buggy alot, pretty much any rigs with rocks get my attention ....I wheeled with show girl last weekend....that thing is just flashemifyougotem
thank u sir yes showgirl is a bad bitch glad she from Missouri also
Re: My first set of rocks

What are you guys running for heims? 7/8 for uppers hold up?
Re: My first set of rocks

I ran 1.25 upper and lower with 250 wall links. I will try and post some pics
Re: My first set of rocks

Most of your bigger buggys are running 1 1/4", me included. But that is probably over kill. But you don't see them break so depends on how your going to beat it.
Re: My first set of rocks

I know what the "pirate" answer is, but I was looking at some cheaper heims. 1.25 I get to ride maybe 6 weekends a year but I plan and stockpile parts year round. So I don't really wear parts out just break them. But I've been in a spring over jeep so I've always taken it easy. I could turn into a complete retard when I get in a buggy. :dunno: I've just never been one to abuse my stuff.
Re: My first set of rocks

You will when you get on rocks. They make your sack grow. But really 7/8" Heims would prob hold fine especially on the top bars. I make the top bars smaller for extra clearance anyways.
Re: My first set of rocks

Elliot got pics of your rig?
On a side note who owns the csc poison Ivy buggy? I know he lives near me, talked to him once, I just wanted to know if he's on here at all.
Re: My first set of rocks

I see alot of 1.25 Heims but I have never seen a good 7/8 chromo Heim break, depends on your budget
Re: My first set of rocks

I run 1.25 lower and 7/8 uppers.

Started off with all 2"x.250 links. Rear lowers bent pretty easily. Bumped up to 2.5x.5" rear lowers.

Seems good for now.
So been doing some more reading my plan is to go pinion brake on opposite side of drive shaft. Ag ram mounted to tie rod. Flipped hubs. ? Rims, what backspacing with this setup? And has anyone welded in their own centers? Who makes a good budget rim or center?

You guys have been awesome with tech. Hell I even more ready for my rocks, I didn't know there was a whole subculture in the offroad comunity that was this cool.
Not sure how budget, but Trail Worthy Fab is a vendor on Pirate that does all sorts of work with rockwell wheels and basically any H1 style wheel setup.
I prefer a MRW steel wheel 10" wide with the backspacing centered in the wheel. They seem to bend less with that setup.
With 43" 14.50-17 tires its 94" wide with the hubs flipped wide.

I built one set of wheels using centers from here: http://www.mudprometalworks.com/wheelcenters1.html

and wheel shells from here: http://www.speedwaymotors.com/15-Inch-Wheel-Shell-15-x-10,28294.html

and beadlock kit from this guy: http://www.ebay.com/itm/DIY-BEADLOCK-KIT-15-6-16-5-17-CUSTOM-STYLES-SIZES-/290433344691?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item439f2d24b3



About 3.5" on the BS with the hubs flipped in. Any more and tire will rub on the tie rod arm on the knuckle.