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Rudy preachin SON !!!

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Obama is a puppet. Don't like that cat.

I look forward to reform in Washington. I was never sure about a woman leader but I think it just takes a certain type. She's so far given me a great impression and her record in Alaska with reform is awesome. She would be a great presidential canidate in the future.
When she puts Air Force One on eBay I want to bid on it so I can say I tried to buy it. LOL
I'll be one to say I don't care for Bush in office.... BUT---if the economy was better none of us would be hatin that direction. Can't blame the economy 100% on the president but he's a good scape goat.

I want canidates in office that aren't gonna take MY money that I WORK for... As it is there are too many welfare sucking drains on the economy. We don't need MORE wasteful programs. I don't need higher taxes!!! I take care of my own health insurance, I don't need to pay for government programs I will never use or benefit from. I do think some sort of help for those in need is a good thing but we do not need a socialist society and that's where Obama will take us.

Whaat the heck is he going to do about the energy crisis?? I like those T Boone Picken ads on TV, yes that man is out for his $$ since he's a big natrual gas guy, but WIND power and drilling on our own soil are two VERY GOOD ideas to start. Yes work on technology and provide incentives for companies that are making ennergy efficient transportation. This doesn't happen overnight. We need a transition to move into using less non-renewable resources, but in the meantime nobody will be able to afford the damn hybrid cars because our economy is taking a **** as we speak. In the past year from June 2007 through June 2008 the cost of living has increased 5%!!! This means in 10 years, $20 will be worth $10!!! Something needs to be done, and if we keep spending our money overseas we are giving them the power.

I'll be one to say I don't care for Bush in office.... BUT---if the economy was better none of us would be hatin that direction. Can't blame the economy 100% on the president but he's a good scape goat.

Bush inherited a NEGATIVE .01 growth economy from Clinton.

9 months into his presidency the economy was hit with 9/11

Since then the economy has seen 28 STRAIGHT quarters of economic growth and the lowest unemployment rate in 125 years.

If it were not for the STUPID, STUPID Ethanol mandates and some other big-govt type spending the Bush Administration has done, gas prices would not have spiked and the national lenders would not have loaned money to people who CANT PAY THEIR MORTGAGE.

If we could get the govt/ to stop messing with the free market (mortgages, fuel subsidies, etc) then the FREE MARKET would fix itself.

See what has happened with oil prices? Nearing 100 a barrel with a hurricane and a war in Georgia.

Point it, Bush has been good for this economy. Low taxes always win in my book. Don't let the media convince you it is all so bad.

I want canidates in office that aren't gonna take MY money that I WORK for... As it is there are too many welfare sucking drains on the economy. We don't need MORE wasteful programs. I don't need higher taxes!!! I take care of my own health insurance, I don't need to pay for government programs I will never use or benefit from. I do think some sort of help for those in need is a good thing but we do not need a socialist society and that's where Obama will take us.

We are already too far there and the current Republicans are also to blame...I lay a lot of it on congress and not on Bush though. The legislation that forced lenders to lower the threshold in who qualifies for loans is what has gotten us into this mortgage mess. Also, legislation that mandates the use of Ethanol. Crap. Total Crap.

Whaat the heck is he going to do about the energy crisis?? I like those T Boone Picken ads on TV, yes that man is out for his $$ since he's a big natrual gas guy, but WIND power and drilling on our own soil are two VERY GOOD ideas to start. Yes work on technology and provide incentives for companies that are making ennergy efficient transportation. This doesn't happen overnight. We need a transition to move into using less non-renewable resources, but in the meantime nobody will be able to afford the damn hybrid cars because our economy is taking a **** as we speak. In the past year from June 2007 through June 2008 the cost of living has increased 5%!!! This means in 10 years, $20 will be worth $10!!! Something needs to be done, and if we keep spending our money overseas we are giving them the power.


Boone Pickens is the ****. His plan is solid. The only part of it i am unsure of is how to harness and store wind energy. Yes, it works, but it only works when they are spinning and you cannot save the power.

That said, his plan plus a nuclear plant in every corner of every state and we will be able to say **** YOU to the middle East and let those ass hats blow each other to ****.
Something needs to be done, and if we keep spending our money overseas we are giving them the power.
That is exactly what a coworker and I were saying this morning. We as a country are becoming to reliant on other countries for our needs.
Agreed on all accounts Nolen, and I did know the economy was in a downturn when it was handed over. 9/11 was a huge hit to recover from, my dad is in the aircraft industry and there were customers cancelling all of their orders (airlines, manufacturers, etc.) It was crazy time but we pulled through it. The fuel thing you're right free market can/will fix over time but there's a monopoly since we import alot of it. Keeps price high and so why should the texans and gulf drillers be selling it for less than foreign oil? We give em our money---we give em our power. I wish we weren't so damn dependent!! As much as China helps us---they also hurt us. Mixing our economy with China is playing with fire and someday we may find ourselfs very very burnt. No way around it as so much of what we buy is imported... My company sells alot of product to China so we're taking the $$ back! laughing1

I'm not a hardcore republican, I would like to consider myself an independent and will vote for the lesser of 2 evils regardless of party. Doubt I will vote democratic canidate any time soon though because the democrat's socialist agenda is totally ****ed up. I feel Obama is the antichrist and our nation will suffer in more ways than we can predict right now if he is to win the presidency.
InDaShop said:
When she puts Air Force One on eBay I want to bid on it so I can say I tried to buy it. LOL

I did that on the bike Jay Leno sold on eBay for charity. I kept bidding, up to about $20,000.00, then stopped. It went for over twice that amount. But, fun to see me repeatedly in the bid list.

But, be sure to pull out, you have no place to park it. :flipoff1:
People forget about how bad the economy was when bush started in office. INn 2000 and 2001 the job market was terrible. I know I graduated from college then and had a hell of a time finding work. Some people I know went over a year without a job with a degree. I try to look at the job market as a good indicator of economic health, and it has bee really good for several years. The media is behind the current "bad economy" ****. Is it great, no, but is it not as bad as they make it out to be.
Great conversation... who said wheelers are just a bunch of dumb rednecks anyway :flipoff1:

Very well put Nolan !! thumb.gif
People like to hate on GW b/c it's easy to do and it's popular, the media and hollywood morons are doing it !!!! wtf...... In the past 8 years Bush has gone through 9/11, katrina and the war on terrorism. All i've ever heard from the media is hate'n on him for what he didn't do or did wrong in their minds during these events. it would be interesting to see what gore or kerry would have done in these situations, i'm sure if some dem. had been in office it would all have never happened.................
I normally dont get involved in political stuff, but since she was chosen to be the VP candidate I have been listening to what some of them have had to say. I really like this candidate, very American, real life person. she wasnt fed from a silver spoon by her rich parents...had to work to support herself and family. and she is pretty damn hot.

This cracked me up. The hypocrisy is undeniable.


On a more serious note, I'm really looking forward to McCain's speech tonight. He seems to be second fiddle on his own ticket now but I suspect a little POW reminder tonight will turn that around. The debates are more intriguing. Will Obama have to murder McCain to get something considered a win? Will Biden be able to exploit his experience or will Palin deliver a charismatic one liner that steals the show? I enjoy political season, heck I think it's neat to watch you guys get excited about your party. McCain didn't really do this, it's all about Palin, guns, and a few moose hunting stories. It's cool to watch. The platform didn't change at all, it's personality driven.

Edit: I think I heard that Obama is going to take on O'Reilly tonight. If you're watching the convention I think Fox is the channel to be on.
vanguard said:
This cracked me up. The hypocrisy is undeniable.


On a more serious note, I'm really looking forward to McCain's speech tonight. He seems to be second fiddle on his own ticket now but I suspect a little POW reminder tonight will turn that around. The debates are more intriguing. Will Obama have to murder McCain to get something considered a win? Will Biden be able to exploit his experience or will Palin deliver a charismatic one liner that steals the show? I enjoy political season, heck I think it's neat to watch you guys get excited about your party. McCain didn't really do this, it's all about Palin, guns, and a few moose hunting stories. It's cool to watch. The platform didn't change at all, it's personality driven.

Edit: I think I heard that Obama is going to take on O'Reilly tonight. If you're watching the convention I think Fox is the channel to be on.

"the platform didnt change at all, its personality driven. "

Dood thats funny as ****... I mean damn, this is a popularity contest right, not a run for presidency !! Seriously, Obama isnt were he is because he is " personality driven " Pffffffffft molaugh

I dont veiw myself a Republican, and honestly Im not "scared" of Obama getting elected like so many people are. But he is a ****in joke politically speaking, the only damn reason he was put on the ticket to begin with was because he was Black. I believe that whole heartedly. I do think they should have found a more qualified Black man if that is the intention of representing the Democratic party though. I mean they came out full on counting on the quote un quote "minority" voters. McCain played the card dealt found a woman and just happened to locate one hell of a woman to pick up those "undecided" minority votes.

he played the game better.... thats all. :afro:

Oh yea OBAMA SUX!!

Yeah, I'm not a die hard democrat. I'm registered independent and my voting record is split down the middle but this year I'll be voting for the guy that sucks. :)

Drill baby drill works for me too, it's just one piece of the puzzle. Both candidates say they are for drilling and both say they are for alternative energy, it's just a matter of which one the emphasize. I'm not sure there is any real policy difference between them. As for Obama being where he is because of his personality, I agree. He's like the Steve Jobs of politics with his reality distortion field. People want whatever he's selling. Me, I just object to the way the budget was handled over the last 8 years and was more impressed by the previous 8. :dunno:
vanguard said:
Yeah, I'm not a die hard democrat. I'm registered independent and my voting record is split down the middle but this year I'll be voting for the guy that sucks. :)

Drill baby drill works for me too, it's just one piece of the puzzle. Both candidates say they are for drilling and both say they are for alternative energy, it's just a matter of which one the emphasize. I'm not sure there is any real policy difference between them. As for Obama being where he is because of his personality, I agree. He's like the Steve Jobs of politics with his reality distortion field. People want whatever he's selling. Me, I just object to the way the budget was handled over the last 8 years and was more impressed by the previous 8. :dunno:

LOL, by that rational then you should focus on Congress... Dems have had majority as I understand it in the past 8 yrs that you object to. And I think that holds as much responsibilty if not more so than the Big Dawg.

Nolan or someone politically smarter, Do I understand that correctly or am I completely off ? Im not nearly as smart pollitically as I am currently interested. I used to not give a **** less. This year spiked my curiosity and honestly alot of that had to do with Obama... simply because I was like... " Who the hell is that " and wanted to know if America had lost its mind with this fellar with a funny name running for president. molaugh

He's said a few things I liked hearing... problem is if you dig in its obvious he will say whatever he and his party feel is neccasary to "win" an election. The guy has no fuggin back bone and stands for **** IMO. Its nutty to me that the Dems pushed him so hard KNOWING he has no background of leadership... yet they want him to be thier big # 1 , sorry I dont buy it. Yea he's a good bullshitter and a hell of a speaker. THE END.