I'll be one to say I don't care for Bush in office.... BUT---if the economy was better none of us would be hatin that direction. Can't blame the economy 100% on the president but he's a good scape goat.
Bush inherited a NEGATIVE .01 growth economy from Clinton.
9 months into his presidency the economy was hit with 9/11
Since then the economy has seen 28 STRAIGHT quarters of economic growth and the lowest unemployment rate in 125 years.
If it were not for the STUPID, STUPID Ethanol mandates and some other big-govt type spending the Bush Administration has done, gas prices would not have spiked and the national lenders would not have loaned money to people who CANT PAY THEIR MORTGAGE.
If we could get the govt/ to stop messing with the free market (mortgages, fuel subsidies, etc) then the FREE MARKET would fix itself.
See what has happened with oil prices? Nearing 100 a barrel with a hurricane and a war in Georgia.
Point it, Bush has been good for this economy. Low taxes always win in my book. Don't let the media convince you it is all so bad.
I want canidates in office that aren't gonna take MY money that I WORK for... As it is there are too many welfare sucking drains on the economy. We don't need MORE wasteful programs. I don't need higher taxes!!! I take care of my own health insurance, I don't need to pay for government programs I will never use or benefit from. I do think some sort of help for those in need is a good thing but we do not need a socialist society and that's where Obama will take us.
We are already too far there and the current Republicans are also to blame...I lay a lot of it on congress and not on Bush though. The legislation that forced lenders to lower the threshold in who qualifies for loans is what has gotten us into this mortgage mess. Also, legislation that mandates the use of Ethanol. Crap. Total Crap.
Whaat the heck is he going to do about the energy crisis?? I like those T Boone Picken ads on TV, yes that man is out for his $$ since he's a big natrual gas guy, but WIND power and drilling on our own soil are two VERY GOOD ideas to start. Yes work on technology and provide incentives for companies that are making ennergy efficient transportation. This doesn't happen overnight. We need a transition to move into using less non-renewable resources, but in the meantime nobody will be able to afford the damn hybrid cars because our economy is taking a **** as we speak. In the past year from June 2007 through June 2008 the cost of living has increased 5%!!! This means in 10 years, $20 will be worth $10!!! Something needs to be done, and if we keep spending our money overseas we are giving them the power.
Boone Pickens is the ****. His plan is solid. The only part of it i am unsure of is how to harness and store wind energy. Yes, it works, but it only works when they are spinning and you cannot save the power.
That said, his plan plus a nuclear plant in every corner of every state and we will be able to say **** YOU to the middle East and let those ass hats blow each other to ****.