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Rudy preachin SON !!!

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Cole said:
**** them to. I built 18 yesterday. Those bastards get heavy real quick.
Takes you a day to build 18, and I can ruin that many is way less time laughing1
P said:
LOL, by that rational then you should focus on Congress... Dems have had majority as I understand it in the past 8 yrs that you object to. And I think that holds as much responsibilty if not more so than the Big Dawg.
IIRC, democrats have had the majority in the senate for 2 of the last 14 years. I'm not sure about the house of representatives but generally trends along with the senate.

According to my foggy memory Clinton came in and the dems ruled it all until the first mid-term elections. Then Newt came in with his 100 day contract and took it back. The reps continued to have majorities until Bush's 6th year when they lost the mid-term elections.

That might not be perfect but it's pretty close. This is my key issue and I promise you, regardless of what kind of tax and spend message you may have been told, it's the reps that are spending the money.
InDaShop said:
Takes you a day to build 18, and I can ruin that many is way less time laughing1

I can build more than that, but I didn't have any 1 steps, thats the part that has the sidewall and beads in it. I don't build that part. Plus we are always running out of ****. We have poor ****ing management.

P said:
Damn son, your just an un-happy lil fella arent you ! :flipoff1:

Just one of those days. You know what I mean. Thank God for Hardline. :drinkers:
Cole said:
Just one of those days. You know what I mean. Thank God for Hardline. :drinkers:
I was looking for a graph that demonstrated when the national debt was incurred until I saw this. Then I altered my search for a more noble cause. This is what I came up with.
I don't even know where to start with you Little Woody, so I will just not start, you are not worth it.

Enjoy the Democratic party, it is as laughable as you are.
wngrog said:
I don't even know where to start with you Little Woody, so I will just not start, you are not worth it.

Enjoy the Democratic party, it is as laughable as you are.
Making it personal huh? I win. laughing1

Edit: BTW, you're calling me little. molaugh molaugh molaugh
ha nolen, I was just going to same something similiar.

Woody, I want to block your political posts, wish I could, I have already been somewhat ignoring them. Tech you ask valid, and sometimes questions no one esle would ask. I like that.

Now you say "taking it personal" Thats whats one thing thats wrong with America. Oh, dont take it personal, BS.
Politics, this country, and the future, I take very very personal. It effects, me, my family, and my money.
If you for one second think I dont take the platform of either party personal or I shouldnt take it personal, you are lost as well as the whole thing is lost on you.

If you are for more taxes, less money in your pocket, higher energy cost, and larger goverment then by all means have at. Though i think every DEM needs their head examined for being a part and support such idiotic ideals.

I am a farm boy from Kansas that now works for big energy in Houston, Texas. I don't even have to open my mouth and you can tell which side of the line I stand on. I wear that on my PERSON!

The Dems have worked very hard to take my blood sweat and tear earned dollar from me in "TAXES" and give it to those who are unwilling to work for themselves. Thats my money, and the fact that it is pissed away on BIG GOVERNMENT pisses me off, so yeah I take it personal. Maybe you should as well. We can call it "CHANGE", I think Woody needs to embrace the campaign of "CHANGE" though not the same as Obama is pushing. There is "Good change" or "Bad change". Woody I think you have it in you for "Good Change" come on over to the Grand Ol' Party we'll put cheaper gas in your Truck, more coin in your pocket each pay period, and security knowing we are on the offensive against terrorism, and not playing defensive.

Woody, take it personal.
Mrs. McCain is making a great speech at the moment. And man she is a pretty lady.
I hear you Wyatt. I'll probably lay off the political stuff, I'm certainly don't expect to change any minds, I just liked talking to P. When I said he took it personal I meant he launched into personal attacks as opposed to positional attacks.

It's all good, I don't get that wrapped up in what Nolen says, some guys like to be tough online. :dunno:
I try to stay very open minded... Im no Democrat,...and I dont see them doing **** that I have interest in . Basically like Wyatt said. They want more goverment involvment , taxes WILL go up , and the fact that most of them heavily support anything enviromental with total disregard to the public actually having and using public land really pisses me off.

You down with GOP, ya you know me ! :afro:
I am enjoying the convention, pretty good ****. After this why would anyone vote for obama.......wooody :flipoff1:
Just found me a few T-Shirts. These should go over very well at work. Union= Democrats
haha nice, I have "NObama 08" on one side of my bumper, and a "sportsmen for McCain" on the other side. Pisses all the teachers and earthy ****s off at app state.
vanguard said:
Making it personal huh? I win. laughing1

Edit: BTW, you're calling me little. molaugh molaugh molaugh

Little Woody. It is the name you are endeared with from your fellow wheelers who think you are a tool like I do.

I truly take it personal when people say they are off-road enthusiasts and STILL say they are going to vote for the Democratic party in an election. You sir, are PROBABLY a typical liberal that thinks those that have more than you should be taken down a notch so you can get even. It is laughable.

Good luck with Obama.
vanguard said:
I hear you Wyatt. I'll probably lay off the political stuff, I'm certainly don't expect to change any minds, I just liked talking to P. When I said he took it personal I meant he launched into personal attacks as opposed to positional attacks.

It's all good, I don't get that wrapped up in what Nolen says, some guys like to be tough online. :dunno:

If I recall you posted a few times in the CC gun thread, wait you started it......You do know obama is on the board against guns, outlawing gun shows, requiring firearms licenses etc. if hes pres, you might not be buyin no more guns to keep in the taco.