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Say goodbye to the General Lee

My buddy just bought a few extra flags on EBay. He said the seller had sold 800 flags in the last hour.

As far as a North vs. South civil war goes, as long as our military is in place, I don't see it happening again, ever.
AdamF said:
Reverse racism would be when a person of one color,race, ethnicity or whatever loves people of a different color, race,ethnicity or whatever based solely on that persons color, race..... Racism isn't just when white people hate black people, and thinking it is, is falling inline with the weak minded masses and race baiting, political correct hypocrites.

Not calling anyone out here, just stating a fact. :dblthumb:

Well it's not hard to see who that was directed at, so I will counter. Not trying to be a ****, I am just not going to be made to look like an uneducated moron either. You had me questioning my meaning of reverse racism for a minute, but here ya go. Granted it is from a wiki, but I am not writing a college paper so I am not that worried about the source, but it is cited where it was taken from.

Reverse racism is a condition in which discrimination, sometimes officially sanctioned, against a dominant (or formerly dominant) racial or other group representative of the majority in a particular society takes place, for a variety of reasons, often as an attempt at redressing past wrongs. It has been described as "preferential treatment, discriminating in favor of members of under-represented groups, which have been treated unjustly in the past, against innocent people".

source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_racism
85toyo said:
My buddy just bought a few extra flags on EBay. He said the seller had sold 800 flags in the last hour.

As far as a North vs. South civil war goes, as long as our military is in place, I don't see it happening again, ever.

75% of America's fighting force is from the 11 Confederate states... Who is gonna protect the "Union"... The limp wristed liberals? Seriously, 90% of Southerners own a firearm or can at least shoot well.... How many folks in New York would die to keep Alabama & Mississippi & all the rest of us rednecks in "their" country... Almost none... The North would be ****ED, plus, every foreign country on Earth would back the South with supplies
muddinmetal said:
75% of America's fighting force is from the 11 Confederate states... Who is gonna protect the "Union"... The limp wristed liberals? Seriously, 90% of Southerners own a firearm or can at least shoot well.... How many folks in New York would die to keep Alabama & Mississippi & all the rest of us rednecks in "their" country... Almost none... The North would be ****ED, plus, every foreign country on Earth would back the South with supplies

I would imagine that a very high percentage of the U.S citizens firearms are also in the south. Don't forget we also have Texas on our side and they aren't one of the original confederate states.
muddinmetal said:
75% of America's fighting force is from the 11 Confederate states... Who is gonna protect the "Union"... The limp wristed liberals? Seriously, 90% of Southerners own a firearm or can at least shoot well.... How many folks in New York would die to keep Alabama & Mississippi & all the rest of us rednecks in "their" country... Almost none... The North would be ****ED, plus, every foreign country on Earth would back the South with supplies

I completely agree with that, I have a bunch of guns and love to use them, as do most people I know. My point is, warfare isn't the same as it was 150 years ago. Since the liberals are obviously on the governments side, all it would take is a click of a button from someone in the White House to **** up any little redneck militia plans you may have. As much as I hate how things are and the way they're headed, I'm just thinking realistically.
pholmann said:
This country has turned into a bunch of candy ass, politically correct, pussies that bow down to every race and religion that isn't Caucasian and Christian because they don't want to be seen as a ****ing racist. This pisses me off and makes me ashamed of our country and the left wing liberal direction we are headed, which is a counter clockwise rotation right down the shitter. We have allowed a weaker minded, moral-less group of individuals shame us as a whole for being who we are and standing up for what we believe. Reverse racism is alive and well, and in my opinion has reached a new level that, in my opinion, has exceeded the old school racism. We (the working class people regardless of color) are now the slaves to the useless, lazy, entitled mass of complete wastes of oxygen that we have to work our asses off to pay for. God forbid we have or do something that offends this weaker group of folks because we want to feel better about ourselves because our great great grandfathers owned slaves. **** political correctness and **** welfare trash!!!!

What he said. thumb.gif
85toyo said:
I completely agree with that, I have a bunch of guns and love to use them, as do most people I know. My point is, warfare isn't the same as it was 150 years ago. Since the liberals are obviously on the governments side, all it would take is a click of a button from someone in the White House to **** up any little redneck militia plans you may have. As much as I hate how things are and the way they're headed, I'm just thinking realistically.

But you have to find soldiers willing to pull the trigger on Americans.
I was under the assumption that the "Kinder Gentler Hardline" was more about Tech articles turning into bashing articles and for sale ads turning into personal attacks. Trying to keep 4x4 related tech from turning into some bitch fest. I don't think it was meant to keep peoples opinion censored on other things like this thread. Maybe he has deleted some stuff that proves me wrong on that opinion but idk... I usually stay away from the hate threads anyway.

Ill leave the race bashing confederate talk alone... not my cup of tea. thumb.gif
AW10 said:
I was under the assumption that the "Kinder Gentler Hardline" was more about Tech articles turning into bashing articles and for sale ads turning into personal attacks. Trying to keep 4x4 related tech from turning into some bitch fest. I don't think it was meant to keep peoples opinion censored on other things like this thread. Maybe he has deleted some stuff that proves me wrong on that opinion but idk... I usually stay away from the hate threads anyway.

Ill leave the race bashing confederate talk alone... not my cup of tea. thumb.gif

To me this has nothing to do with race. It's has everything to do with the government and **** tard liberals taking away my freedoms.
5BrothersFabrication said:
But you have to find soldiers willing to pull the trigger on Americans.

The likelihood of soldiers fighting against Americans is slim to none. It's the ones behind the scenes that are already trying to take everything we have.
85toyo said:
To me this has nothing to do with race. It's has everything to do with the government and **** tard liberals taking away my freedoms.

I agree that our freedoms are slowly being taken away but the whole confederate flag being taken off things is because of racism. White dumbass kills black people in a church> john stewart talks about states still flying the confederate flag and streets being named after confederate generals who fought to keep black people from being able to drive on them> people start taking confederate flags off things> this post is born.

Not sure if he started the snowball on the flag but it was the 1st I heard of it. http://thedailyshow.cc.com/videos/kb2h42/charleston-church-shooting

If I was the company who made the general lee toy car id take it off too. A black person might buy a toy car for their kid if it didn't have that flag on it. They are just trying to make more money because stores wont sell it with the flag on it or maybe they aren't going to make it any more period.
pholmann said:
This country has turned into a bunch of candy ass, politically correct, pussies that bow down to every race and religion that isn't Caucasian and Christian because they don't want to be seen as a ****ing racist. This pisses me off and makes me ashamed of our country and the left wing liberal direction we are headed, which is a counter clockwise rotation right down the shitter. We have allowed a weaker minded, moral-less group of individuals shame us as a whole for being who we are and standing up for what we believe. Reverse racism is alive and well, and in my opinion has reached a new level that, in my opinion, has exceeded the old school racism. We (the working class people regardless of color) are now the slaves to the useless, lazy, entitled mass of complete wastes of oxygen that we have to work our asses off to pay for. God forbid we have or do something that offends this weaker group of folks because we want to feel better about ourselves because our great great grandfathers owned slaves. **** political correctness and **** welfare trash!!!!
easleycrawler said:
**** EM ALL!!!!!!!

Well ive laid the laptop to the side long enough and tried not to participate here. But I support the above quotes :****: Whats next? Are we gonna have to dress like towel heads to hide our white skin??
I guess if that dumb ass that killed those people in Charleston would have had the AMERICAN FLAG posted up, we'd have to change our Nation's Flag. It ain't nothing but a big croc of ****, they want to take it down because it offends people, what about the people it offends by taking it down. If **** offends you, well **** YOU, IM OFFENDED THAT YOUR OFFENDED!!!!!!!
easleycrawler said:
I guess if that dumb ass that killed those people in Charleston would have had the AMERICAN FLAG posted up, we'd have to change our Nation's Flag. It ain't nothing but a big croc of ****, they want to take it down because it offends people, what about the people it offends by taking it down. If **** offends you, well **** YOU, IM OFFENDED THAT YOUR OFFENDED!!!!!!!


I feel like a flag falls under freedom of speech. I understand that nobody has made the confederate flag illegal (yet) but id be willing to hash it out with whatever government agency tried to tell me what flag I can or cant fly. Im offended by people that are easily offended. Dont like my flag, dont look at it. I feel like I owe anyone who wants to fly a queer flag that same respect.
pholmann said:
Well it's not hard to see who that was directed at, so I will counter. Not trying to be a ****, I am just not going to be made to look like an uneducated moron either. You had me questioning my meaning of reverse racism for a minute, but here ya go. Granted it is from a wiki, but I am not writing a college paper so I am not that worried about the source, but it is cited where it was taken from.

Reverse racism is a condition in which discrimination, sometimes officially sanctioned, against a dominant (or formerly dominant) racial or other group representative of the majority in a particular society takes place, for a variety of reasons, often as an attempt at redressing past wrongs. It has been described as "preferential treatment, discriminating in favor of members of under-represented groups, which have been treated unjustly in the past, against innocent people".

source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_racism
I still think it's a bs term, racism is racism no matter which way it's pointed. ;)
A bunch of states are removing anything Confederate related, for example Tn governor Bill Haslam is having a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest removed from the capitol. I emailed him earlier, stating that Gen. Forrest was in fact the founder of the KKK, but he founded it to run off carpetbaggers. When the KKK started killing blacks, he attempted to disband it, but it kept going and he resigned. And that's the TRUE story, not the bullshit your fourth grade teacher told you.

I posted links to the governors that are rumored to have something brewing.You know, if you want to write 'em.

South Carolina




This whole ****ing thread pisses me off because I agree with the majority of the comments....
How the hell is it right that 3% (or whatever) can DICTATE what the other 97% think/stand for?!
Almost every social problem America has right now are directly related to the Internet. People have too much time now days to sit online and find any opinion that suits them, and instantly make it a fact. We have too much to in other people's lives via the Internet and don't spend enough time in reality and on issues that actually affect us.