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Say goodbye to the General Lee

If you think this is just about a FLAG or a TOY you need to wake up and see the reality of the world we are living in....our HISTORY is being taken from US! (ALL AMERICANS INCLUDED) If Americans started wanting everything MLK taken down ect all HELL would break lose. Part of what makes this great country work is the fact that "EVERYONE" is free to enjoy the protections of the Constitution of the United States of AMERICA.


FREEDOMS are being taken one at time and this Flag issue is just a stepping Stone!

If you want to trade your Heritage (no matter were you are from) to be politically correct....go ahead you are part of the PROBLEM!

This is AMERICA if you don't like it LEAVE....but aren't the facts that you can be free to do what you chose, be what you want and live as you please why peoples of all nations want to live here????? And have came here since our founding.

The Socialist party in Europe stated with this very same approach in the early 1900's, by removing statues and renaming city's in and effort to erase culture to push an agenda and as history shows we all know what happened next. The reason Eisenhower ordered the filming and photographing of the Holocaust was because he knew there would be deniers that would claim that it never happend.

Wake up people this is happening right before our eyes and the American people are being played. This is only one part of a larger END game, and the power the political class feeds on will stop at no end to GET IT, KEEP IT and GET MORE OF IT.
ftoy516 said:
If you think this is just about a FLAG or a TOY you need to wake up and see the reality of the world we are living in....our HISTORY is being taken from US! (ALL AMERICANS INCLUDED) If Americans started wanting everything MLK taken down ect all HELL would break lose. Part of what makes this great country work is the fact that "EVERYONE" is free to enjoy the protections of the Constitution of the United States of AMERICA.


FREEDOMS are being taken one at time and this Flag issue is just a stepping Stone!

If you want to trade your Heritage (no matter were you are from) to be politically correct....go ahead you are part of the PROBLEM!

This is AMERICA if you don't like it LEAVE....but aren't the facts that you can be free to do what you chose, be what you want and live as you please why peoples of all nations want to live here????? And have came here since our founding.

The Socialist party in Europe stated with this very same approach in the early 1900's, by removing statues and renaming city's in and effort to erase culture to push an agenda and as history shows we all know what happened next. The reason Eisenhower ordered the filming and photographing of the Holocaust was because he knew there would be deniers that would claim that it never happend.

Wake up people this is happening right before our eyes and the American people are being played. This is only one part of a larger END game, and the power the political class feeds on will stop at no end to GET IT, KEEP IT and GET MORE OF IT.
Well said!
I believe there are several factors in how we got here. I find it really odd that 10 days ago no one cared at all that battle flags were being flown in southern states, then 5 days later people are having a fit, removing flags from everything, talking about removing monuments, stores are banning the sale of the flag, flag manufacturers are refusing to create them and now the General Lee. I heard late yesterday that Georgia may stop observing Confederate memorial day, WTF? I can understand the reasoning on not flying the battle flag on state buildings but the rest of this is going way to far. At the rate this is progressing in a few weeks you could be charged with a hate crime just for possessing one.

1. when this all started to gain momentum over the weekend I told my wife this was the progressive leftist attempt at destroying the history of the Confederate movement. Why? Because the Confederate states are the only ones to stand up against the oppressive federal government.

2. The shooting in S.C. didn't gain the momentum they had hoped. The agitators went to S.C. and I guess they were told they were not needed. They didn't have anything to get upset and riot about so they turned their attention to the flag. I also wonder if Obama dropping the N bomb over the weekend wasn't an attempt to stir the pot even more.

3. I can't take credit for this one I heard it on Rush L. This is all a planned attack to neutralize the southern states as they are the last regional conservative holdouts in their way of "fundamentally transforming America."

I've had people tell me we could never loose the freedoms we have, but we can, and when they are taken an inch at a time most people don't notice until it's to late. I have no idea what kind of America my daughter will inherit but it concerns me greatly. In case you didn't know in the original plot to the movie Red Dawn the "invaders" were not Russia/Cuba it was the federal government seizing control of everything and eliminating the opposition.
AdamF said:
Almost every social problem America has right now are directly related to the Internet. People have too much time now days to sit online and find any opinion that suits them, and instantly make it a fact. We have too much to in other people's lives via the Internet and don't spend enough time in reality and on issues that actually affect us.

I try to tell my wife this all the time. We come home and after taking care of chores and what not we settle down on the couches and I look over and she is neck deep in Facebook or Pinterest or whatever she is looking at. She's constantly talking about the nice things other husbands are doing, or the trips other families are going on, etc. It pisses me off.

Scarecrow said:
I believe there are several factors in how we got here. I find it really odd that 10 days ago no one cared at all that battle flags were being flown in southern states, then 5 days later people are having a fit, removing flags from everything, talking about removing monuments, stores are banning the sale of the flag, flag manufacturers are refusing to create them and now the General Lee. I heard late yesterday that Georgia may stop observing Confederate memorial day, WTF? I can understand the reasoning on not flying the battle flag on state buildings but the rest of this is going way to far. At the rate this is progressing in a few weeks you could be charged with a hate crime just for possessing one.

1. when this all started to gain momentum over the weekend I told my wife this was the progressive leftist attempt at destroying the history of the Confederate movement. Why? Because the Confederate states are the only ones to stand up against the oppressive federal government.

2. The shooting in S.C. didn't gain the momentum they had hoped. The agitators went to S.C. and I guess they were told they were not needed. They didn't have anything to get upset and riot about so they turned their attention to the flag. I also wonder if Obama dropping the N bomb over the weekend wasn't an attempt to stir the pot even more.

3. I can't take credit for this one I heard it on Rush L. This is all a planned attack to neutralize the southern states as they are the last regional conservative holdouts in their way of "fundamentally transforming America."

I've had people tell me we could never loose the freedoms we have, but we can, and when they are taken an inch at a time most people don't notice until it's to late. I have no idea what kind of America my daughter will inherit but it concerns me greatly. In case you didn't know in the original plot to the movie Red Dawn the "invaders" were not Russia/Cuba it was the federal government seizing control of everything and eliminating the opposition.

Good to see another like minded person. I get made fun of for saying the same **** TO CONSERVATIVES and I get called a conspiracy theorist. To them I say :flipgotcha:

clemsonjeep said:
I try to tell my wife this all the time. We come home and after taking care of chores and what not we settle down on the couches and I look over and she is neck deep in Facebook or Pinterest or whatever she is looking at. She's constantly talking about the nice things other husbands are doing, or the trips other families are going on, etc. It pisses me off.


X2! I'm just as guilty with the innernets usage, but I don't scale my success (or lack of) off of the accomplishments of others.
ftoy516 said:
If you think this is just about a FLAG or a TOY you need to wake up and see the reality of the world we are living in....our HISTORY is being taken from US! (ALL AMERICANS INCLUDED) If Americans started wanting everything MLK taken down ect all HELL would break lose. Part of what makes this great country work is the fact that "EVERYONE" is free to enjoy the protections of the Constitution of the United States of AMERICA.


FREEDOMS are being taken one at time and this Flag issue is just a stepping Stone!

If you want to trade your Heritage (no matter were you are from) to be politically correct....go ahead you are part of the PROBLEM!

This is AMERICA if you don't like it LEAVE....but aren't the facts that you can be free to do what you chose, be what you want and live as you please why peoples of all nations want to live here????? And have came here since our founding.

The Socialist party in Europe stated with this very same approach in the early 1900's, by removing statues and renaming city's in and effort to erase culture to push an agenda and as history shows we all know what happened next. The reason Eisenhower ordered the filming and photographing of the Holocaust was because he knew there would be deniers that would claim that it never happend.

Wake up people this is happening right before our eyes and the American people are being played. This is only one part of a larger END game, and the power the political class feeds on will stop at no end to GET IT, KEEP IT and GET MORE OF IT.

This was well said and it's getting at my point. People of all races, some more than others, are trying to erase history to make it to their liking. Blacks are now vandalizing statues and monuments with "Black Lives Matter" and want them removed due to their place in history. Try removing a black history figure and see what happens. It won't be long and our money will have new faces on them. It won't be "All about the Benjamins" anymore, more like "All about the Obamas".

All freedoms are slowly being taken away and changed due to the push of so called "minorities". It's not about being equal any longer it's about taking over and our government is bowing down to it cause they have no backbone. In reality it has more to do with make them happy and gain voters.
I hope it all backfires on the donkey screwing elephants and the libertarians gain control. Just my pipe dream wish.

I wonder if they're gonna tell that black girl in the Confederate flag bikini that was posted pretty recently that she's gonna have to take it off?

Naw she needs to keep wearing it..that's the best looking bikini a girl can have

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99.9.9% of the idiots wanting the Confederate flag abolished will be upset by what this coon is sayin.....


  • COON SAYS.jpg
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Sadly, this is just the beginning of freedoms being slowly and methodically ripped away. You know why Obama and the federal government has pushed racial issues so much? Because they want civil unrest and a racial war. When it happens, they can exercise their executive branch authority and impose marshal law. In the end, it will result in citizens of all color, race, religion, or creed to loose Constitutional rights and freedoms. It's all part of a bigger plan.

I'm not a college educated person, so correct me if I'm wrong.

That's my theory, maybe I'm dead wrong or maybe I'm right on the money. Only time will tell. Until then, I'll keep praying, having faith in the one true Lord, Jesus Christ, continue to be a patriot, and continue to fight for the American People.....my countrymen.

Im with you. I think this is just the beginning of bigger problems to extend his term.
Thank God I am old, but I sure am concerned what my Grandkids are going to have to deal with.

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I know this is a very messed up deal and I HATE it. I'm as southern as they come but today's decision about gay marriage makes me sicker and more mad than ANYTHING America could do. That's sick as hell and makes me feel comfortable!!! Probably should be a new toptic or not one at all. Sorry for the derail!!
BPINAZ said:
Sadly, this is just the beginning of freedoms being slowly and methodically ripped away. You know why Obama and the federal government has pushed racial issues so much? Because they want civil unrest and a racial war. When it happens, they can exercise their executive branch authority and impose marshal law. In the end, it will result in citizens of all color, race, religion, or creed to loose Constitutional rights and freedoms. It's all part of a bigger plan.

I'm not a college educated person, so correct me if I'm wrong.

That's my theory, maybe I'm dead wrong or maybe I'm right on the money. Only time will tell. Until then, I'll keep praying, having faith in the one true Lord, Jesus Christ, continue to be a patriot, and continue to fight for the American People.....my countrymen.

The real deal is a sleight of hand trick. They're saying "Look at this rebel flag!", all while they are signing American rights away. Former obama chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel said it himself, "Never let a good crisis go to waste."