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John Galbreath Jr. said:
Jimmy had a great idea, put a tennis ball in the hole on the top of the cone, knock the ball off, the cone is hit, simple, no room for error.

Great Idea! You will probably need some ball chasers though.....
well big man.....
I knew someone would say this.........why don't you ask Jimmy if I've stepped up to him before and set him straight and since then, he hasn't showed his ass to me nor I to him. No one is arguing what Jimmy does, it's how he does it that's the problem. If I completly hated Jimmy, I wouldn't of had paid him to convert my CJ to propane. But irregardless of what he contributes, his attitude overshadows everything.
I wasn't there Sunday, but it doesn't take too much to imagine. I'm refering to his attitude in general and it's not just this comp were talking about.

Dont be surprised to be called out when you call someone out. You weren't even there, business is business and WHO GIVES A **** what you think...so someone looses their cool in a comp..its not like he asked yall to come and watch...people paid to be there to see a comp. And I hate when parents pull the kid card out...as if its my job to help raise your kid at a 4wheel park ???

Entertaining? yes..
Pointless discussion? Not really...I know I will have a fire extinguisher x4 or more on my buggy
draggbody said:
and for you penn, what about your little rant on primos a while back, is starting fights in front of women and children setting any different example for this sport than me showing my ass about a judges call??? you shouldnt be such a hipocrit... i am always myself, love me or hate me... i dont need different personalities for the company i keep...

Before we go down this road, your refering to the time Ben needs to ask you about right? But hipocrit, I think not. Don't even try to bring women and children into this... You were the one **** talking about my ex. from the top of primos in front of eveyone including your wife and kid to the bottom at me. Bottom line is, I don't take **** talking from people I don't know or respect. If your gonna talk like a man, you better be damn well ready to get treated like one and not try to run away and cuddle up in the fetile position and for the record, I haven't done anything close to this nature since then, not because I haven't wanted to, but because I have more self control than you. We're all human and we all get angry.... no one is gonna argue that. But it becomes a problem when you make it your everyday way of life as you have.
bbone said:
Dont be surprised to be called out when you call someone out. You weren't even there, business is business and WHO GIVES A **** what you think...

Didn't you just say "as part of my job on a daily basis is too defuse situations and be successful."

I see you do a very poor job at defusing situations and don't worry, like I've already said and sticking to it unlike you.... I have self control, so I'll be ready if anyone feels the need to call me out.
ok im confused... penn are you arguing a point about a situation you didnt even witness... if so STFU and climb back up randys ass... and for the record about your ex, how did i know about that??? oh, i remember, all of YOUR friends provoked me into it... either way, you publically showed your ass and i saw it, unlike yesterday when i showed mine and you didnt see it... you are simply trying to instigate a situation...
I almost forgot...

Another great moment of the event was Jamming to some colt ford with Randall Key at the bottom of Copperhead. He new every word :****:.

He did almost however take my leg off with a tree that kicked up as he was driving over it.... Good thing I had the monopod in front of me to take most of the impact. It broke the monopod in half and I luckily only have a bruised shin. No biggie ;D
not to derail this train but I don't know whats more entertaining, this thread or the actual racing. Congrats to everyone for making it out alive, hate that I missed friday and sunday. :drinkers:
draggbody said:
ok im confused... penn are you arguing a point about a situation you didnt even witness... if so STFU and climb back up randys ass... and for the record about your ex, how did i know about that??? oh, i remember, all of YOUR friends provoked me into it... either way, you publically showed your ass and i saw it, unlike yesterday when i showed mine and you didnt see it... you are simply trying to instigate a situation...

Not really much to be confused about Jimmy..... you and your buddy Ben need to go work on defussing situations together. I already said I wasn't talking about Sunday and I wasn't there... I'm talking about your shitty attitude which is 99% of the time on any day of the week. I could care less about how you showed your ass on Sunday... like it would be any different on any other day of the week or any other temper tantrum you have after any event.

Yea, I would say you did see how I showed my ass almost 2 years ago... being that it was you I was tossing around. It doesn't matter you didn't know what was going on in my personal life, you said so yourself one shouldn't start fights in front of women and children.. how is **** talking about them any different.. goes show how much respect you have for individuals period. It's your own fault you can be so easily manipulated if you can't be a man and take responsibility.

I'm not trying to instigate anything, I'm only backing Brad on you being an ass hole all the time and answering your and Ben's rediculous comments. I wasn't even going to bring up what took place 2 years ago between you and I, but your making yourself look like a fool now and digging yourself a deeper hole.
BustedKnucklefilms said:
Maybe I should post the video........Could be the next youtube hit :dunno:

You don't have a hair on you ass if you don't post it. Hell, I can already see the re-makes set to music, like the Huntsville rapist.
Might as well set it to mute. Youtube makes you censor it so for Jimmy it will most likely be one big BEEEEEEP. ;D
Well I for 1 had a ball this past weekend . I didnt have my rig there I was co driving with jonboy in the big red buggy . I think everything went pretty well with the exeption of Jonboy breaking the **** out of the buggy ! I cant wait for next year . TO the guys comment about its not his job to raise kids at an offroad park . My daughter was in the parking lot and said she could hear Jimmy cussing and raising cane when he rolled . We are all grown folks . Lets act like it !