I think people are not remembering that this is a close-knit community of wheelers and if we aren't friends already will probably meet up someday. I wish that everyone would remember the Golden Rule and treat others with respect and if you feel you can not don't say anything at all. Regardless of who started it, be a man and continue it, if you must, with respect. One will command more respect for themselves in the future by apologizing to those who they disrespected in the past.
Jimmy, do you believe that anyone was out to specifically denegrate your efforts last weekend? If not, I would suggest that they were not deserving of such a tongue lashing as I know you are capable of dishing out. If so, I would suggest you take it up with them in a respectful, if not private, manner. The purpose of a forum is to ignite constructive discussion. That is not what is happening here and it stems from disrespect. If you have an issue with the rules and how they were handled I would suggest that you expend more effort on respectfully discussing how they can be improved in the future.
All the people who would disown Jimmy as a result of his actions I would suggest that you look back to the past and recall all the good times you have had with him and remember that he's actually a pretty hilarious, intelligent guy who happens to have a hot temper. I've been friends with him a long time and while I do not agree with the way that he handles arguments sometimes, I feel that I am a better person for having known him and will continue to be a better person for continuing to know him.
J. J.
PS: The tennis ball on the cone is one of those Ahha! ideas that is so simple that its absurd. You could tie the ball to a stick inside the cone with a loose piece of string or wire to prevent chasing it around the hills. That or just have my dog to your event, he'll gladly chase tennis balls until he drops dead of exhaustion, literally. He works cheap, too.