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1TONZR2 said:
anyone have videos of me?

I might have a few thumb.gif.

If any of the racers would like a video of just them I can do that for a small fee. I can even do sponsorship videos (a video of your rig to show off to potential sponsors).

I think people are not remembering that this is a close-knit community of wheelers and if we aren't friends already will probably meet up someday. I wish that everyone would remember the Golden Rule and treat others with respect and if you feel you can not don't say anything at all. Regardless of who started it, be a man and continue it, if you must, with respect. One will command more respect for themselves in the future by apologizing to those who they disrespected in the past.

Jimmy, do you believe that anyone was out to specifically denegrate your efforts last weekend? If not, I would suggest that they were not deserving of such a tongue lashing as I know you are capable of dishing out. If so, I would suggest you take it up with them in a respectful, if not private, manner. The purpose of a forum is to ignite constructive discussion. That is not what is happening here and it stems from disrespect. If you have an issue with the rules and how they were handled I would suggest that you expend more effort on respectfully discussing how they can be improved in the future.

All the people who would disown Jimmy as a result of his actions I would suggest that you look back to the past and recall all the good times you have had with him and remember that he's actually a pretty hilarious, intelligent guy who happens to have a hot temper. I've been friends with him a long time and while I do not agree with the way that he handles arguments sometimes, I feel that I am a better person for having known him and will continue to be a better person for continuing to know him.

J. J.

PS: The tennis ball on the cone is one of those Ahha! ideas that is so simple that its absurd. You could tie the ball to a stick inside the cone with a loose piece of string or wire to prevent chasing it around the hills. That or just have my dog to your event, he'll gladly chase tennis balls until he drops dead of exhaustion, literally. He works cheap, too. :)
the neutral drop was EPIC!!! the winch broke and john was going to fix it, i told him dont worry w/ it... all went silent, as all i heard was john tell gary that we are gonna get this mother ****er to the top or break it trying... gary backs up a little, john tells him to power break it a little, next thing you know all that was heard was him revving the **** out of it in neutral and WHAM!!!! he went for it, and up he went!!! classic white trash moment!!!!
What was epic was Brad putting the cone in the middle of the trail at the top of primos and Cone Crushing Randall came up like he want to knock it off the mountain!!! :****: Good times :dblthumb:
My pics are up. Joe contact me about any you want to use for the site. thumb.gif








Nice pictures Matt :****: :woot: :woot: :woot:. You and RickyB really know where to get the action shots!
musselman said:
Damn Bubba You forgot to tell Mahan about the tree at the top. :wtflol: Looks like alot of fun
That O'l Coon Dog rig of his looks for tree's to climb! :****:
so i thought there was supposed to be a red cherokee on 49's in this event but i dont see the first picture of it..... i take it that it didnt show?
Yeah we had several that didn't show. We gave out all the remaining shirts to the teams to try to get them some dry stuff to wear Sunday.

Jimmy, you went over, you caught fire, your run was called, end of story.

We will be making the changes for next year to make everything better. The tennis ball on the cone is in as is the time penalties instead of points. We will also have a LOT of clarification on everything else from winching to boundaries to anything else.

It was a lot of work putting this thing on and I want to do it all again. I for one can't wait to see the DVD out of this. I might even have to grab a beer for that! I should be updating the website this week.

Brad, Steve, Mark I want to personally thank you guys for being there and helping is get this thing done. Thank you
Brad, Matt was tellin me you were trying to get him to take a picture of you with someone (or something) on the Gauntlet for you avatar.......what was that all about? :wtflol:
exocaged said:
Jimmy, you went over, you caught fire, your run was called, end of story.
even though you said i was clear to go, you told everyone to stand back, YOU said that... make sure your story is consistant... that is my main issue, there was no decision maker, i asked you numerous times about clarification and you said "i dont know how they are doing it".... ****, if you dont know, who the hell should...