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Snakes this year?

Huge snake, prolly a king, was smashed all kinds of ways this morning on the way to work. Had to be all of 5' long.
I hate that, they keep the copperhead population down.
Yeh, I like seeing those big non-poisonous snakes around. We have a bunch of big black rat snakes on our property....... never seen a copperhead there. Unfortunately the timber rattlers get too damn big for the king snakes to eat.
joho75287 said:
And they stink to high heaven as well...really, they produce a funk that is like none other...

You ever smelled a copper head? Same thing they are disgusting. I've smelled them before I've seen them before riding in coppenger cove and around the farm.
jeeptj99 said:
You ever smelled a copper head? Same thing they are disgusting. I've smelled them before I've seen them before riding in coppenger cove and around the farm.

Guess I haven't...or if I did maybe I thought I was just smelling another cottonmouth...if they are close in the stench dept.
If I smell that odoriferous emanation I generally cautiously leave the area and don't go turning over logs and rocks! LOL :****:
Re: Re: Snakes this year?

Bumpers said:
This water moccasin was taking a nap in my garage

Also caught a black racer the other day about 6ft long

I hope you don't live near your old shop cause that is way to close to my house to be getting snakes like that!!!!!!!
Re: Re: Re: Snakes this year?

money_pit_yj said:
I hope you don't live near your old shop cause that is way to close to my house to be getting snakes like that!!!!!!!
Hey take them to Church and shake them:o
No worries im back in ms now.. I never seen any snakes around that area up there... maybe all the :JRich: keep em ran off laughing1
Bumpers said:
No worries im back in ms now.. I never seen any snakes around that area up there... maybe all the :JRich: keep em ran off laughing1

Even the snakes don't wanna be around them... :****:
MoonlightRacing77 said:
I accidentally Ran over a 3 1/2ft copperhead mowing the lawn today. I didn't mean to hit it :dunno:

I LOL'd.
It seems like copperheads are attracted to blades. Must be a metal/copper magnetic attraction
LandSpeeder said:
I LOL'd.
It seems like copperheads are attracted to blades. Must be a metal/copper magnetic attraction
He was hauling ass across the lawn. Then decided to stop and coil up right in the front of my path.
LandSpeeder said:
Ef a snake. Done seen two copperheads walking the dog and the other in my sisters front yard. and ran over some kinda snake last week. Seen a few dead on roads. I rarely ever see rattlers in the wild like I used to when I mtn biked.
Dayum, thats scary! If I EVER see a couple of snakes walking a dog I'm gonna lock myself in the house and never come out!
Found this guy this morning when I got to work.

The Luke. Lebanon, TN
I dunno know bout that one Drue. Fuker may kill ur ass. Looks like it any. Wonder wat kind it was? Fuker was big. Wooo weee ..
This was in driveway under the Sami interior I pulled out. Was just chillin. Any body know wat it is?? Hope it ain't a bad one. I let it live. I don't mind snakes. Except tha ones that will FAWK ya up, they suck.
creepycrawly said:
Man, that dude was harmless and would eat tons of rats!
I agree. I showed up at work and the boss found him in the bug trap right before we got there. He's terrified of snakes so his solution was a shovel. When it wrapped around the handle he dropped it in the middle of the floor and left it for us to deal with.

The Luke. Lebanon, TN
Guess I spoke too soon about not seeing too many in North TX yet...got a call at work yesterday from my wife. Big old rat snake on the back patio. Told her to leave it be and let it do it's job in the shrubs along the house and keep the field mice away.