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Snakes this year?

joho75287 said:
Guess I spoke too soon about not seeing too many in North TX yet...got a call at work yesterday from my wife. Big old rat snake on the back patio. Told her to leave it be and let it do it's job in the shrubs along the house and keep the field mice away.
Good on ya mate
jeff150 said:
Kush, I thought everyone knows when identifying snakes if it ain't rattling then it must be a cobra.

I'm reading this from the bathroom stall at work... The folks next to me prolly thinks I'm a freak. :****:
This is qll I ever see up here. Trying to trim my bush and found him.
Tupelo. Next door neighbor has had 4 different ones crawling around on his back porch.
Been looking at pics and have not seen any with that particular pattern on them yet.

Let a huge black rat snake and a really shy King about 4' long go today while i was working in the yard but the copperhead in my driveway when I got home tonight had to die!!
Me like that last sentence the best.

FEEDING HABITS: Black kingsnakes are active almost exclusively by day, but are most active in the morning during the summer. They are strong constrictors and consume a variety of prey including snakes, lizards, rodents, birds, and turtle eggs. Kingsnakes are resistant to the venom of pit-vipors and they readily eat copperheads, cottonmouths, and rattlesnakes.

I about pissed on a rattle snake at HPO during the poker run, I was less than a foot away from it when I seen it and was in mid stream

Joe Eck
easleycrawler said:
My pucker string would have released, and the **** would have been flowing.

That was a funny one!
Not bad in SE Tenn yet, wife saw a big black snake near our property a week ago, and I hit some kind of snake with the diesel a couple days ago on the road but other than that were looking pretty good.
Only good snake is a dead snake. I have a cat to eat the mice that show up, no snakes welcome!!!
blugreenformula said:
That was a funny one!
Not bad in SE Tenn yet, wife saw a big black snake near our property a week ago, and I hit some kind of snake with the diesel a couple days ago on the road but other than that were looking pretty good.
Only good snake is a dead snake. I have a cat to eat the mice that show up, no snakes welcome!!!

bull **** they aren't bad here yet lol. We found two in our warehouse this morning. Two black snakes about foot long. the jokers here wanted to kill em.
jeeptj99 said:
bull **** they aren't bad here yet lol. We found two in our warehouse this morning. Two black snakes about foot long. the jokers here wanted to kill em.
Cool, you keep them there with you, my little cube in Dunlap has been good so far!
Last night I was upa t my parents working on my jeep with my dad and a friend of mine. My friend had to go down to his truck and grab something on his way back we here him start hollering and carrying on. Dad and me go running out there and he had stepped on a copperhead that was about a foot long or so. luckily he still had his steel toed boots on and the snake was small enough that it couldn't go through the boots because it actually bit him. moral of the story carry a flash light when walking out side at night.