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so i got pulled over today for being to tall

Money mark is having withdrawls because his boyfriend left him for someone with a street legal rig... :fawkdancesmiley::fawkdancesmiley:

hmm I think I saw it today as well!: :fawkdancesmiley: :redneck: :redneck: :D :haha: :haha: :haha: :fawkdancesmiley:

How the hell?:eeek: That's awesome!:haha:
but a cop at my church said kinda the best answer, "its at the officers discretion"

Not true at all!!! Things like this give many cops a bad name. There are written laws for a reason and one of those reasons is so some cops can't make **** up as they go. The laws are the laws and the officer must try to interpret the laws but it's the judge that must make the decision if the officer made the right call....It's not up to the cop at all.
Not true at all!!! Things like this give many cops a bad name. There are written laws for a reason and one of those reasons is so some cops can't make **** up as they go. The laws are the laws and the officer must try to interpret the laws but it's the judge that must make the decision if the officer made the right call....It's not up to the cop at all.

So the next time a cop stops you and wants to let you go with a warning are you going insist that he instead issue you a proper citation as his duty requires?
So the next time a cop stops you and wants to let you go with a warning are you going insist that he instead issue you a proper citation as his duty requires?

That's not the content of what I wrote....Meaning it's not up to the cops discretion to make laws or standards.
Myself I don't break the law so I don't worry about it but if I did I would accept the ticket without bitching about it.
And BTW a cops duty doesn't require him to write a ticket.
Not true at all!!! Things like this give many cops a bad name. There are written laws for a reason and one of those reasons is so some cops can't make **** up as they go. The laws are the laws and the officer must try to interpret the laws but it's the judge that must make the decision if the officer made the right call....It's not up to the cop at all.

So the next time a cop stops you and wants to let you go with a warning are you going insist that he instead issue you a proper citation as his duty requires?

That's not the content of what I wrote....Meaning it's not up to the cops discretion to make laws or standards.
Myself I don't break the law so I don't worry about it but if I did I would accept the ticket without bitching about it.
And BTW a cops duty doesn't require him to write a ticket.

That's just it. People who give a **** at least TRY to follow laws, give common courtesy, and respect other people. Therefore they very rarely have conflict.

Being that he goes to CHURCH he should understand this. Your supposed to at least try. Not cop an attitude and say: "This is what I want some people like it some don't, tough titties". It doesn't mean your perfect, just try.

So after a week of BS, what have you decided you're going to change to attempt to comply with these laws?
for starters, if you guys would read his original post he wasn't even complaining. he never said anything derogatory about the sheriff or even said that the ticket was BS. He isnt even going to fight the ticket now that he knows the law and see's that his truck was in fact illegal. all he did was ask for the facts on the bumper laws because the sheriff gave him a code that I looked up and it was for lowered vehicle laws.

That's just it. People who give a **** at least TRY to follow laws, give common courtesy, and respect other people. Therefore they very rarely have conflict.

can you link to me any kind of example where he has been disrespectful? 20 bucks says you cant. He is one of, if not thee, most courteous and respectful people I've ever met. This is the first time I've ever heard of him being pulled over in the 4-5 years I've known him. He obvously TRIED to follow the law, otherwise he wouldnt have asked multiple cops about his truck being legal. Obviously he learned that it was a mistake to take the word of a cop as written law and just wanted help finding the actual written laws, in full. He lives near me, and you've been through this podunk town so you know exactly how small it is. There's a LOT of lifted trucks considering the small population, including a handful that are bigger then his truck. neither of us have ever seen or even heard of anyone having an issue with their lifted trucks around here.

Being that he goes to CHURCH he should understand this. Your supposed to at least try. Not cop an attitude and say: "This is what I want some people like it some don't, tough titties". It doesn't mean your perfect, just try.

I believe when he said that, it was taken the wrong way, or out of context. he was just saying that he bought it cause that's what he wanted and some of the guys here hate big lifted street trucks so they bash on him for having one, but he doesn't care if people don't like it. He wasnt saying he doesnt care if its legal or not.
I didn't quote him refering to people with respect. :eeek: It may sometimes come off as something else but I usually am speaking about "everyone" while making generalized statments. Or I would quote them directly.

I'm sure he is a nice guy and will "try" to comply with the laws that he is now aware of.

Life goes on, and damn it I think I owe you some beerz on me cuz you had to read all my drivel.

this is off topic a little, but has anyone received a ticket for exhaust modifications to their rig?
this is off topic a little, but has anyone received a ticket for exhaust modifications to their rig?
not personally, but i know they used to set up in little naches, and write lots of them.

they also tried to say flowmaster's werent legal. that they were a straight through design....friggin morons.:looser:
this is off topic a little, but has anyone received a ticket for exhaust modifications to their rig?

I got a ticket and turned around at Funny Rocks in my CJ-5 with a cherry bomb several years ago. Went down to Yakima, had a muffler put on paid the ticket.

Got a noise ticket on the quad at Sand Lake, they put a decible meter to it.

Got pulled over for exhaust being to loud and dropping to far forward of the axle on one truck, but argued because it was a truck it didn't need to go over the axle. Don't know if it was true or not, but I got let go with a warning. :D
this is off topic a little, but has anyone received a ticket for exhaust modifications to their rig?

Got a defective exhaust ticket years ago in Ruston. It was very loud, but it exited past the last opening window. Defective exhaust is listed as exiting befor ethe last opening window (fumes come it).

He should have wrote me for "noise pullution" as Ruston has a noise ordinance cuz of the homies with bass.

Bad cop, no donut. Judge dismissed it.:beer:
i had a 77 dodge power wagon on 38's when i was way young...
it had a built 440 with blown out glass packs that were warped at the flanges big exh. leak! i got pulled over going thru marysville at 6 in the morn taking my kid to the babysitter. the cop said he could here me stopping ,and taking of at every red light coming down state(i didnt argue it was a loud bitch).
Jeepers... when will they learn? Meadow Rated.... :looser:

He was the same guy who drove off one of the bridges last weekend. Held up the entire trail at Naches for about 20 minutes.

As far as fixing the problems with the OP's truck. Sounds llike you are the proud owner of a trail only rig. Time to buy a trailer and hauler.

As far as Deputy Dan...

I have heard several stories. Never been unfortunate enough to have any dealings with him. I understand a family member of his was killed in an auto accident involving an illegally lifted truck. I understand his anger if that truly is the case. However, it seems like a conflict that will never rest or see resolution for him. Maybe that should be brought up instead of bogus tickets. He knows the laws. He knows how to write them.

Funny thing about the mud flap law, ever see an Explorer, Tahoe, or whatever that is owned by most law enforcement agencies? Almost all have not been equipped with them. A friend of mine got a no flap ticket in Tumwater a few years ago. As the LEO pulled away he noticed the rig had no flaps either.

And as far as the rest of the BS in this thread...

really, because you choose to answer the question like an ass we have to deal with it? Seems a bit odd. And yes, my skin is thick so bring it!

One other thing. The only thing wrong with the encounter the OP had with LEO was his comments about "also said that i am basically being a murderer for driving my truck since i will run over anyone i hit." Accurate or not, that is so innappropriate to say. Everything else was by the book.
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And as far as the rest of the BS in this thread...

really, because you choose to answer the question like an ass we have to deal with it? Seems a bit odd. And yes, my skin is thick so bring it!

You're a day late and a dollar short. We'll see you in the next thread.......:hi: