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so i got pulled over today for being to tall


Active Member
Sep 6, 2008
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so i got pulled over today, guy told me and showed me some washington state patrol sheet that said for my weight of truck my bumper can't be over 27" in the front and 29" in the rear. but the paper didn't say anything about maximum or minimum, just showed a number. it didn't mention anything about lifting either except about body lifts on the paper in the bumper height law. the peirce county sheriff just said that i am to high, and my tires stick out to far. then said my head lights are to high which he was wrong cause i was looking at his tape, and my fenders are to high. said he would impound it or i could get it towed. anyone know the actual law on bumper hieghts? if the numbers are right on the paper than any lifted f350 is illegal. also said that i am basically being a murderer for driving my truck since i will run over anyone i hit.
Fender Flares & Anti-Spray Devices

  • Required - All vehicles, trailers, and semi-trailers must be equipped with fenders, covers, flaps, or splash aprons adequate for minimizing the spray or splash of water and mud to the rear if the vehicle. All such devices shall be as wide as the tires behind which they are mounted, and extend down to at least the center of the axle. (See required equipment for exceptions)
  • Are not included in the total maximum width of 8'6" for motor vehicle.
    See Projections and RCW 46.37.500

Back to Top Height Requirements

  • Minimum Height - No part of the vehicle may be lower than the lowermost portion of the rim of any wheel in contact with the roadway. RCW 46.61.680

  • Maximum Heights - *Bumper (4.5" min. width)
    • GVWR 7501 and up = Front 28" & Rear 30"
    • GVWR 4501 - 7,500 = Front 27" & Rear 29"
    • GVWR 4500 and under = Front 24" & Rear 26"
    • Car = Rear 22" & Rear 22"

      *(Measured from ground to the bottom of bumper) WAC 204-10-022
    • Body Lift - 3" maximum spacer, with body not raised more than 4" above frame when installation is complete. WAC 204-10-036

Back to Top Projections

  • Wheels - No vehicle may be equipped with wheel nuts, hubcaps, or wheel discs extending outside the body of the vehicle when viewed from directly above which:
    • Incorporate winged projections; or
    • Constitute a hazard to pedestrians and cyclists.
      RCW 46.37.369
  • Body, Fender, and Bumpers - Shall be maintained without protrusions that could be hazardous to pedestrians. Bumpers shall not extend past the original bumper line. RCW 46.37.517
  • Safety Appliances - Such as clearance lights, flexible fender extensions, mud flaps, splash and spray inhibiting devices, and others may not extend more than 3" beyond the extreme limits of the body. RCW 46.44.010
  • Rear Vision Mirror - Shall not extend more than 5" beyond the extreme limits of the body. RCW 46.44.010
  • To the Front - Load shall not extend beyond 3' (Read for exemptions RCW 46.44.034)
  • To the Rear - Load shall not extend more than 15' beyond the center of the last axle. RCW 46.44.034
  • Outside Load Limits - No passenger type vehicle shall be operated with any of the load extending past the fender line on the left side, nor more than 6" past the fender line on the right side of the vehicle. RCW 46.44.060

View Obstruction

(Visors, stickers, hood scoops, mud, and all other after market items.)

  • No items except the hood ornament and windshield wipers, identical to those originally installed by a recognized manufacturer, shall project more than 2" above a line from the top of the steering wheel to the top of the front fenders or hood. WAC 204-10-224
  • No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster, or other non-transparent material upon the front windshield, side wings, or side or rear windows of the vehicle that obstructs the driver's clear view of the highway or intersecting highway. RCW 46.37.410 & WAC 204-10-224

Back to Top Vehicle Lights

(Color, location, and number)

  • Covers - No additional lamp, reflective device, or other motor vehicle equipment shall be added which impairs the effectiveness of the lamp standard. See individual lamp RCW/WAC Headlamp.
  • Concealment Device - Shall be fully opened in not more than 3 seconds after the actuation of a driver operated control. FMVSS 108 S12.5
  • Front - A maximum of four of the below listed lamps may be on at one time. RCW 46.37.270
    • Head lamps -
    • Required to be on from hour after sunset, to hour before sunrise, and at any other times when persons and vehicles are not clearly discernable at 1000 ft. RCW 46.37.020
    • If installed after 1975, not closer than 12" from the centerline of the vehicle, but as far apart as practicable. If customized, then no closer than at the time of manufacture. WAC 204-21-040
      • Located not more than 54", nor less than 24" from the ground to the center of the light. RCW 46.37.040
    • Taillights - Between 15" and 72" off the ground. RCW 46.37.050
    • Fog Lamps -
    • Auxiliary Passing Lamps -
    • Between 24" and 42" off the ground. RCW 46.37.180 & WAC 204-21-100 (Shall not be used in lieu of headlamps)
    • Two or less. RCW 46.37.180
    • Auxiliary Driving Lamps -
    • Between 16" and 42" off the ground. RCW 46.37.180 & WAC 204-21-090 (Shall not be used in lieu of headlamps)
    • Two or less. RCW 46.37.180
    • Rear Reflectors - Between 15" and 72" off the ground. RCW 46.37.060 & WAC 204-10-060
    • Spot Lamps - Two or less. RCW 46.37.180
  • Side Marker Lamps - Not required on vehicles under 80" in width, but if present must be amber to the front, and red to the rear only. RCW 46.37.210 (46.37.100 if over 80")
  • Rear
    • Tail Lamps - Required to be on from hour after sunset, to hour before sunrise, and at any other times when persons and vehicles are not clearly discernable at 1000 ft. RCW 46.37.020
      • At least two, red in color, visible from 1000 ft. RCW 46.37.050
      • All must be on same level and as widely spaced as possible.RCW 46.37.050
      • On vehicle 40 or more years old, may have a blue or purple insert, not more than one inch in diameter. RCW 46.37.100
    • Brake / Stop Lamps - At least two if assembled after 1964. Red, amber or any shade between, visible from 300'(daylight) after 1/1/1960. RCW 46.37.200
    • Turn Lamps - A total of four, one on each side, front and back, after 1/1/1960. Red, amber or any shade between, red, amber or any shade between, visible from at least 500' (daylight) RCW 46.37.200
    • License Lamp - White in color only, rendering license legible from 50'. RCW 46.37.050
Other After-Market Lighting Devices

  • Neon Lights - After market neon lighting devices may not be used on motor vehicles while they are in motion on public roads. WAC 204-21-230
  • Signs / Message boards - May not be lighted, or electronically powered on any motor vehicle while on the public right-of-way. (Some exemptions apply - see WAC for more details) WAC 204-21-230

Window Tinting / Sunscreening

  • Sunscreening devices are products, permanent, semi-permanent, and temporary, which reduce the adverse effects of the sun. WAC 204-10-224

  • Materials not permitted
    • Mirror finish products
    • Red, Yellow, Gold, or Black material
    • Brushed or sprayed on material. RCW 46.37.430
  • Sunscreening devices and/or recreational products may not be applied to, or suspended between the driver and the windshield, or to the windows to the immediate right and left of the driver. Recreational products may be applied to other windows only if they do not interfere, by their size and/or position with the driver's ability to see other vehicles, persons, and objects. WAC 204-10-224

  • Must have both left and right side-view mirrors if window tinting is applied, allowing a 200' view to the rear. RCW 46.37.430
  • The maximum level of sunscreening material to be applied to any window, except the windshield, shall have a total reflectance of 35% or less ( +3%), and a light transmittance of 35% or more ( +3%) resulting in a minimum of 24% light transmission on AS-2 glazing. RCW 46.37.430
  • Exemption - Doctor's orders. RCW 46.37.430 A greater degree of sunscreening may be applied to the top 6" of the windshield. RCW 46.37.430
30"maximum rear bumper height? so my STOCK dodge ram is basically illegal... wow. :looser: cops will do anything to take your money.
its 30" to the bottom of the bumper, so anything stock should be legal.

glad that sherriff never saw me driving my F350 in town. specially since I mostly drove it through the area you got pulled over at. was andy able to haul your truck home for you?
Do you look like poor white trash?

If so, I'd pull you over too.....and throw your whinning bitch ass in jail for the night; for resisting arrest.

If you got off on a warning......BE GREATFUL......and fix your POS.

That's right.....:D
you said peirce county sherrif so that would probly be good ole deputy dan hes an ass he pulls anyone over with a lifted vehicle hes the ne that will sit up ant evans creek and write a whole line of people a tickett as they try to put their rigs on the trailer. Infact at one point in time their was a pitition floating around to run him out of the evans creek area. And the worst part is he lives right in green water just befor the 70 road. I am not just a whiney bitch cause hes pulled me over he has pulled over and given ticketts to just about everyone i wheel with even rigs that are almost stock. He gave me a ticket in a samurai with 33s on it saying my bumper heights were to high he **** you not walked me aroud it with a tape measure explainig every little thing wrong and backed it all with a giant ticket to match that guy sucks for sure. Ive heard something about his kid getting killed by a big truck or something along those lines so hes a little bitter.
yea he walked me around and explained it all to me to, im not sure if it was dan or not, he drove a new f350 crew cab with a winch bumper. i should be able to make a bumper that will put me at that height then huh, if i want to have a big ugly bumper like that. i went up to a f350 with some 35's on it and it was over the bumper height law. the ticket was for $124. he said each infraction that i have is $124 so he said he could have written me up for like 600 but only wrote me up for one infraction. he told me to just throw some stock tires on it and it would probably be good. i had to put my 37's on the front just to get it onto my buddies trailer, and that barely fit and they look like stock size compared to the 44's.
Wheels - No vehicle may be equipped with wheel nuts, hubcaps, or wheel discs extending outside the body of the vehicle when viewed from directly above which:

* Incorporate winged projections; or
* Constitute a hazard to pedestrians and cyclists.

I guess by those standards, my Dually's front wheels are illegal from the factory. :haha:
yep thats dan. He is a ticket giving fool ur lucky you got off so easy hes ur typical takes his job way to seriouse type. I found a stolen toyota behind my house so i had a sherriff come up so i could show them and it was a women. When we were done dragging it out of the woods we got on the topic with dan and my jeepin buddy and we proceeded to tell her just what we thaught of this deputy dan homo lol come to find out it was his wife but she was cool. we didnt find out it was his wife for another couple days when we were talking with ean from dnr.
Quit your whining. Your rig is illegal. If you choose to drive it on the road like it is you deserve the tickets that come with it.:rolleyes:
man that is crazy my old truck had a flatbed with no fenders 39 18.5 boggers no fender flairs no bumper in the rear i had one on the front wasn't even close to legal hight and every time i got pulled over they they didn't say anything about any of these mentioned above. I must have got the cops that didnt care or they though i had no money.
Who cares if he is legal or ilegal--lets help point him in the right direction--this is the tech area.

So knock off the bull **** attitutdes.. :rolleyes:
Is this what his rig currently looks like?


I think it looks better with the old tires on it...

Iam not trying to start a pissing match!! But it seems alot like you northern wheelers really start bitching at those who complain about this Dan H clown!!

He was assigned to that area after a rather large group of WHEELERS requested a "sherrif" to patrol that area...

IMHO he is a ticket happy revenue boasting POS!!! Nothing good comes from a talk with Dan... Ian on the other hand is a good person and willing to work with "US WHEELERS" as long as we give him respect:awesomework:..

Dan Hanson is "another" DOUCH BAG!!!

also.. 1 more reason to goto Reiter and Elbe:redneck:
Who cares if he is legal or ilegal--lets help point him in the right direction--this is the tech area.

So knock off the bull **** attitutdes.. :rolleyes:

He'll end up having to do something like I will.

Since a large swath of forest service land (pierce country and crossing roads) is closed off to me due to my rig being illegal...

I need to go back to 33" tires and build a full width front bumper. Only if I could find someone wanting to trade 4 new 33x12.50x15 bfgs and a near new spare for 38x12.50 SX tires with so little usage the nubbies are sitll on the outside.
welcome to washington.:booo:

Does the truck still have mudflaps?
Good luck, your truck is pushing the limmits of height and will attract more attention than one cop that dislikes lifted rigs.

You better move to INDY.:;
Iam not trying to start a pissing match!! But it seems alot like you northern wheelers really start bitching at those who complain about this Dan H clown!!

He was assigned to that area after a rather large group of WHEELERS requested a "sherrif" to patrol that area...

IMHO he is a ticket happy revenue boasting POS!!! Nothing good comes from a talk with Dan... Ian on the other hand is a good person and willing to work with "US WHEELERS" as long as we give him respect:awesomework:..

Dan Hanson is "another" DOUCH BAG!!!

also.. 1 more reason to goto Reiter and Elbe:redneck:

Yes we (the PNW4WDA) requested the funding from the IAC for a officer in the Evans creek area. This was after the FS LEO was killed by a drunk driver and we had NO law enforcement up there. Evans creek as with all of our campgrounds unfortunatly need to have some sort of law enforcment to keep them family friendly for ALL of the users. We all know to well what happens when theres no enforcment around and being responsible users we did what was needed. Unfortunatly we seem to have gotten a deputy with some issues. That was the luck of the draw so we have to live with it and follow the laws and rules. Funny thing is I asked a while back for copies of "unfair" infractions so that as the represenitive of the PNW4WDA I could go to the sherrifs office and file a grievance and try to get this problem resolved. Even funnier is that I didnt recive even one copy of any tickets. Leads me to believe that with all this bitching everyone that got a ticket knew they were in the wrong in the first place. Anyway the funding is used up and we have a great new FS LEO so the problem is or should be over. However as county ,city, and even state budgets are all in the red we should all be even more careful about making sure our rigs are legal as they are looking for any and all revenue sources and all those trucks that scream "look at me" well their getting looked at all right.

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