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hey dickbag get over it....... what's done is done. fawkin move on and stop pouring salt into the wound.
muchado said:
hey dickbag get over it....... what's done is done. fawkin move on and stop pouring salt into the wound.

I wasn't the one who posted that **** up there at the top of the page, Paul was.
just let it be........

DRAMA DRAMA... I'm glad I don't know teh baby momma! :o

I'm not taking sides but jesus guys give it a fawkin rest... this is the new site point taken... Old site gone.. Understand... ok.. im done
Friends and business rarely work out. Nuf said, move on, stop bitching. I could give two shits who right, wrong, better or worse. I come here to keep in touch with friends that have been scattered around over the years.
Whoa guys! I'll add another post to this drama and hope it drops. Paul, Leslie, and Jon are all friends of mine and yes they're having some business problems. I don't know all the facts of the matter and neither do you guys. You say you don't wanna take sides but Muchado calls Jon a "dickbag" and bigsilly calls him "douche bag" and now under psi says he's butthurt. This isn't PBB where everyone likes to play e-tough guys and usually stay anonymous....I like to think everyone here are friends or future friends and if we haven't met I'm sure we will. I'm sure Paul and Leslie will work things out but let's end the name calling please. Yes, I said please!
6uldv8 said:
Whoa guys! I'll add another post to this drama and hope it drops. Paul, Leslie, and Jon are all friends of mine and yes they're having some business problems. I don't know all the facts of the matter and neither do you guys. You say you don't wanna take sides but Muchado calls Jon a "dickbag" and bigsilly calls him "douche bag" and now under psi says he's butthurt. This isn't PBB where everyone likes to play e-tough guys and usually stay anonymous....I like to think everyone here are friends or future friends and if we haven't met I'm sure we will. I'm sure Paul and Leslie will work things out but let's end the name calling please. Yes, I said please!

i gots love for my bama boyz...even the ones that i have not met...i was calling the "username" guy buthurt....only b/c he is resorting to coming onto a new forum a starting **** where we were all relishing in the newness of the cralwers site and loving it....
Jon, your **** talk and BS can die just like the Hardline Custom forums. Leslie has been holding the site over Paul's head for months, and it was like trying to reason with a brick wall everytime he discussed the subject with her. Let's talk about professionalism, is it taking down the board twice without any notice at all? Usually if someone owes you money, you use the object in question as leverage. Maybe something like, if you don't pay me then I will take the site down. That never happended at all, plus Leslie took this on as charity initially and then after the fact Paul tried to pay her to gain control. I also remember taking up a collection when this all started to pay for the hosting and what not. Still on the subject of professionalism, let's not forgot how your beef with Paul and myself started. Leslie and yourself were reading our PM's via our profile, and found mention of the fact that I did not want you guys to come to my house on New Year's. If going through other users PM's does not scream professionalism then I don't know what does.

On the subject of private forums, yeah we had one on the old site. The purpose was to have a place to thow out ideas so that we could get Hardline Crawlers off the ground. Sure we did blow off steam about other local happenings from time to time, but the forum was used to get this club started. I know that you deleted your HC account and stop posting because you were not a part of the forum/club. I find it funny that you and Leslie tell others how you want nothing to do with us and that you hate us, yet you continue reading our PM's and "Private" forum like it is your job. The fact that you found our new home in the first day it existed is further evidence of that. So why do you continue to lurk in the shadows if you hate us? Truth is, you and Leslie are just trying to manufacture drama, and I am personally sick of it. You can leave your **** talk and drama creation for another place, because we don't want any part of it. This forum is a place for good friends to discuss wheelin and all things associated with it. Sure we give each other **** sometimes, but it is all in good fun and that is what friends do. Friends don't talk **** about you to everyone that will listen, friends don't take shots at someone because they got laid off from work, and friends don't hold things over the others head every chance they get. I don't want to stoop to your level, but if you keep starting **** then you will be banned. This kind of **** is not going to happen on OUR site.

Greg, Joel and Louis did talk some **** to Jon because friends take up for their buddies. You are doing the same for Jon and Leslie, their replies were just more colorful. Again, this needs to die NOW.
Does this mean that since I deleted my BWW profile, I can't be a homogHey thread deleter and take this thing to zero.

Drama, drama.

Congrats to P, Matt, and Ricky for lipsticking up this pig and getting it going. Unfortunately, it sounds like the descision to vacate the "Custom" site was a good one.

Matt when you get the logo all done up real nice and all let me know, so I can take it and get all of our patterns with the tshirt chick changed to reflect the new deal. Once again, based on timing the Clayton shirts will still say "Custom" But seriously who gives a **** anyone who has one will be in the know and know where to go. Maybe bust out Sharpies and modify!!!

All those in favor of stopping the drama say "I". Yep unnanimous.
The best part is this is the exact same **** from 3 months ago, so why are we living in the past? The parties involved have barely spoken since then in an effort to drop all this BS and let it die. Both parties have stated the facts from their point of view, so we can put this to bed or continue to agree to disagree. If you all want to continue to talk **** about us to anyone that will listen and hate in general then so be it, but it will only be one sided. Stop the name calling and **** talking once and for all, this is getting old.

Wyatt, we all still know that P represents Hardline Custom, he may be without a site and what not, but all those that wear the shirt know who it is. This will be where we hang going forward, and everyone is welcome. This forum is going to be dedicated to 4-wheelin' and all that goes along with it, which was not always the case on the Custom site. I don't want to remove the thread, but I will if we cannot keep it cool in here.
thanks for being the front runner of this site matt.....it is nice, and i know that this **** is time consuming.....and frustrating....

we had some haters a while back on our site, however, like any real turd, they self-deleted their accounts and disappeared like good bitches.....
I'm all for letting this **** drop and letting bygones be bygones. That's what I've BEEN doing for months now. Paul opening up that can of worms on the top of the last page and talking **** about Leslie did not exactly accomplish that.

As for Muchado, Bigsilly, or anyone else that I don't know who commented, I don't know any of you guys and don't have a beef with you. I didn't resort to calling people "dickbag", "douchebag", or "butthurt". It seems like if the Hardlinecrawlers crew sticks up for their friends (even when someone is telling the TRUTH), then it's a good thing. But when someone outside the inner circle sticks up for their friends (when people are LYING or not telling the whole truth), then it's not accepted.

I wasn't spying on you guys and could care less what is said here or anywhere else unless it involves me, Leslie, or my friends. Someone who isn't even a member here found it and sent me a link to it. If anyone here can honestly tell me that they would allow the kind of **** Paul said about Leslie to be said about their girlfriend or wife and do nothing about it, then I say that person has ZERO balls.

I've met some of you, Miles, Kelly, Bones, Undr_Psi, & Heath and I have no beef whatsoever with you guys, hell I thought at Grayrock when ya'll were in town we got along great. I actually like Paul, he's a hell of a guy, but I think he crossed the line with what he said. The only person here that I absolutely can't stand is Matt, like that comes as a surprise, I thought everyone knew by now.

I stood up for my friends just like you guys do, only that makes me the bad guy. Ban me if you want, I don't care. Matt, you said "This kind of **** is not gonna happen on our site", did you mean telling the truth and calling out people who talked **** about your friends is not allowed?

I'm all for dropping it, I didn't even bring it up.
It is your version of the truth Jon, just remember that. Most of our wives/girlfriends would not be in this situation because we would not put them there. Leslie is fighting battles on your behalf, and I can say for certan that if you were not involved then this would have been resolved months ago. P has never talked to you about it, he has talked to Leslie, so those are the two people that need to work it out. Not you on her behalf, or me on his. I have been in the room/car when some of these conversations have happened and he has always been straight forward with his effort to gain control of his site. Leslie has said numerous times that she would do this or that, and then weeks later, nothing has happened. She has not once told him what he needed to do, or what the process is, for taking ownership of the site.

I am sorry your don't like me, guess I cannot change your feelings. I don't like the fact that you run your mouth about me to anyone that will listen like a gossiping teenager. I have never had a problem with you personally, but after you took great offense to the private forum/club, and my PM to Paul, you have decided to talk **** about me every chance you get. Until your previous post you had NEVER said a word to me about any of this, so if you have beef handle it with me straight up. If not then you can continue not liking me, just please stop talking **** about me behind my back. That **** is past old, and what other beef can you possibly have with me that is not 3 months old?
How did I put Leslie into a situation? And how have I been involved in keeping this from being resolved? I don't tell Leslie what to do. You are 100% correct in saying that Leslie and Paul need to work this out between themselves, but perhaps it should be done privately rather than him calling her out and ****-talking about her on this forum.

My choosing not to like you has nothing to do with any private forums or PMs or anything else. My choosing not to like you has to do with the fact that your are an asshole. Wanker put in work on his own time for free working on your Jeep and then you talked **** about him. You posted that PBB sucks, then you posted that you were excited about the PBB ride coming up.

Maybe I have zero tolerance for people who sway with the wind and go along with whatever the prevailing opinion of the minute is and don't seem to have their own opinion. People who would invite someone to their house and then ignore them when they ask for directions. The majority of conversations I've had with others regarding you weren't even started by me, they were other people coming up to me and asking me why you were such an asshole. I didn't bother to tell you personally that I didn't like you because I had a feeling it would take Paul about 15 seconds after I told him to call you and tell you.

Once again, like I said a couple of posts back, I'm all for letting this drop and be done with. Don't talk **** about me or my friends, and you won't get called out on it. It's that simple, stop churning the **** up and let it DIE.
Username said:
How did I put Leslie into a situation? And how have I been involved in keeping this from being resolved? I don't tell Leslie what to do. You are 100% correct in saying that Leslie and Paul need to work this out between themselves, but perhaps it should be done privately rather than him calling her out and ****-talking about her on this forum.

My choosing not to like you has nothing to do with any private forums or PMs or anything else. My choosing not to like you has to do with the fact that your are an asshole. Wanker put in work on his own time for free working on your Jeep and then you talked **** about him. You posted the day you got back from the BTF build about how great it was, then came back and posted about how it was "homoerotic" and how bad it sucked. You posted that PBB sucks, then you posted that you were excited about the PBB ride coming up.

Maybe I have zero tolerance for people who sway with the wind and go along with whatever the prevailing opinion of the minute is and don't seem to have their own opinion. People who would invite someone to their house and then ignore them when they ask for directions. The majority of conversations I've had with others regarding you weren't even started by me, they were other people coming up to me and asking me why you were such an asshole. I didn't bother to tell you personally that I didn't like you because I had a feeling it would take Paul about 15 seconds after I told him to call you and tell you.

Once again, like I said a couple of posts back, I'm all for letting this drop and be done with. Don't talk **** about me or my friends, and you won't get called out on it. It's that simple, stop churning the **** up and let it DIE.


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