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Username said:
This is Jon, and that's the straw that broke the ****ing camel's back right there.

Leslie took the site down because you didn't pay for it. She gave you the option of getting your own hosting and transferring it over to you, I was standing right there next to her when you were on the phone with her. She gave you a a timeline to do so, it was NOT the 3 months that has passed since that conversation. The hosting was being paid for by Leslie, she did the site without getting any compensation, same for the forum. Doing things in a "professional manner" as you said in your post means PAYING people for work they do for you. If you refuse to pay your electric bill, you shouldn't be surprised when you are sitting in the dark.

I have stayed out of it and not told her either way what to do with that situation. But I would have thought the first time it went down (which was for both the reason of her not getting paid and also for the **** that was talked about your so-called friends in your little private forum which only you, Brennan, and Matt have access to) would have been a wakeup call, but I guess not. The message that was posted the first time the forum went down was, to the best of my knowledge, 100% accurate, was it not?

Feel free to refute anything I have said if it is incorrect.

Your incorrect in many things Jon. The day she told me to register on that website so she could transfer it I did.... I never heard or saw a transfer made... and obviously it was never made. ( still to this day mind you )

On payment, When SHE came to me about building a website she told me she'd do it to use in her portfolio. All good.. I practically forced her on 2 seperate occasions to take CASH for the setup costs, and for her time. The only time she asked me to pay her was AFTER she took the site down the first time, slandered me and my company name publically after she got hot over things I didnt even say. Yea... I wanna keep all my relavent information in the hands of that person and pay them for it to boot... She apologized TO ME about that Jon.. not the other way around. ( and yes I have saved ALL PM's from her so test me... )

Lastly , as I mentioned the past is the past. I spoke with her again yesterday, Im interested in the domain and have no desire to purchase any thing she developed and or never finished in the first place for 400 dollars. Not even at a fraction of that cost. She even had the mind to say and I will quote " Im not going to sit on it or hang it over your head * in ref to the domain * like nannan nanananana.... But Honestly , isnt that EXACTLY what she has done since the first time she pulled this ? YES it is.

And lastlyo , originally she was upset personally because of something some one else apparently said about you or her.... did they get slandered or punished ? NO I did... She told me she wouldnt have folks talking behind backs. Thats funny, several people have approached me about her and you talking trash on me. Kind of ironic huh. Only difference is, Im a big boy I can still function with a decent attitude and try to resolve issues. You and her both have not. So you and her can both now deal with the situation you've started and dragged along for nearly a year now. Im truly over it , all I wanted was to purchase the domain name, that she bought on my behalf and got more than reimbursed for. I mean Hardline Custom... a fab site and company, I wasnt aware that Leslie was into fabrication.

You approached me at the last Grayrock ride, like nothing has ever been said or done, came over to shake my hand and all that, she was asking me to go up Bents and Dents again so she could take pictures. I mean, do you think I am going to get backstabbed, then just put everything out the window like it never happened just because your standing in front of me. Like all the crap She has put me through never happened just because it was via PM's or phone conversations. I dont treat people that way, and I wont be treated that way. Ill be cordial and what not. But you and her are not my friends. Its a shame too, cause I recall you and I having some real good times. I recall helping you on several occasions, lending you my tools, pulling you from ponds you drove in, Enjoying beers and chat. But I suppose thats not as important as being an interweb tough guy, so you go ahead and have your moment.

( And your last post below this one... once again.. "stop churning the **** and let it die " You are the one that came on here to churn ****... you are the one lurking and digging into everyones business so you can talk **** and hang on to it. Your the one with our names in your mouth. )
Username said:
And with regard to the little jab about "All I can say is. Dont let her build you a website.", Leslie does web design and graphic design for a living, as in professionally. The company she works for has fired everyone else in her department and replaced them since she came to work there. She is the only one left from when she went to work there roughly 1 year ago. Her boss, who I see on an almost daily basis, seems extremely satisfied with her work and brags on Leslie's skills every time I see her. Same goes for the websites she has done as freelance work, the owners of them (one of which I have personally spoken with) are extremely satisfied with her work. Perhaps she does excellent work only for the people who actually pay her.

Do we really want to go there on the work ethic situation when you just got laid off from YOUR job?

Man you need a life... You can attack me all you want Jon, it only proves my point

If you think, truely think about MY history with YOU. Ive never F'd you.

If Leslie does the same... she sees the same, I have paid her, there have been donations for the Custom site sent to her. She only wanted paid from ME after she got mad and through a fit and turned all our relationships upside down. Im over it, you and her should be too. Its not productive.
Username said:
My choosing not to like you has nothing to do with any private forums or PMs or anything else. My choosing not to like you has to do with the fact that your are an asshole. Wanker put in work on his own time for free working on your Jeep and then you talked **** about him. You posted that PBB sucks, then you posted that you were excited about the PBB ride coming up.

Maybe I have zero tolerance for people who sway with the wind and go along with whatever the prevailing opinion of the minute is and don't seem to have their own opinion. People who would invite someone to their house and then ignore them when they ask for directions. The majority of conversations I've had with others regarding you weren't even started by me, they were other people coming up to me and asking me why you were such an asshole. I didn't bother to tell you personally that I didn't like you because I had a feeling it would take Paul about 15 seconds after I told him to call you and tell you.

Being called an asshole is not a first for me, but I could honestly give a flying fawk what you think. I am glad that you have finally stepped up and said it, instead of filtering it through others. I go on a long ramble about you in the same fashion, but I will spare myself the typing and others the reading. It is obvious by the first quoted paragraph about that the Hardline Custom boards where your own little soap opera, even though you did not post in them. This has nothing to do with Wanker or PBB, all that **** is out of context and are shitty examples. Don't even start talking **** you know nothing about. Honesty and loyalty are traits I value a great deal, which is why I will always go to bat for Paul, Brennan, Joel, Louis, David, Pat, Kelly, etc, etc., or any of my other friends regardless of the situation. I wrote Wanker off because he talked **** about me and my rig on numerous occasions. PBB does suck for anything but tech, but the ride in Harlan is not put on by Lance and Camo, it is put on by fellow members and I want to meet some of the SE guys I talk with online. That is all, but thanks for dropping this as you mentioned earlier.
I would like you better if you bring those CTM's and alloy ford axles to Clayton for spares in case I break!!
If youd like to see a long list of people whom are hypocrits... you can start here.


at least they got the name of the club right... ignant pretty much sums it up.

Your true colors are waving in the wind. You folks couldnt form one spine with all your vertebrea put together. Im man enough to talk person to person if I have an issue. Ive done it all along no matter how angry or personal I took all the attacks made at me. Were you all been... thats right hiding.

NOT one of you knows the truth about the Hardline Custom site or the goings on between Leslie and I. Dont assume you do.
lots of class on that site

Leslie. Your a coward I spoke to you numerous times on the phone, was honest and sincere with you. Your a child.

" P called me today wanting me to let him buy the rights to hardlinecustom.com... but mr buttfungus mentions that P will grab it as soon as it comes available(when the year expires and I lose the rights unless I renew), 12.95 is sure worth the fun though. shoot, we could all pitch in and own a little piece of it. "

Would you really like to go to court over this Leslie ? Ive discussed it with numerous folks on the legalities of your past actions.
P said:
If youd like to see a long list of people whom are hypocrits... you can start here.


So show me where exactly on that thread I lied...
Posts: 142

Re: Truly LMFAO at BamaTJ
« Reply #35 on: May 22, 2007, 01:05:16 PM »

Quote from: 2005RedTJ on May 22, 2007, 07:04:27 AM
I would agree with the changing of minds, but there are so many examples in that crew of the same crap. They love on BTF on Pirate, then go to Hardline and talk **** about BTF. They brag on how great Pirate is, then talk **** about them on Hardline too. I just can't stand 2-faced people. If I don't like someone, I have the balls to let em know it. I don't go kissing their ass while they're standing there, then talk **** after they walk off.

I agree with you and as much as i would have liked to stir up the nest...alot...i just couldn't bring myself to do it Now i would have backed YOU or LESLIE or someone a little closer to the situation 100% but i just didn't feel it was my place ;-) But...the hcustom crew is done now...kind of...

How about you kissin ass at GR a few weeks ago and shaking my hand.... You know were I live, your such a man come tell me how you hate me and how wrong Ive done you.
What a complete load of crap from SO many people pissing and moaning how I done them so wrong. Funny how so many of the same folks I bent over backwards to help on numerous occasions, done business with and treated well in general. I guess its a southern thing and my yankee ass doesnt understand.
Posted on CAOS... sure it will last about 10 seconds though.

If your a member and not in the "clique " They discussed at exec meetings about "weeding" you out once they get "thier land"

How much money does CAOS have in its account.... Heck who knows? Is it accounted for ? Ask around ?

Wanna know what someone in the club thinks about you... good luck, it will get posted in private forums or www.ignantoffroad.com and discussed and laughed about.

Just some things I learned today and felt Id pass along. Im sure the same cowards will delete this thread in about 30 seconds though.

Jonica, you have single handedly hurt this club more than anyone.... Ask around, the same you pull behind my back gets pulled behind yours. Enjoy.
PS you wont be able to look at ignant anymore... the same cowards that have enjoyed thier BS have blocked it from being public because well.... apparently they arent as open with thier opinions as they would like to make it out they are. Truth hurts I suppose.
Nice, entertaining read over on Ignant Offroad. But of course it became private pretty quick, had a lot of good laughs though and saw some people's true colors. Good to see that several of the CAOS Executive Committee are a part of it.
Holy ****, that did not take long. I was on there reading all of the ranting and boom, it was over. Oh well, I saw all I needed to see. There sure are some 2 faced folks over there. CAOS sure is not the club I thought it was.
bigsilly said:
Holy ****, that did not take long. I was on there reading all of the ranting and boom, it was over. Oh well, I saw all I needed to see. There sure are some 2 faced folks over there. CAOS sure is not the club I thought it was.

Coming from a guy that got voted into the exec committee at the first of this year, went to one meeting and asked to be taken out for the same reasons.... I assure you that you have NO idea how bad it is.
As for Jon saying he has no beef with me, that is cool because I do not have one with him. I just do not want to see him coming over here and starting ****.
Username said:
I've met some of you, Miles, Kelly, Bones, Undr_Psi, & Heath .....

uh, just to clarify, we have NOT met...you may be thinking of that unoriginal turd who copied my username almost to a "T".....and it is one that i have used for a LOOONG time.....

i doubt that he even knows the meaning of it....

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