After playing around on soem land we have here, I lost another gear set.
And I needed to add a couple leafs to my front springs
Also, It's no secret that the front of the truck was ugly, like real ****ing ugly. Every time I see it, it pisses me off. I'm not saying that the back of my truck is the best looking back half with the best lines, but the front was dragging its down and just didn't match, it was obvious the front was done with out giving a ****. It was tossed together fast to make a trip with the "I'll fix it right later" attutude and finially.... 8 months later... its time.
Cut the frame just before it starts its down slope
Notched the top 2" back, drilled a couple holes for some plug welds, and slid the 2x3x1/8 wall tube in.
I was able to reuse the angle iron front cross member I made last time, I trimmed the wild ends down and it will get blasted and painted this time. Also the D-ring is coming off and a receiver will go in its place.
With these 52" rear springs the axle is going to be something like 9 or 10 inches forward from stock. This meant the IFS box had to go WAY forward, The front crossmember is the same distance forward as factory, the box is all the way to the end. The shaft for the pitman arm is actually forward of the radiator sore support.