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Craig_c said:
With the "show" that some of these drivers put on, you know, to get YouTube vids and such, I don't see it preventing anything. These drivers are all up
In the throttle during rolls and whatever in search of that ever pleasing crowd roar and YouTube highlight. As close as the crowds are, and being on steep hills, how will someone with the "Kill Button" be able to actually know to shut one down before a buggy goes off into a crowd?? It's not like it applies the brakes when it activates.

I'd also be willing to bet there are some drivers who won't ever get "shut off" because of who they are.
Craig_c said:
With the "show" that some of these drivers put on, you know, to get YouTube vids and such, I don't see it preventing anything. These drivers are all up
In the throttle during rolls and whatever in search of that ever pleasing crowd roar and YouTube highlight. As close as the crowds are, and being on steep hills, how will someone with the "Kill Button" be able to actually know to shut one down before a buggy goes off into a crowd?? It's not like it applies the brakes when it activates.

I'd also be willing to bet there are some drivers who won't ever get "shut off" because of who they are.

Too bad...
So who will be deciding when to hit this kill switch? Meaning, we've all seen spectacular saves from many of these drivers. How will the guy hitting the kill switch do so as to not "mess up" the potential save by the driver yet still time it well enough to save a spectator/driver life?
All of the talk about bigger sponsors has me wondering if they are payin out contengincy money, if not what is the reasoning for wanting them?
I was asked to make a post here to help clarify some of this in public. All of these questions have been discussed with the drivers.

RII Boxes.
Why this box?
After calling many places about building a setup to meet the specs we needed Larry was the one willing to take the time to design the system, build the prototype, and produce it. I've been working with Larry at Birch Communications this year building the prototype and testing to make sure it would do what we needed. This system is designed to work in the elements we need with 2 separate systems killing fire and fuel individual. Using a box thats standardized across the board takes away the possibility of a mistake of having the wrong radio and making this system useless in that time of need. I was also advised to not allow the radios to be public to keep the problem of cheating to a minimum. (X doesn't like Y so he kills his rig) After conversations with many people thats dealt with this type of system in a sport I found that it has been a problem and had to be addressed.

Is he making a profit? I hope so because we need a company that will stick around so they can stand behind the product. I don't know his liability or expense in this product. Is SRRS making an money on this box? No. It's costing me lots of time handling the orders for $0 mark up. The reason Birch wants SRRS to handle the orders was to get the boxes built in bulk (10 or more at a time) to get the price down to what it is. Once I collect orders I hope the number of boxes is enough to try for a better price and refund some $$$ back to each driver.

I've been sent several of the cheap options of the small remote relay options and the range or accuracy is not sufficient. How often do you see someone walking thru the parking lot 100' from their car with the remote to their chin trying to start or unlock their car? To be effective it must work as best possible.

Is this necessary?
Most people agree its needed. I've told the drivers I hope to never use this system but the one time it's needed makes it all worth it. There are times when a driver flips to the bottom of a hill in an open field with wheels down. If this happens when the driver is unconscious and on the gas or the buggy has a mechanical issue this could make the difference in someones life. Most of the drivers want to see bigger payouts and more help with sponsors. For this to happen we have to show the world we are set on taking safety to the best possible level. SRRS started with safety in mind and it shows with the steps made each year to progress. This system wasn't something that was just thrown out right now. It has been talked about the last 2 years and discussed at the drivers meeting at the races this year. We also demonstrated the system in May of this year giving time for the drivers to adapt. We also discussed the HNR system and lots of drivers have started running them this year to get ahead of the curve.

While I'm here I'll explain a little of why I do this. Hill climbing has been something i love since the 3 wheeler days and I've done it ever since. Like some of you my entire family is involved in wheeling and my kids have grown up on the trails. I'll always be on the trails and to be honest I wished i had more time to just wheel with family and friends. Most people who know me know that i put everything i have into anything I'm doing. I like to do things right the first time. SRRS is a passion for me and I love doing it.

SRRS and the elusive "pile of cash".

I would love to just buy all of this safety gear for the drivers but at the end of the day it is about making sure SRRS can continue to operate and grow. This year SRRS drivers went home with over $108,000.00 in cash plus lots of product from various companies. The entry fees for SRRS this year totals around $32,000. Most organizations pay out no more than 100% of entry fees. (SRRS is at around 400%) I will continue to do my best to keep entry fees down and grow payouts for these guys. Other expenses are insurance, banners, course tape, rope, trophies, fuel, stickers, paypal fees, trailer expense, and hotel rooms just to name a few. Multiple trips are made sometimes to prepare a park for an event. The time involved answering calls, helping drivers, coordinating events, working out agreements with sponsors, and doing the events themselves takes tons of time that I miss work to handle. SRRS is my hobby that I actually spend a ton of time and money to do. Am I complaining about it? No. I do it because I love the sport and will continue to work hard to keep growing SRRS. I learn a lot every event and every year to help make each event and each year that much better. In just these 4 short years SRRS with the help of many great people has helped many drivers get sponsors, get driver/buggy features in magazine, event magazine coverage, features on Xtreme 4X4, made SRRS a big part of King Of The Hammers week, and the Discovery Channel feature that was filmed at GrayRock.

I also want to thank the drivers, fans, parks, media, and driver families for the continued growth of SRRS. Got another great year planned for 2016 so keep an eye out on the Southern Rock Racing website.

Speaking of KOH, who's ready for a shootout?
I have voiced my opinion on the cost of it but I do agree it happens. I will not pay for the box just to race but if there are people willing to help out I enjoy the racing. I have a **** ton of fun with the srrs and they do have the best series around so I will try to show up next year if I can.
And if Spyder offroad sponsors it I will be at shootout :flipoff1:
BUG-E J said:
I have voiced my opinion on the cost of it but I do agree it happens. I will not pay for the box just to race but if there are people willing to help out I enjoy the racing. I have a **** ton of fun with the srrs and they do have the best series around so I will try to show up next year if I can.

Nick is working to make this easier for the guys that only run some of the races.

To me, the easiest way to pay for these boxes and not charge anybody, would be to have a race in the name of safety with a big payout, take that $10k+ in cash that would normally go to a drivers(s), and buy 10 kill boxes.....problem solved for everybody and nobody was out the money?

TacomaJD said:
To me, the easiest way to pay for these boxes and not charge anybody, would be to have a race in the name of safety with a big payout, take that $10k+ in cash that would normally go to a drivers(s), and buy 10 kill boxes.....problem solved for everybody and nobody was out the money?
What about the fact that there are anywhere from 29-35 racers?
Makes more sense for everyone to have the wiring and srrs have about 5 boxes that they own and just plug them to the rigs in the lineup as the run. Racers are only out a small expense for the wiring.
Food for thought mainly to Clyde
The use of these Remote Ignition Interuptors is a great idea, if they actually work...
We purchased four of these so called elite boxes from Birch Communications, because I'm the one that has been preaching Rii boxes since the first season of SRRS. I invested over $6,000 in four boxes, one radio, and 40 pig tails. The plan was to use them just as specified here earlier, move our boxes from truck to truck and the drivers are responsible for wiring up the pigtails. We spent hours wireing up trucks and testing boxes at Triple Canopy Ranch in May, come time for the race and none of the trucks would run without a box in them, so we had to rig jumper wires for the trucks not running the bos. We had at least four trucks shut off without the remote during the race. By the end of the first round of racing we only had one box left that would work, so we decided to not use them anymore. I haven't been able to get Larry Jr or his dad to return my calls since May. These are supposed to be the best boxes available and they are junk, they are still using the same technology from 80s when monster trucks started using them. I bought the three channel boxes, and from what I understand y'all are using single channel units, this is also going to cause a problem because once the button is pressed every box will shut down.
I agree with the concept and when a company builds a quality box, then the Mega Truck Series will be using, until then I will not require the racers to purchase something that is junk.
Jeremy Forsyth
Re: Re:

al1tonyota said:
What about the fact that there are anywhere from 29-35 racers?
The 10 kill box idea was assuming the drivers all had pigtail harnesses, 10 would be a sufficient amount to easily interchange between drivers throughout the day.
My name is Nick Kortenber I own warfare and yes it is one tough buggy.
Wow I understand why I don't post on here
I'm going to have to go look for some class some where. To all the people that do know me text me cause I'm done here.
I hear all the time from people "why don't those guys you race with post on hardline since you say they are so cool?" Maybe because everytime they do its a pile on lynch mob. Aj rockwell posted in my build thread and got the same type response. And for piper he just loves the drama. He will jump in the middle stir the pot and then stand back and watch. :****:
BUG-E J said:
I hear all the time from people "why don't those guys you race with post on hardline since you say they are so cool?" Maybe because everytime they do its a pile on lynch mob. Aj rockwell posted in my build thread and got the same type response. And for piper he just loves the drama. He will jump in the middle stir the pot and then stand back and watch. :****:

I have no class but ask this guy about how bad I am.
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