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When's the new schedule come out?

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lowbudgetjunk said:
When's the new schedule come out?

Sent from my XT1049 using Tapatalk
Dates for this year and next year were released a long time ago. I know it's on website but it's here too. Been on hardline calender for awhile
JohnG said:
Over the line Jon Piper. Quit trying to start drama here. Enjoy the vacation.
FroggF350 said:
Food for thought mainly to Clyde
The use of these Remote Ignition Interuptors is a great idea, if they actually work...
We purchased four of these so called elite boxes from Birch Communications, because I'm the one that has been preaching Rii boxes since the first season of SRRS. I invested over $6,000 in four boxes, one radio, and 40 pig tails. The plan was to use them just as specified here earlier, move our boxes from truck to truck and the drivers are responsible for wiring up the pigtails. We spent hours wireing up trucks and testing boxes at Triple Canopy Ranch in May, come time for the race and none of the trucks would run without a box in them, so we had to rig jumper wires for the trucks not running the bos. We had at least four trucks shut off without the remote during the race. By the end of the first round of racing we only had one box left that would work, so we decided to not use them anymore. I haven't been able to get Larry Jr or his dad to return my calls since May. These are supposed to be the best boxes available and they are junk, they are still using the same technology from 80s when monster trucks started using them. I bought the three channel boxes, and from what I understand y'all are using single channel units, this is also going to cause a problem because once the button is pressed every box will shut down.
I agree with the concept and when a company builds a quality box, then the Mega Truck Series will be using, until then I will not require the racers to purchase something that is junk.
Jeremy Forsyth
Thanks Jeremy that was one concern I had with the boxes I was thinking if they all are on one channel it would shut every buggy down that was in range when the shutdown button was hit .
I've researched these things for several months, and as long as you use traditional radio signals, it's going to pose a problem. The FCC only allows so many radio frequencies available for public use. Anyone with a two way radio like the ones Rugged Radio sales can shut down your rig if they have the right frequency or one thats even close to it. We have other people's conversation bleeding into our radios at the races all the time, if that happens with an Rii box it will shut down the rig. The signal will have to be some kind of digital or cell phone type signal to work. When someone builds that set up, I'll require them. I know it would be simple to build, one of the Mega Trucks that race with us built one out of a Taxxas RC car remote, and it works great. He still has his pit crew hold it just in case his truck needs to shut down.
When and if we find that perfect system, i will let someone from each driver's pit crew stand in the timing booth with me and hold the remote, that way in the event a truck needs to be shut down, it will be someone from that crew doing it. If they don't shut it down when I say to, then that team will NOT be allowed to race anymore.
The idea is great, but the Birch Rii boxes are not the ones to use, neither are the Mudd Boxes they work off the same exact signal. I know this because I've talked to both companies. I also know that the radio I have will shut down any Monster Jam truck that runs an Rii box... And I'd almost be willing to bet it would shut down the ones being used for SRRS.
I have no experience with this at all but Monster Jam seems to have good success with theirs (from my spectator point of view anyway).I remember the late 90s trucks would be randomly shut down for no reason at all but in more recent years I haven't seen a truck shut down unless it needed to be. Seems radio interference would be a bigger issue in those big city stadiums than in the middle of the woods Tennessee as well. Not trying to stir the bees any more just my observations

A radar detector is like $150. Just hook it up to your ignition, point a radar gun at the rig you want to shut down. Cops shoot radar like a mile down the road.
It doesn't seem that the technology isn't out there (RC car electronics are reliable, robust, and extremely modular)

Looks like no one currently offers turn key vehicle kill plug in solutions
Ah remote shut off, sounds pretty tricky. .. I think it would be fun to have the control, to mess with folks.. Hell They put Em on the Chinese 4wheelers so parents can control full throttle assult on fences, porches, cars, etc... Those quads brand new are what, 500ish bucks? For the whole unit. And believe it or not, I hear they actually work good. Surely someone on here knows a lot about wiring and **** that could explain how hArd it is to get a remote to cut power to something.. Haha been doing it for a **** ton of years on other stuff ... Why is so hard to make a motor stop running? :dunno:And to do so why in the **** hell does it cost so much? Just curious..
I still dream of SRRS having a class for guys that are broke as hell (me)... I mean like poor (me) ... Bad... And the crowd takes donations up to help replace any and all broken parts,... I bet We'd bitch about having the extra cost of 5 buks in shrink wrap for wiring..hahaha guess racing and the poor(me) don't go together... Dammit.. Man can dream...
If I was racin, I'd claim someone messed with my box every race i didn't win.. Which would be very few. If any.. :woot: Rubbins racin' by gawd. RIP dale #3 ????
Freaknick said:
What I don't understand is why people that don't race or will never race have to put there 2 cents in to a conversation that doesn't involve them.
If anyone that is interested in racing and would be like to get on a list to rent a box. Please text 901-277-4567

How about charging a little more across the board for entry fees to cover the cost of them for everyone. Once they are paid for over time you could either drop to added cost or put it in a pool for future things like replacing a box when one goes bad or extra bonus prize stuff. Just an idea.
Freaknick said:
What I don't understand is why people that don't race or will never race have to put there 2 cents in to a conversation that doesn't involve them.
If anyone that is interested in racing and would be like to get on a list to rent a box. Please text 901-277-4567

I don't understand why anyone would post on the internet if they didn't want public comment. Or why anyone would post on the internet that they didn't want public comment. Your understanding of the internet seems to be fundamentally flawed.

Personally, I only know of a handful of "racers" in SRRS. Anyone "doing it for the show" is an ENTERTAINER. The rest are broke rednecks with illusions of grandeur IMO.

I don't see how it's in any racing organization's interest to air their dirty laundry on the internet every time a "racer" has an opinion. Can someone please point me to the the forum where Dale Earnhardt Jr. is complaining to all of his fans about Nascar rules and costs???

I would support SRRS stipulating in the racer contract that no racer shall speak or comment on internal racing issues publically. Then if you start a thread like this in a public forum you get banned from participating. You could have your own private forum, or even section on this forum, where only racers were given access. Half the drama both here and on Pirate is started by "racers," is about "racing," or perpetuated by "racers." Then you all could have your little circle-jerks privately and not muck up forums that are about REAL wheeling. (Hardline CRAWLERS, not Hardline Racers.) It would be an easy way to exclude all of the opinions that you say do not matter as well.
Skidkid said:
How about charging a little more across the board for entry fees to cover the cost of them for everyone. Once they are paid for over time you could either drop to added cost or put it in a pool for future things like replacing a box when one goes bad or extra bonus prize stuff. Just an idea.

That is a horrible idea!! It already costs enough to go to an event for a weekend for the spectator, which are herded like cattle. I'm already on the verge of saying **** it and not going to anymore anyway. I don't think I am alone in this either. I enjoy the competition, but there are other events other than SRRS events to attend.
patooyee said:
I don't understand why anyone would post on the internet if they didn't want public comment. Or why anyone would post on the internet that they didn't want public comment. Your understanding of the internet seems to be fundamentally flawed.

Personally, I only know of a handful of "racers" in SRRS. Anyone "doing it for the show" is an ENTERTAINER. The rest are broke rednecks with illusions of grandeur IMO.

I don't see how it's in any racing organization's interest to air their dirty laundry on the internet every time a "racer" has an opinion. Can someone please point me to the the forum where Dale Earnhardt Jr. is complaining to all of his fans about Nascar rules and costs???

I would support SRRS stipulating in the racer contract that no racer shall speak or comment on internal racing issues publically. Then if you start a thread like this in a public forum you get banned from participating. You could have your own private forum, or even section on this forum, where only racers were given access. Half the drama both here and on Pirate is started by "racers," is about "racing," or perpetuated by "racers." Then you all could have your little circle-jerks privately and not muck up forums that are about REAL wheeling. (Hardline CRAWLERS, not Hardline Racers.) It would be an easy way to exclude all of the opinions that you say do not matter as well.
Word up! Perfect. Exactly what I was going to say , worded much better .. Haha. But thats just me.. Ole lonely me, that don't race... And never will.. :'(
Prob best I didn't. Ash Drue about my hot Laps around Choco.. Shhhitttt. I know a lot of us are lame asses that don't and won't ever race.. But I think it's most of us that love this thing called a "sport" that keep it going .. Unless I'm wrong about how it works. I think spectators,( fans, losers that don't race) are what keeps it growing? Hell I don't know... I seem to always have the best spot In the house to watch the racing. .. On the tube
I'm Casey. The owner of the "WELFARE" build... Cause I'm broke as **** , it is kinda a tough ride. Did 3 neutral drops yesterday,.. At 700 rpm.! :woot:
kushKrawlin said:
I'm Casey. The owner of the "WELFARE" build... Cause I'm broke as **** , it is kinda a tough ride. Did 3 neutral drops yesterday,.. At 700 rpm.! :woot:
molaugh molaugh :wtflol: laughing1 :rolf: :rolf:
kushKrawlin said:
I'm Casey. The owner of the "WELFARE" build... Cause I'm broke as **** , it is kinda a tough ride. Did 3 neutral drops yesterday,.. At 700 rpm.! :woot:

PLEASE change the name of your build thread!!! LOL! It's about the only welfare I can support!!! :rolf: :rolf: :rolf: :rolf: :rolf:
Will these shut off boxes be employed for the Razor racing as well? I remember an unfortunate occurrence at a race where someone was hurt when one rolled over into the crowd. :dunno:

Remember though, if these are used, it would be discretionary based upon the current race situation. Good and Bad to everything, just got to iron out the kinks. Got your hands full with this beehive Clyde. thumb.gif
patooyee said:
I would support SRRS stipulating in the racer contract that no racer shall speak or comment on internal racing issues publically. Then if you start a thread like this in a public forum you get banned from participating. You could have your own private forum, or even section on this forum, where only racers were given access. Half the drama both here and on Pirate is started by "racers," is about "racing," or perpetuated by "racers." Then you all could have your little circle-jerks privately and not muck up forums that are about REAL wheeling. (Hardline CRAWLERS, not Hardline Racers.) It would be an easy way to exclude all of the opinions that you say do not matter as well.

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