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Something I don't understand and pertains to this entire thread, why is the crowd so close? Hell a rig could run over 100 people before you have time to mash the button and then another 100 or more after you do mash it. The button will not stop forward progress or backwards. It doesn't prevent back flips all the way down the hill. I think first step are better barriers and crowds pushed further back back with no one at the bottom of a hill.
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Mortalis5509 said:
Something I don't understand and pertains to this entire thread, why is the crowd so close? Hell a rig could run over 100 people before you have time to mash the button and then another 100 or more after you do mash it. The button will not stop forward progress or backwards. It doesn't prevent back flips all the way down the hill. I think first step are better barriers and crowds pushed further back back with no one at the bottom of a hill.
Hell you can barely see anything as it is. Not a spectator friendly race for the most part.
patooyee said:
SRRS is good at what they do so I'm not going to pretend to think I know better or that I have all the answers. These are just some suggestions. You should expect that if you hang your laundry out to dry your neighbors will see your underwear. I think its better policy just to keep your underwear private until you get to know people better. And by all means don't stick raw steak to your underwear and go running through a pack of hungry wolves!

Assuming we wear underwear is your first mistake.

To continue on. I have spotted for some folks in the past (poorly I might add). This is just recreational wheeling. That is the only way to get your money's worth on any hill. On a competition hill, there are two or three idiots (sorry BKF and Madram) that get a good seat. They put themselves in harms way (and should wear full face helmets and mouth guards) and provide the second best seat in the house via YouTube just mere hours later. After that, people will push to get there money's worth to their own possible detriment. Not a problem for me, but to the sue happy crowd, it is a potential recipe for disaster.
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TBItoy said:
Hell you can barely see anything as it is. Not a spectator friendly race for the most part.
I understand that, but where is the line drawn? With a sue happy nation and government control, a lot can be at steak. I'm not trying to start something but it's something to look at. Government could choose to shut down more public land if something really happens.

In the end, a waiver is as good as the paper it's written on. Unless a lawyer is really present to explain to you your rights then it's really open ended. Anyone can claim that they didn't understand what they were signing and that they forced you to sign to watch or participate.
RHINO660 said:

Safest way is to stay your arse in bed...but that ain't gonna happened.

I am a firm believer in Darwinism. Stand as close as you feel comfortable, but when you enter the park, you should sign a waiver that is notarized by a federal judge while being video recorded making a statement that you won't sue anybody for anything that happens in the park. And that is only after you passed a breathalyzer, hair follicle, semen and stool sample to make sure you were of sound mind. Pretty soon, all the idiots that can't figure out they should have substantial coverage between them and a 4000lb, 800 horsepower hill killer will have cleansed the gene pool of their impurities. Problem solved.
RHINO660 said:
Bingo. This is what I do 100% of the time. My toe nails to long for standing on the side of a steep ass hill. Plus BK gets ome badass videos.
RHINO660 said:

This^ (in my best Cheif impression) "Just because we are dumbasses that stand too close don't mean you need to be too!"
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Mortalis5509 said:
I understand that, but where is the line drawn? With a sue happy nation and government control, a lot can be at steak. I'm not trying to start something but it's something to look at. Government could choose to shut down more public land if something really happens.

In the end, a waiver is as good as the paper it's written on. Unless a lawyer is really present to explain to you your rights then it's really open ended. Anyone can claim that they didn't understand what they were signing and that they forced you to sign to watch or participate.

Where are you from California? We don't race or ride on Government land in the East. They took all that away thanks to the Trout Fishermen than logged the place for profit....... Closest we have to that is Stoney and Harlan.
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BustedKnucklefilms said:
Where are you from California? We don't race or ride on Government land in the East. They took all that away thanks to the Trout Fishermen than logged the place for profit....... Closest we have to that is Stoney and Harlan.
I'm saying it could influence closures nationwide. Someone in another stay could see what happened in TN/AL and not want that to happen in their state.
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Mortalis5509 said:
I'm saying it could influence closures nationwide. Someone in another stay could see what happened in TN/AL and not want that to happen in their state.

Lots of stuff "Could happen" Doesn't mean they will.
SRRS is setting a good example with some of the best safety out of any parks or series running.
If there is an issue it will be one of these New small Parks that has a bounty hill not knowing what they are doing safety wise.
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BustedKnucklefilms said:
If there is an issue it will be one of these New small Parks that has a bounty hill not knowing what they are doing safety wise.

This is gospel to me. I honestly believe this is what we need to think about.
hayitsray said:
yall just love to put my name in everything you talk about #fans#hhatersgoinhate#hardlinehatersclub#trolls#keepmynameoutyourbullshit :dblthumb:

You totally missed the boat when you named your thing/rig/Mistry power the Batmobile! I'm going to give you a new name the joker because you're one hell of a joker. Because it's a joke when you pull up in your joker mobile! :gtfo:
hayitsray said:
I think it's a great ideal I wish Brandon had one on up at rush when pedal stuck even if it puts me out of racing SRRS I still think it's a great ideal just wish it was more affordable :driving:

Just wait till after the first of the year. Then you can buy one with your check that all of us hard-working people on hardline paid for. I'll be the first to say you're welcome. I'm sure Tony will be along to thank you to ! :Joc: :flipgotcha:
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BustedKnucklefilms said:
Lots of stuff "Could happen" Doesn't mean they will.
SRRS is setting a good example with some of the best safety out of any parks or series running.
If there is an issue it will be one of these New small Parks that has a bounty hill not knowing what they are doing safety wise.

Lots of stuff is already happening!!!! Several parks are feeling the insurance squeeze, insurance companys are starting to see more and more vids of this sport and the parks are feeling it!! This happens with most anything that grows as fast as this has.

As cole stated earlier, if any of these series were to make the competitors pay there insurance for the race like U4 does, i dought there would be many involved!
Anything a series can do to push saftey is a plus in my book, but if your going to force it, make sure what your inforceing is up to the task and fair across the field.

Kinda like a winch rule. If you have ever worked recovery on any serious hills, you know it sucks when the rig has no working wench!!!!
hayitsray said:
I will say this SRRS is owned by Clyde so he and only him needs to make the rules . I would never let Clyde or anyone tell me how I should run my business ,if you can't pass tech when it comes time don't race . Have a great time watching its about the best series to watch. I'll be taking the cheaper way out and borrowing one or renting one . In my opinion these boxes are for more for the fan safety then the drivers or buggy owners so I say add 5 bucks to the entry fee next year and use that money to buy some boxes !But opinion are like assholes everyone has one don't mean mine is right or wrong . But again only one man opinion matters here and it's Clyde's. :driving:
Well I commend you for trying to use punctuation. But outside of that I am sorry for wherever you graduated from.
"Lots of stuff is already happening!!!! Several parks are feeling the insurance squeeze, insurance companys are starting to see more and more vids of this sport and the parks are feeling it!! This happens with most anything that grows as fast as this has."

This is exactly what I`m scared of about the whole racing series period... I don`t mind watching it every now and again but, really I like wheeling way more than I like sitting around watching one buggy after the other run up a hill over and over. It worries me that there`s gonna be some crazy wreck that kills some people and its gonna hit all over the news just like the big jump at Gray rock and the insurance companies are gonna be like "**** this" bam insurance hikes. Then the parks start closing. I understand that in the same since the races bring good money to the parks and the towns but the wheeling part of me just wants the races to kinda Stop Growing and not get anymore main stream.
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