Well-Known Member
truckbroke said:but the wheeling part of me just wants the races to kinda Stop Growing and not get anymore main stream.
truckbroke said:"Lots of stuff is already happening!!!! Several parks are feeling the insurance squeeze, insurance companys are starting to see more and more vids of this sport and the parks are feeling it!! This happens with most anything that grows as fast as this has."
This is exactly what I`m scared of about the whole racing series period... I don`t mind watching it every now and again but, really I like wheeling way more than I like sitting around watching one buggy after the other run up a hill over and over. It worries me that there`s gonna be some crazy wreck that kills some people and its gonna hit all over the news just like the big jump at Gray rock and the insurance companies are gonna be like "**** this" bam insurance hikes. Then the parks start closing. I understand that in the same since the races bring good money to the parks and the towns but the wheeling part of me just wants the races to kinda Stop Growing and not get anymore main stream.
muddinmetal said:IMO opinion the only people who "love" racing are the competators, the people making money off it, & the fair weather fans.
Fact: Youtube has & will kill offroading as we knew it
truckbroke said:"Lots of stuff is already happening!!!! Several parks are feeling the insurance squeeze, insurance companys are starting to see more and more vids of this sport and the parks are feeling it!! This happens with most anything that grows as fast as this has."
This is exactly what I`m scared of about the whole racing series period... I don`t mind watching it every now and again but, really I like wheeling way more than I like sitting around watching one buggy after the other run up a hill over and over. It worries me that there`s gonna be some crazy wreck that kills some people and its gonna hit all over the news just like the big jump at Gray rock and the insurance companies are gonna be like "**** this" bam insurance hikes. Then the parks start closing. I understand that in the same since the races bring good money to the parks and the towns but the wheeling part of me just wants the races to kinda Stop Growing and not get anymore main stream.
BustedKnucklefilms said:If youtube kills offroading it won't be on me. It will be that jackwagon with his Iphone that posts the wrong video if something happens. i would never post a video that would be detrimental to this sport, even if I thought it would get millions of views.
CHASMAN9 said:If you count the people that have been killed or injured racing versus riding, you would see the scales tipped towards the trail riding. It's just the cold hard facts that racing employees more safety precautions and pre checks whereas riding is self monitored.
BustedKnucklefilms said:Where are you from California? We don't race or ride on Government land in the East. They took all that away thanks to the Trout Fishermen than logged the place for profit....... Closest we have to that is Stoney and Harlan.
BustedKnucklefilms said:I talk to tons of park owners and haven't heard much lately about insurance issues other than it is flat out expensive to begin with. You really think the insurance companies just sit around and watch youtube videos? Sounds like a fun job!
Wishing it would stop growing is silly. The reach of the racing and the sport is going to grow Ten Fold in 2016. But it will be done correctly, with the right safety in place for the fans and the drivers.
BustedKnucklefilms said:Have you even been to a race lately? If people didn't enjoy it they would stop showing up by the thousands......
If youtube kills offroading it won't be on me. It will be that jackwagon with his Iphone that posts the wrong video if something happens. i would never post a video that would be detrimental to this sport, even if I thought it would get millions of views.
muddinmetal said:Does anyone think insurance may be the reason there are no comps at Morris Mountain these days![]()
CHASMAN9 said:These days? No, it closed years ago due to insurance costs and yes I do believe someone died there. :****:
Not in an accident, he was stung by a yellow jacket. Anything can happen at any time. Very sorry to the person but was doing what he loved. Wheeling with friends.
jeeptj99 said:What about this video? This is the first video you or Madram posted i thought shouldnt be posted. And it goes back to the safety thing. Granted dude shouldnt have been where he was but still. This video didnt do anything to help the offroad community.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
BustedKnucklefilms said:No one was injured. Just a public service announcement to find a better place to park, and if you do park somewhere dumb don't get pissed when a RZR lands on your rig. Its not like I showed someone getting knocked unconscious....
muddinmetal said:Morris Mountain
BustedKnucklefilms said:Its not like I showed someone getting knocked unconscious....