Ok. So yesterday I hope the tach up, which is a POS.. There's good chance it's not right.. But anyways, I put in 2wd high, (In the yard, not asphalt) stepped on the brake, and gave it gas, the ass end lifts up and the tires start spinnin at about 1800 rpm, BUT, like I stated I do not know **** about motors, but I have always had some kinda Motorsport, and I do know what one sounds like when it's close to red line.. And i swear when i rev it sittin still the RPM's on this bullshit tach go between 2-3000 and that bitch is screAming. I don't know what RPM's these kinda motors are supposed to red line at or idle at.. Wish i did, I hate being confused like this. I'm used to 15000 + RPM's on a sport bike, this is the first old skool motor i have ever had.
PHOLMANN, th350 trans, 205, 4:56's, 40" treps, and Motor is 400 sbc, but I'm not sure what the hell has been done to it, ALL I have seen is the red roller rockers, headers, summit manifold(think I'm right).. BUT it had Voodo Cam stickers on the old oil pan, tell me if I could look or you need to know anything else that I may be able to find. And fellas I know a sticker can be put anywhere, and I never paid much attention to the "Voodoo cam" sticker .. but I've had several people say Something about the cam,,, so that makes me think it could possibly have one

as bad as I hate to say it thats like speakin another language.. I'm learnin tho. I usually don't stop when i want somthin, and I wanna learn everything about this ****.. . Ok.. back to my hunk , did I do stall test right? Please tell me grass is ok and it doesn't have to be on concrete! Haha. Good lord.
And I did read about the flash stall test last nite and plan on doin it.. I think a good tachometeris in the near future. I just wanna figure this out and get it how I want it.. Had a good friend to tell me "find out what driving style you want and that will decide a lot". Well, I damn sure do not want to go slow all of the time, actually I don't want to go slow most of the time.. But by God,on The side of a rock ledge, like at Morris watching josh and chad (hope I'm right on names) with their low gearing it hit me, that's the only way to accomplish getting up some of those rocks without jumping them or hammering it and breakin everything... My high gear is useless offroad, my low is awesome for hills and raising hell.