Obviously the dude can bend pipe but gots no style lol Ill fix it and try to give it a nicer look on that.For now the Buggy is on the back burner for a spel(this really sux!!)
My gas pick up broke down last night,gotta tow it home tonight.I think the fuel pump has takin a **** on it.GOtts a full tank of gas too..oh joy.Then while going to rescue the wife The fan clutch goes out on the cummins and come scary close to falling off and going though the rad

so I fix that on the side of the road pulled the fan and stacked some washers on the pulley bolts.Thanks god for tools and misc **** in the truck lol. So I get home and figure I best fire up the Metro(it aint been started since I got my cummins truck lol) it wont run! fawked with it for a couple hours last night.So I had to drive the cummins out to work today hoping I dont get caught in traffic and over heat it...this sux ass,but just another one of lifes curve balls lol