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Things are changing..


-Oh no I picked a side-
Mar 26, 2001
Da gold bar
After a long phone conversation last night I heard some things have been done up at reiter--so I thought me and the wife would buzz up and take a look.

This was known that they had planned on closing this camp area off the main road.



So we went up the main road to the turn off for the upper staging area..

From what I gather--no camping anywhere from the raod to the powerlines.

Just off the main road.

This is next to the big sign at the turn off


These are all along the road...


You can read the info on the tree right off the road by the first ecology blocks


Along the road



At the corner



After the corner where that narrow bridge is

Yep, saw those Firday. Was going to camp at my favorite spot, the Rat's Nest.......no more. Oh well, nothing we can do now.

All the other closures look good......I never went in the now closed areas before anyhow.

Does make you wonder what's next though.:eeek:
Yep, saw those Firday. Was going to camp at my favorite spot, the Rat's Nest.......no more. Oh well, nothing we can do now.

All the other closures look good......I never went in the now closed areas before anyhow.

Does make you wonder what's next though.:eeek:

Well lets just say--the eco folks have been out in groups, taking pics and the DNR has recieved a letter.

Hold onto your pants because we are in for a ride. I will tell more when what I know is confirmed.
Told ya so...

They'll tell you only what they want, because they have no obligation to do so.

I said it once, I'll say it again...

...this is only the beginning.

Every weekend...every month...you will start to find more and more closed off.
Told ya so...

They'll tell you only what they want, because they have no obligation to do so.

I said it once, I'll say it again...

...this is only the beginning.

Every weekend...every month...you will start to find more and more closed off.

Let know when you want to go out for some "trail maintenance". :cheer:

I'm going down in a BLAZE OF GLORY!!!
Told ya so...

They'll tell you only what they want, because they have no obligation to do so.

I said it once, I'll say it again...

...this is only the beginning.

Every weekend...every month...you will start to find more and more closed off.

What have they told us?
from what was said at the DNR/whore4x4.com meeting these were targeted for closer,,,I think that is all that they said they were going to do,,,,Maybe Kim can add to this,,but these are a no biggie,if that makes them happy,,,,all is good,,,no worries...
Don't you people understand the way things work?

Changes start small, low to minimal impact on the user groups...they get you adapted to the idea of change slowly. In fact there are folks that will even volunteer to help out.

So you say...

"no big deal, these are just areas we never use anyway, it just affects the bike guys"

Next month it is something else, similar but a little different and perhaps something that hits a little closer to home.

...and it progresses from there.

Haven't any of you ever taken a psych class? This is standard practice seen the world over for heck knows how long in order to take away something that you want/need/have with out confrontation.

The DNR is not your friend, they are not your ally, they are first and foremost a government agency tasked to protect and manage the governments property (public land). We are an afterthought. And for all your good deeds and intentions, your reward will be them creating further restrictions.

I'm not saying that fighting to keep it open isn't worthwhile, just saying the end is inevitable. We will loose most of what we have (or have dillusions of having) right now.
Don't you people understand the way things work?

Changes start small, low to minimal impact on the user groups...they get you adapted to the idea of change slowly. In fact there are folks that will even volunteer to help out.

So you say...

"no big deal, these are just areas we never use anyway, it just affects the bike guys"

Next month it is something else, similar but a little different and perhaps something that hits a little closer to home.

...and it progresses from there.

Haven't any of you ever taken a psych class? This is standard practice seen the world over for heck knows how long in order to take away something that you want/need/have with out confrontation.

The DNR is not your friend, they are not your ally, they are first and foremost a government agency tasked to protect and manage the governments property (public land). We are an afterthought. And for all your good deeds and intentions, your reward will be them creating further restrictions.

I'm not saying that fighting to keep it open isn't worthwhile, just saying the end is inevitable. We will loose most of what we have (or have dillusions of having) right now.

How is this any different than lets say private land with rules and regulations.

You say the end is inevitable---so is life, so should we just bow down and die because thats the end result?

I do agree with you to a point--but with what being said about the higher ups--I still feel those in the field--like kim and david--they honestly wanna help us but still have there higher ups over looking them. Not any different than a boss at a job, or the laws that hold us to the road.

I am going to die someday--but still get up everyday to carry on with my lafe--so do I fight for what we have---won't ever convince me to change.