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Things are changing..

so do I fight for what we have---won't ever convince me to change.

If you read the last sentence of my post, you would have come to the conclusion that I was not asking anyone to stop fighting or even change.

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything as trying to convince the sheeple would be merely a waste of my web-wheeling prowess.
If you read the last sentence of my post, you would have come to the conclusion that I was not asking anyone to stop fighting or even change.

I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything as trying to convince the sheeple would be merely a waste of my web-wheeling prowess.

I knew and understood what ya said brad--I was just stating my opinion on it :D
I knew and understood what ya said brad--I was just stating my opinion on it :D

would ya stop quoting him already... he's on my ignore list for a reason ya know. :;

At least you guys got something to fight for and to keep open, we got a huge forest and still can't get a area opened for 4x4's. Reiter Trails sure looks like a great place to wheel at, now it's just up to you guys to keep it that way.
The eco commies are going to kill this sport before we know it!

Damn them.:flipoff:

That just leaves more room for me to hike/bike then!!! :kissmyass::kissmyass::kissmyass:


I agree with Brad on this, it's all a ploy, get you all lubed up for the big insert. :awesomework:

I do like the notion it's public land, it makes me giggle inside. :haha:
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from what was said at the DNR/whore4x4.com meeting these were targeted for closer,,,I think that is all that they said they were going to do,,,,Maybe Kim can add to this,,but these are a no biggie,if that makes them happy,,,,all is good,,,no worries...

Jackazz nailed it, this is likely only a 1st step of many more to come---more will be coming:eeek:; I am in the same mindset as Crash, I won't stop fighting, and noone will convince me otherwise...:awesomework:
just think if they logged reiter the eco terrorist world freak lol :fawkdancesmiley: after all thats what it was in the first place logging roads.
On a serious note look at tahuya they have camp sites and have overcome the eco freaks because the 4 wheelers and dirbikers have a bigger voice.
Couldnt we be doing like fund raisers or something,
is there something more
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just think if they logged reiter the eco terrorist world freak lol :fawkdancesmiley: after all thats what it was in the first place logging roads.
On a serious note look at tahuya they have camp sites and have overcome the eco freaks because the 4 wheelers and dirbikers have a bigger voice.
Couldnt we be doing like fund raisers or something,
is there something more

Tahuya has something that walker also has---some organization between users to creat a bigger voice.

The one issue I see with reiter---there are no lines drawn in the sand yet--so I see an easy battle between user groups. Heck we can't even get users to join together.

Tahuya locals, DID just that and took an "OTH"... If ,you see it, PICK IT THE FU@#$% UP. If you see ( THEM :looser: ) through IT, & leave IT:booo: STERNLY advise thm:looser: too pick IT up. And if they tell you to stick IT. Do just that, & STICK IT BACK WHERE IT KAME FROM. If this is the way allthose :puke:'s wantit well then this small :redneck:crew will bust our knuckels to keep what weall'er trin ta do.:awesomework::beer:. Ther I feel better now thanks ( CRASH) LONE Tj,THE. Seya on the trails( that are still WE ltill have.
Tahuya has something that walker also has---some organization between users to creat a bigger voice.

The one issue I see with reiter---there are no lines drawn in the sand yet--so I see an easy battle between user groups. Heck we can't even get users to join together.

so what do we have to do and lets do it,
When they came for the bikers,
I remained silent;
I was not a biker
When they locked out the quads,
I remained silent;
I was not a quad rider.

When they came for the toyotas,
I did not speak out;
I was not a redneck.

When they came for the buggies,
I remained silent;
I wasnt that rich.

When they came for the jeeps,
there was no one left to speak out for me.
When they came for the bikers,
I remained silent;
I was not a biker
When they locked out the quads,
I remained silent;
I was not a quad rider.

When they came for the toyotas,
I did not speak out;
I was not a redneck.

When they came for the buggies,
I remained silent;
I wasnt that rich.

When they came for the jeeps,
there was no one left to speak out for me.


To survive--we all have to stand on a common ground........
Don't you people understand the way things work?

Changes start small, low to minimal impact on the user groups...they get you adapted to the idea of change slowly. In fact there are folks that will even volunteer to help out.

So you say...

"no big deal, these are just areas we never use anyway, it just affects the bike guys"

Next month it is something else, similar but a little different and perhaps something that hits a little closer to home.

...and it progresses from there.

Haven't any of you ever taken a psych class? This is standard practice seen the world over for heck knows how long in order to take away something that you want/need/have with out confrontation.

The DNR is not your friend, they are not your ally, they are first and foremost a government agency tasked to protect and manage the governments property (public land). We are an afterthought. And for all your good deeds and intentions, your reward will be them creating further restrictions.

I'm not saying that fighting to keep it open isn't worthwhile, just saying the end is inevitable. We will loose most of what we have (or have dillusions of having) right now.

Well put Brad, there's nothing else to say, seen it happen many times. Enjoy it while we can.:awesomework: