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Things are changing..


A fellow WATTORA Officer posted this up this evening:


This was scanned "from the latest issue of the Sierra Clubs Cascade Crest.".
Tahuya has something that walker also has---some organization between users to creat a bigger voice.

I just got back from the monthly Tahuya DNR meeting. They are very well organized and funded. That area is activly being logged, and some of the proceeds go towards improving and maintaining the trails. There are 5 DNR people for that area, 2 write tickets and do rule enforcement, one does full time maintenence and improvements, one guy works with volunteers, and the other guy is their boss. Horse riders, hikers, dirtbike/quad people, and 4x4 guys were all in attendance and working together. It is a very smooth operation.

People that use Reiter need to organize, or it will be shut down!

They called Reiter "the arm pit of the DNR" and they are sending more DNR enforcement officers to that area to ticket people and impound vehicles of repeat offenders!
I just got back from the monthly Tahuya DNR meeting. They are very well organized and funded. That area is activly being logged, and some of the proceeds go towards improving and maintaining the trails. There are 5 DNR people for that area, 2 write tickets and do rule enforcement, one does full time maintenence and improvements, one guy works with volunteers, and the other guy is their boss. Horse riders, hikers, dirtbike/quad people, and 4x4 guys were all in attendance and working together. It is a very smooth operation.

People that use Reiter need to organize, or it will be shut down!

They called Reiter "the arm pit of the DNR" and they are sending more DNR enforcement officers to that area to ticket people and impound vehicles of repeat offenders!

I fully agree.

The one big problem with trying to get everybody to work together right now that tahuya has. There are lines in the sand, no arguing over who's trail is who's since rightfully, there are no legal trails at reiter. Also every group is kinda mad at each other with each user group trying to shove its way into every other groups trails. Once some kind of lines are drawn in the sand then I think working together might be alot easier. But I might be off base but after going to meetings that were mainly bike and quad guys, that was always the feeling I got.
we should attend the sierra club meeting.

one thing our demographic can learn from the hippy liberal douches is how to protest. we just let the government lube our asses, and hippies start fawking riots. what's the best medium for our voice to be heard? look at the size of this group we have here. nww is where this can start.
by saying "where this can start" ...i am referring to the protest, making the world hear our voice movement. i'm not discrediting the years of hard work many have put into this place to keep it around.
I fully agree.

The one big problem with trying to get everybody to work together right now that tahuya has. There are lines in the sand, no arguing over who's trail is who's since rightfully, there are no legal trails at reiter. Also every group is kinda mad at each other with each user group trying to shove its way into every other groups trails. Once some kind of lines are drawn in the sand then I think working together might be alot easier. But I might be off base but after going to meetings that were mainly bike and quad guys, that was always the feeling I got.
and everyone acts so mature on here

There is help out there and funding for the program but can there at least one thread that can stay on topic of how to solve the problem with out sarcasm
I fully agree.

The one big problem with trying to get everybody to work together right now that tahuya has. There are lines in the sand, no arguing over who's trail is who's since rightfully, there are no legal trails at reiter. Also every group is kinda mad at each other with each user group trying to shove its way into every other groups trails. Once some kind of lines are drawn in the sand then I think working together might be alot easier. But I might be off base but after going to meetings that were mainly bike and quad guys, that was always the feeling I got.

What more is it going to take to change this? :eeek:

My guess is money and a persuasive englishman.
I really wish a few of you would come to an RTW meeting--just to get some info on whats going on up there. Getting involved or not is up to any of you, but having the facts is better than not, and I am tired of typing the same things over on this subject for today.
Ecology blocks are an oxymoron, and I hate them

Infighting even amongst four wheel drive groups keeps us from being truly organized.

There was a big ass hurt thread between PN4WDA and WOW on this forum about a month ago. I said it here and I'll say it again:
'united we stand, divided we fall'

You know damned well the Sierra Club and others have better organization.

Go to an RTW meeting there is about a dozen people there, go to a PNW4WDA meeting, about the same. Timber Tamers had the biggest turnout of the three meetings I have attended which was about 25 people. I will continue to attend the meetings when I can, specifically the RTW for now.

My opinion (yeah I know about opinions and assholes) is that there are PLENTY of places to strap on a pair of hikers and go enjoy nature. I'm not opposed to hiking and in fact enjoy stumbling around in the woods myself on occasion. However the places for motorized outdoor use is shrinking so rapidly it will be gone before some people on this board even finish there project rigs.

Some of you may not even remember being able to shoot, bike and wheel Sultan Basin, or Tiger Mountain or Mount Pilchuck...oh yeah and don't forget the 'coal piles' at Roslyn. I'm sure there's more that came and went before I ever hopped on a dirt bike or in a wheeler.

The sad sight of those signs and ecology blocks are that of the future, enjoy Reiter while you can because it will soon be a memory much like the places I posted above.:booo::booo::booo::booo:
by saying "where this can start" ...i am referring to the protest, making the world hear our voice movement. i'm not discrediting the years of hard work many have put into this place to keep it around.

Right here http://www.nw-wheelers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=36994 next friday (13th) you can always bet when the greenies have a protest they show up in droves. Their actualy dedicated and will take a day off of work to get their point across.
and everyone acts so mature on here

There is help out there and funding for the program but can there at least one thread that can stay on topic of how to solve the problem with out sarcasm

I try to keep these things on track but its hard with a diversity of opinions and its not fair to remove those. Now the BS name calling and such we try to remove that stuff..
Right here http://www.nw-wheelers.com/forum/showthread.php?t=36994 next friday (13th) you can always bet when the greenies have a protest they show up in droves. Their actualy dedicated and will take a day off of work to get their point across.

It is so much easier to jump on the greenie bandwagon than on the wheelin bandwagon.

One requires nothing other than a camera and dedication.
The other requires a rig, skill, MONEY, parts, dedication.

Being a greenine is a CHEAP investment for nerds to feel they belong to a group.:looser:
An organized and well ran ORV area takes alot of volunteer time, hard work and money to keep it open. Greenies and tree huggers only need a camera and computer to shut it down.
I really wish a few of you would come to an RTW meeting--just to get some info on whats going on up there. Getting involved or not is up to any of you, but having the facts is better than not, and I am tired of typing the same things over on this subject for today.

when is your next meeting Mike I'll try and be there for it...
I really wish a few of you would come to an RTW meeting--just to get some info on whats going on up there. Getting involved or not is up to any of you, but having the facts is better than not, and I am tired of typing the same things over on this subject for today.

Where are these meetings im in and all you have to do is tell me what to do not just get more involed do we need to arange fund raisers? done just tell me we can have a rti comp each competetor puts 20 and the 1/4 the entries goes to the winner the rest goes to reiter i guess i am just looking for someone to tell me exactly what to do :awesomework:
Also at the meetings if you have any input near the end of the meetings we have an open discussion and we always happy to hear any input.