I set up a trail cam behind my property out here because a few times taking the dogs out we have been freaked out. :flipoff: First time my daughter had the flashlight and was shinning it the back corner and saw eyes reflecting back at her. Then last week my wife and I were out back walking the puppy and something did a purrr growl. I have no idea what that was. So I bought a trail cam. Had it going for two days now and caught a deer in several pics, but also something triggered the cam at 2:35am last night. I think I see something but I have no idea what it is.
This is the control pic I took when setting it up.
This was 2:35am
A deer.
So what do you think.
This is the control pic I took when setting it up.

This was 2:35am

A deer.

So what do you think.