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Two week notice?

The Luke

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2010
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Just wanted to get some other opinions here. Normally I give a notice when leaving a job, no questions asked but...

Summary:boss is an asshole, probably won't give a good reference. Already have job lined up. Two week?

Been with the company a year and a half. The wife just had our third miscarriage this year. So I took off two weeks ago for a doc appointment for her. I had scheduled a week before I knew what happened to get tires that same night, after work. So after the appointment I took her home, got tires, and went home.

A week later she had a follow up appointment that I needed to be at. When I informed work about it, the owner cussed me out and said that I can have it, but I better not come back with a detailed truck with new tires on it like I did after the last "doctors appointment." I explained to him that the tire shop used a gallon of tire shine per tire. But other then that it had not been touched. Either way it's none of his damn business. He continued cussing me so I walked out of the office and into the warehouse.

I have a new job lined up. I start first of the year. I've heard the way he speaks of past employees. Anyone that leaves is immediately dirt. No way am I getting a good reference. He thinks I'm lazy because of the time I've missed for her doctor appointments.

Either way, what would you do in this situation?

The Luke. Lebanon, TN

Be the better man. Give the notice but be ready to be told to get out.

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Brock said:
Be the better man. Give the notice but be ready to be told to get out.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
That's what I'm expecting. Honestly my plan was to give my notice this coming Tuesday(payday). I'm 95% sure he'll tell me to hit the road. Which I'm fine with. I look forward to a nice break before the new job.

The Luke. Lebanon, TN
X3. Give the notice, but tell him it is up to him, you can leave any time during the 2 week notice if that is the companies choosing. I always let them go if they say that, unless the job requires training or documentation, in that case I used the two weeks for that purpose.
Give the notice. Even if your boss is a raging doucher, your actions reflect on the rest of the people in the company and you may cross paths with them again in the future.
That's what I've been leaning towards. I appreciate the input. Gets hard to see both sides when you're knee deep in it.

The Luke. Lebanon, TN
Give the notice.
Because he is a douche doesn't mean you should be one. You can then feel good about following the accepted practice.
If you do walk, you might actually be causing someone you may like some extra OT, which they may not want.
Also, you may never know when you might cross paths with someone else in the company (other than douche owner) at a different job. If they remember you didn't give notice it could be a black mark against you getting a job in the future.
^^^^^ This

Always do the right thing, when possible, even when you know the other party probably will not. You will be better off for it.
It is also possible that you'll cross paths where they may become a client of yours at a future job/business. If the bridge is burned, you may lose a sale or possible partnership on a future job.

I have done my best to never burn a bridge and have worked out a notice at every place I have ever worked. The only place I didn't work out a notice, I got fired. FedEx after getting hit, while driving, 2x in one week. Neither were my fault. The manager called me for months trying to get me to come back to the hub as the assistant manager after the year hold for accidents was lifted. I appreciated it, but found work shortly and moved on. It was nice for the next year or so to know that I had a backup plan if things went south at my current job.
The other thing I have to consider is money. We are fine, have plenty in savings. But obviously two weeks without pay, plus holding two weeks at the new employer will have an effect on the bank account. Anybody know in TN if you put in a two week notice and the company terminates you, are they required to pay out the remainder of your notice?

Normally I would think no. But the last company I worked for did exactly that. If you put in your notice, they would cut you a check and send you out the door within 10 minutes. One of my best friends out in a 3 month notice that he was going back to school in the fall and they cut him a check. I'm not sure if that was required or just a courtesy of the company. Or that was their way of paying you off to not talk about any of their illegal practices or blatant disregard to chemical exposure limits.

The Luke. Lebanon, TN
I believe TN is a "at will" state, meaning they do not have to cut you a check if they term you after giving notice, but lots of companies do it as a courtesy...but I'm not 100% sure on TN labor laws
joho75287 said:
I believe TN is a "at will" state, meaning they do not have to cut you a check if they term you after giving notice, but lots of companies do it as a courtesy...but I'm not 100% sure on TN labor laws
I'm pretty sure you are right. I tried calling the dept of labor. Of course no one there knows what they're talking about and they definitely don't want to commit to an answer.

To clarify, in case there was any doubt. I'm definitely not looking for a handout. Just covering my backside. I'm all about doing the right thing. But doing the right thing for my family comes way before doing the right thing for my employer.

The Luke. Lebanon, TN
My last job I gave a 4 day notice. I did that to make sure I got paid for all my sick time and vacation I had used on the previous pay period. They made it regular practice to cut people last checks short and not pay people vacation and sick time they had earned. I also knew I was leaving for a few months prior to quiting so I used all my vacation and sick time. One of the owners used being a preacher to make raw deals and screw people and companies regularly. The other owner was a great guy, if he called me to this day I would do what I could to help him.
That's almost the exact situation I'm in. I'm not saying a word until next pay day because I have two pending sick days on this coming check. I know if I put in my notice then they will not pay out on them

The Luke. Lebanon, TN
There is no way I would give him any notice after getting spoken to like that, I would go in and tell him to suck my **** in front of every employee he has. What a cocksucker.....Luke you are a hell of a guy for not cramming his teeth down his throat. NO employee deserves to be cussed period.
Dwalk said:
There is no way I would give him any notice after getting spoken to like that, I would go in and tell him to suck my **** in front of every employee he has. What a cocksucker.....Luke you are a hell of a guy for not cramming his teeth down his throat. NO employee deserves to be cussed period.
I won't lie. When he accused me of lying about the miscarriage to stay home and detail my truck, I almost lost it. Been doing lots of praying since then.

The Luke. Lebanon, TN
I have never gave a two notice. If I had another job lined up. I would spend the extra time with my wife. Especially if she's gone thru the miss carriages. wife and family first. Jobs and everything else in life is second. That's just me tho. You do what you feel is right. But my ass would be on Christmas break.
Dwalk said:
There is no way I would give him any notice after getting spoken to like that, I would go in and tell him to suck my **** in front of every employee he has. What a cocksucker.....Luke you are a hell of a guy for not cramming his teeth down his throat. NO employee deserves to be cussed period.

With an asshat like that, I'd do the same thing. Probably personally tell him to **** off to his face, that I quit, walk out, begin new job. There's just something about a person that holds a professional position that doesn't act the least bit professional, that infuriates me to my core. **** him.