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Unrealistic Business Ideas

5BrothersFabrication said:
I always thought about running a whorehouse in the mall. Call it a "dating service". Pay $100 to the guy at the desk, fill out a brief questionaire, then the guy says, " there's a girl in the back that has been looking for a fellow like you." Then you go back to a "safe date" room to "get to know" the person, anything that happens back there is between 2 consenting adults! Keeps the fuzz honest.

Aka Asian spa/massage! :****:
Open a car wash. Call it Cameron's.

Open a laundrymat and bar combination, Call it Suds and Suds.

Both been done, Both profit.
DirtMonkey said:
I like it! Your avitar is starting to make a lot more sense :dblthumb:

Savanah, St Patricks day, one bar we went in had a full bathroom in it and was storing kegs in the tub, that sir is the story behind my avatar. :****: :drinkers:
Well if I can't win a few million playing the lottery...I want to be paid to drive (not an 18 wheeler). I don't care where, but I have to be back home in 8 hours. I'll take just 50k a year. No need to be greedy. Bonus points if it is in a truck/car that I like.

Example: I drive a few hours one way to take pictures of a location or deliver a package, then I head back home. I'd also take 2-5 shorter trips in a day.

Unrealistic business idea completed.
During a buisness trip to LA, and a stroll down Venice beach.....

Noticed that a lot of people had dogs, some were bigger, some were the smaller purse type.

So, setup a dog rental, for those out of towners and locals without a dog trying to make a fashion or whatever statement.
JohnG said:
Open a laundrymat and bar combination, Call it Suds and Suds.

Honestly, you can incorporate alcohol into anything and it will flourish. There is a bicycle shop in Ashville, NC that has a bar inside of it. It doesn't matter, alcohol will always be coveted. With the spike of craft beer sales over the previous few years, this has given the green light to many new brew-pub style joints, and eccentric taverns - expanding/growing business in that area. I wish laws around where I live would loosen up, I'd just about open my own pub.
grcthird said:
Savanah, St Patricks day, one bar we went in had a full bathroom in it and was storing kegs in the tub, that sir is the story behind my avatar. :****: :drinkers:

****, I've never looked at it that closely. I thought they were aluminum wheels. :) :****:
grcthird said:
Beer delivery service, have to work nights and weekends, keep all the drunks off the roads and bring them a case of natty, mark it up, make mad tips from drunks who can't count, city, county and local pd would probably approve it. Get big enough and have a few locations with walk in coolers, start selling kegs, coolers with ice and beer. Maybe even get some bikini clad :cougar: to deliver. :woot: :drinkers:

We had a cab company here in the Shoals that use to deliver beer, we had them deliver some to the boat ramp one Saturday night.. Not sure if they still do it, but at one time it was handy.

Pizza delivery is your key to beer delivery. I worked in the busiest Papa Johns in the nation. I delivered kegs, cigarettes, people, condoms. Add ten bucks to your total and I would have delivered you a call girl.

Kel Lawrence
After the actual "Captain Phillips" event and subsequent pitate craze, I thought about starting a ship escort security company with me and 7 other veteran buddies. It was a really simple-

2 weeks on, 2 off
2 man teams, 12 hour shifts
Each man carries a Barrett M82A1 and M4 (for small hatch doors on a ship)
Shipping company feeds and shelters us

I wasn't looking to get super rich, just do even split $70-80k per man. Also not sure about maritime laws, having weapons on a merchant ship and all...
Then somebody will abduct your wife or kids and then they'll make a movie after it and you can takeover Liam Neeson's spot.... :****: molaugh
A buddy and myself were going to purchase a double decker bus (top deck covered in glass) and turn into a party bus.

The name of it was 3D - for Don't Drink n Drive

Let us do the driving and you can get as shitfaced as you wanted to. First floor has music, lights and a couple of stripper poles, kind of like a club on wheels. 2nd floor had pleather couches divided up with mini walls into sections. First floor would have a wrap on the outside for advertisement and to keep the lights from distracting other drivers. 2nd floor glass would be limo tinted so drivers could see all the sex going on.

This business model works great, its just the area I live in is not quite big enough to support it as a full time job.
Awesome ideas !!
They seem too realistic though

I want to micro chip every person who pisses and shits all over public toilet seats. I just need your home address and the ability to access your home while you are gone.

Either me or one of my staff will go in and **** spray your toilet rim, piss all over your seat and splash a little on your toilet paper roll.

But we will specialize in being discrete and be sure to disguise the mess under the toilet lid so when you really have to go in a hurry, you flip the lid up and see you have to spend the next few minutes cleaning up my piss and **** before you can go!!

I'll sign autographs later :)
ontherun said:
They got one here in San Antonio, drives around with a small refrigerated trailer...makes a killing

My wife is from oklahoma. ......her home town is over run with guatemalans, who are all there illegally. They've taken all the jobs in town and the surrounding area.
It has been my dream for many years to be at the point I could fix up (restore) a couple of cars, trucks, whatever a year and take them to the big stage (mecum, barrett Jackson, etc.) and let that be my livelihood. I was in the car business for 7 years and never saw how I could make enough to get started. It's a big gamble but big money to be made if you have your **** together.
matth_85 said:
It has been my dream for many years to be at the point I could fix up (restore) a couple of cars, trucks, whatever a year and take them to the big stage (mecum, barrett Jackson, etc.) and let that be my livelihood. I was in the car business for 7 years and never saw how I could make enough to get started. It's a big gamble but big money to be made if you have your **** together.
Honestly I would love to do something similar. Not the high dollar auction restores. I don't have the skill/patience for that. I would love to build buggies/trail rigs if I could be guaranteed to make at least as much money as I do at my real job. I saw a beat up TJ for sale the other day for 1500.00. It would be awesome to pick that up, stretch the wb 20 inches on some 1 tons, full ram, give it some nice paint, blah blah blah. Then magically make 10 grand profit when I sell it. It would be my only job so I'd have nothing but time to build these projects. Certain aspects of builds are not fun but I don't mind doing a lot of the fabrication and if I was being paid to do it, all the better! Then when you roll it out of the shop it is always exciting stuff.
I would like to have a job where I actually got to keep the money I made instead of giving it to big brother and I didnt have to worry about going to jail and losing everything over it.