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updates on the Z

Makes me wanna sell mine and build a Truggy, well maybe not just yet. But looks great Brian. :****:
thanks guys....hope to get alot of the bracing/painting done this weekend. then its onto the rear axle and front upper links.

1TONZR2 said:
DING! ya, we were just looking through the bolt can and found a few of them and thought that would be "trick" LoL :afro:

Thats an awesome trick... I really like that alot. I will be stealing it soon :****: :dblthumb:

Trucks lookin good , get after it dood !
a few more updates. the interior cage is done other than paint and the back half is missing a couple of pieces that will go in once the fuel cell is set into place (will eventually need to order tube clamps so it can be removed..LOL)
I had a good lookin helper yesterday taking care of the priming and paint work on the back half...








all the frame tie in's are done, everything is tied together from front to back....and yes, I think the cage inside is a bit over kill, but its my head its protecting.

tomorrow we will be working on getting the 14B under the rear, shouldnt really take too long since I already have the perches cut off, just need to grind smooth and clean up the housing a bit. BTW, those damn perches are a PITA to cut off!!! its really coming along now, another couple of weekends like this weekend and it will be done. I wish I could get to it more during the week, just no time...

Who's the happy camper on da roof? :cougar: Looking great man, about time to try out the goods. Keep on man. :driving:
thats the wife.... :cougar: hitit :woot:

cage is pretty much done. 14b is under the back and halfway welded in, just need to make the truss, pull it all back out for final weld and install gears/brakes and paint. then it iwll be on to the front...upper link truss and weld on link brackets on the frame...
haha...I guess I am pretty lucky that she does like to get involved with it sometimes, even though lately I have spent more time with the rig than with her and it is starting to get to her. I guess I only have a few more weeks of that....hopefully!

I will be going over there an workin on it wednesday and friday after work, then the weekend. I have to make some serious progress, I am running out of time.

2 pieces of 1.75" .120 wall DOM, top flat area is 1/2" plate, the sides between the tubes and the gussets are 1/4" lots of weld area on it, even on the housing itself. the tube closest to the cover is actually notched a bit to sit down a little lower and to sit up against the lip where the cover mounts. I am fairly certain this thing was WAY over built. tomorrow I am taking the 231 to get tig'ed so we can start installing the doubler setup.....hopefully, if its not raining
doubler is put together, only thing it is lacking are the shifter handles for the 205 and a cable shifter for the 231. that is one heavy SOB! probably wont get much accomplished during the week, my buddy will be outta town for a few days....no biggie, need to spend some time with the wifey anyway.


hope to get this weekend:
disc brakes on the 14b
shock tabs on the 14b
install gears/axles in the 14b
paint fuel cell, frame and cage
mount and plumb fuel cell
mount MC and cutting brakes, plumbing
hang doubler and measure for driveshafts
figure out rear mount for 205
1TONZR2 said:
hope to get this weekend:
disc brakes on the 14b.....didnt show up in the mail :dunno:
shock tabs on the 14b.....started, ran out of time and gas for the welder
install gears/axles in the 14b.....tomrrow
paint fuel cell, frame and cage....inside is done, outside...have to mount a couple more braces
mount and plumb fuel cell....mounted, hoses ran, but not hooked up
mount MC and cutting brakes, plumbing....tomorrow?? :dunno:
hang doubler and measure for driveshafts.....done
figure out rear mount for 205...gotta idea, just need to do it

also to add to that list...
fuel cell remote fill mounted
spare tire tie downs
new hiems on lower links
new 145 amp alternator installed
batter tray mounted
sheet metal for the tail lights and license plate is cut

this weekend was a weekend of small tedious stuff, had a couple of things that slowed us down, but not too bad overall. I hope to get some more done tomorrow after running around getting some stuff we need. I am going to be getting my driveshafts ordered tomorrow or tuesday. I am hoping to have it moveable this weekend.








things left to do:

hook up wires for fuel and hoses for fuel cell
mount cutting brake and master cylinder
run lines/bleed
rear mount for 205
studs for the 14b
put rear axle together
wire tail lights
shorten sway bar link
touch up paint
change out 2 hiems on rear lower links
vent lines
mount rear shocks
couple more braces on the rear cage to stock frame
swap new rope onto winch
shifter handles for 205 and a shifter for the 231

if I have time....redo upper links on front. really want to get this done, I think it will help the handling alot
1TONZR2 said:
things left to do:

hook up wires for fuel and hoses for fuel cell
mount cutting brake and master cylinder
run lines/bleed
rear mount for 205
studs for the 14b
put rear axle together
wire tail lights
shorten sway bar link
touch up paint
change out 2 hiems on rear lower links
vent lines
mount rear shocks
couple more braces on the rear cage to stock frame
swap new rope onto winch
shifter handles for 205 and a shifter for the 231

if I have time....redo upper links on front. really want to get this done, I think it will help the handling alot

small update from today....got the driveshafts back and installed, rear axle is 90% together. just gotta reset the gears and slide the axles shafts in. sway bar arms and end links are ready to install. I have been waiting on disc brake brackets from GLO that I ordered on the 25th....still not here. I have been in contact with them about it, no tracking number because it was shipped via flat rate box?? WTF I have never had a problem with those guys EVER ordering stuff. I ended up buying a set of brackets from a friend of a friend that I should have bought in the first place, but I was trying to save a few bucks.... frustrating

slowly the list is dwindling down, tomorrow should be a good day....I hope!

hook up wires for fuel and hoses for fuel cell
mount cutting brake and master cylinder
run lines/bleed
rear mount for 205
wire tail lights
touch up paint
change out 2 hiems on rear lower links
vent lines
couple more braces on the rear cage to stock frame
swap new rope onto winch
shifter for 231
install 60 gears
tear front hubs down, inspect
install inner axle seals on 60 while carrier is out
battery and associated wiring
redo front uppers if time allows
here are the pics from this weekends progress...well some of it. didnt take any today, but nothing pic worthy today, other than the muffler back on and the diff cover bolted up LOL










today wasnt as productive as I was hoping. got most of the brake lines ran, but some how ended up with the wrong fittings for a few of the lines and of course it was on a sunday and a holiday, so no one was open. I have to stop by the speed shop tomorrow get the fittings swapped out. the rear end is all together finally. got a little bit of wiring done and the sight tubes installed on the doubler. D ring mounts welded on, changed out the hiem joints and got the exhaust put back on

the list is definitely smaller after this weekend...I was really hoping to drive it today, but oh well. it will happen this week.

whats left:
winch rope
finish brake lines
add fluids
bleed brakes
hook up battery
patch up big hole in the floor where the shifters come through, mount boots
231 shifter....FAWK...forgot to measure for that
install 60 gears and inner seals

Looking good, I bet building the cage in the cab is a pain... Well welding it in the corners would make me cuss...
nah, didnt cus one bit...... molaugh it was a PITA and I will do it different next time I build a cage in the cab....which I hope is no time soon! lol

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