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Re: Re: Vegas

jeeptj99 said:
Saw one on Instagram where Dan Bilzarian was there and supposedly the chick next to him her head was blown off by a round and he was running to his truck to get his gun to go back. Not sure if that was for real or him being a wanna be operator or what.

Wasn't that dude almost a Navy Seal?

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Re: Re: Vegas

onepieceatatime said:
Wasn't that dude almost a Navy Seal?

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He's a spoiled rotten clown...he's never done anything but spend his crooked-ass daddies money.
Re: Re: Vegas

onepieceatatime said:
Wasn't that dude almost a Navy Seal?

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Not sure but almost only counts in horseshoes, hand gernades, and prom night.
Saw on news at work a little bit ago where Sheriff had confirmed they found 23 firearms at Mandalay Bay (didn't specify where said firearms were located - hotel room/car/etc) and 19 other firearms in his home. His brother Eric said he helped him move to his current place of residence in Mesquite around a year ago and he only had 2 handguns and 1 long rifle that he knew of at that time.

As wealthy and as big of a gambler as it appears that he was, I wonder what kind of **** he may have got into with the wrong crowd? Odd for somebody to quickly collect THAT many firearms if that's how it went down. I wouldn't doubt if we get some crazy unfoldings over the next week as investigation continues.
It's really not that uncommon for a wealthy person to buy a large amount of expensive (and really cool) guns at one time. As soon as they get an interest they go all in

Think of it as buying a full blown rock bouncer shortly after getting into wheeling.

It is uncommon for said person to commit a horrible act with said guns though, as in pretty much just this guy. Ever.
TBItoy said:
It's really not that uncommon for a wealthy person to buy a large amount of expensive (and really cool) guns at one time. As soon as they get an interest they go all in

Think of it as buying a full blown rock bouncer shortly after getting into wheeling.

Absolutely, but what is the origin of his interest? I'm not wealthy, but when I first got into guns, I went from never owning anything other than a deer rifle and a youth .22, both of which my dad gave me, to buying about 10 other firearms within a year. Various handguns, shotguns, carbines, and 1 AR15. Went through that phase fairly quickly and only have a few now. I became interested by way of friends. How did this guy's interest kick off? (mainly where I was going with that)

I'm not familiar with this site but saw it mentioned in a place or two that it was a belt fed gun found


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Bumpers said:
I'm not familiar with this site but saw it mentioned in a place or two that it was a belt fed gun found


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While discussing it among coworkers I said he must've had a 100 rd drum clip or something. A lot more continuous lead spray went down than your average 30-42 rd magazine would allow.

Or multiple rifles of the same caliber sitting side by side. I full auto or 5 of them, who knows?

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Not only was this a tragic course of events, now the gun control freaks are banging their drums yet again trying to once again push their agenda, using this incident to further their cause....freaking sad and pathetic. Not only are the family's of the fallen and wounded effected by this, think about the scene the LVMPD detectives and crime scene personnel are dealing with and the "mental photographs" they will have to deal with for years to come. It is sad and scary the direction our great country is headed...
I will be interested to hear what the girlfriend has to say. Seems peculiar that she just happened to be out of the country...
Politicizing this tragedy (from either side of the political fence) just makes you look like an asshole. Now is not the time to push your agenda.

This isnt to anyone particular on here, just a blanket statement.

So many questions, with so little answers.
I'm not usually one to jump on a bandwagon with these events, but it is hard to believe this guy just snapped, had in excess of ten guns that may or may not have been full auto (obviously some were), his girlfriend just happened to be out of the country, his family says there's absolutely nothing to say why he might have done this, he had no apparent escape plan, etc., etc., etc. Most of the big names in history had an agenda and wanted people to hear their message so for this guy to supposedly do this on his own I'd have to think he had something to say about it. So for him to just take his life before they even got to him really just doesn't add up for me.

Something here stinks...just can't put my finger on it yet. Sad thing is this day in age its entirely possible to never know what actually went down other than the obvious facts that a lot of people were affected by this event.
I think it's interesting that there are a ton of videos leaking out of the shooter clearly not being on the 32nd floor. And the windows that are busted out In the pictures are different than where you can see the muzzle flash.
The Luke said:
I think it's interesting that there are a ton of videos leaking out of the shooter clearly not being on the 32nd floor. And the windows that are busted out In the pictures are different than where you can see the muzzle flash.

I've heard the confusion on why the muzzle flash seemed in a different location to where the broken windows where had to do with misidentifying building strobes as gun fire. Many news outlets early on highlighted those strobes and told the public .."see the fire from the guns" ..as usual in the rush to be first they spread a bunch of completly inaccurate BS.