I'm not usually one to jump on a bandwagon with these events, but it is hard to believe this guy just snapped, had in excess of ten guns that may or may not have been full auto (obviously some were), his girlfriend just happened to be out of the country, his family says there's absolutely nothing to say why he might have done this, he had no apparent escape plan, etc., etc., etc. Most of the big names in history had an agenda and wanted people to hear their message so for this guy to supposedly do this on his own I'd have to think he had something to say about it. So for him to just take his life before they even got to him really just doesn't add up for me.
Something here stinks...just can't put my finger on it yet. Sad thing is this day in age its entirely possible to never know what actually went down other than the obvious facts that a lot of people were affected by this event.