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WA DNR Trail Policy Public Meetings

I saw this note posted regarding some issues down in Oregon...while the trails may be different, I think the general message shared really applies to this conversation.

To you all.
I read some statements made on the Pirate 4X4 forum today that I found somewhat disturbing. Please do not fall prey to rumors and unsubstantiated information. If you can't back up what you say with facts, don't speak.

Swartz Canyon is closed to off road use. There were no actions made by the Deschutes County 4 Wheelers that had anything to do with the BLM decision.
The canyon was never open to OHV use. The years of use and misuse by all classes of OHVs led to a special interest group threatening a law suit, if the BLM did not act, is what led to them making the decision to revert back to their original intent for the canyon. That has always been "open to travel on designated routes only". The BLM has simply chosen to allow off road use in the canyon over the years. That was probably fine back in the day when there was a minimal amount of use. In recent years it has not been unusual for 20 to 40 rigs to show up on a weekend. I have seen the effects. Do you remember when the only route going up the power line hill was the power line road? Look at it now. It attracted a lot of negative attention from those special interest groups.

The sport has grown and pressure on Class II and Rock Crawl areas is having an impact. You need to pay attention. Are you a contributor to the negative impact? Maybe it was just a small oil leak. Maybe you just went a little off trail, but it all adds up.

Before you speak badly about someone or some group,ask yourself,. What have I done to make things better"?

I sent out a request for "letters of support". I even went so far as to ask that you please bury Greg with your letters. There are 289 of you in this Facebook group. Two of you sent letters.

Tough I know, I am not the best at writing a letter either, but sometimes you have to step up.

On the good side over 150 of you showed up for work parties in the past year and that is phenomenal considering how many of you live outside of Oregon.

What can you do now?

1. Stop pointing fingers. How many of you have driven up that hill at Swartz on a route other than the power line road? You too contributed to the negative impact and attention.

2. Think about the other areas where you play. Are they going to suffer the same fate because of abuse?

3. Start working together. It's not that hard.

4. What you do and what you say should have a positive impact.

Take pride in your trails and play areas. Their condition reflects on your sport.

Rock crawling is going to have an impact. There is no getting away from that. I have seen it first hand. It is amazing when you see the size of the rock that can be moved by a single tire. But maybe before you leave the area,spend a little time improving the trail. If you see a bigger problem or project that needs attention, organize a group to deal with it or let me know and I will set a date for a work party.

As a group, I've seen you do some really good work, amazing work. You may just need to take a look at some of the little details a bit closer. Are you leaving a good impression on those that are watching? They are watching!

For those of you that don't know the Deschutes County 4 Wheelers. I can tell you that they have contributed greatly to your sport and have done so for many years. If you have a problem with something please take the time to talk to them first.

I have always supported pnw4wda as a member delegate even though my rigs and wheeling style are not accepted. I also support wtf in there ownership of elbe despite my opinion of their members. I go to the meetings and forward the emails and voice my opinion for the GREATER GOOD. Even when i disagree with the smaller details. I hear the same complaints over and over, so do all of you. Just support where you want and help where you can and keep the negativity to yourself.
Members for the committee were chosen. No one primarily representing the 4x4 community was selected. The closest representative is Dave Hiatt who worked at TSF and is a WOHVA member. There are a few ATV members as well as a Motorcyclist. Of the 16 members, 4 are affiliated with ORV interests.

The meeting is open to the public, it'd be great to have a show of people at this meeting Wednesday December 17th in North Bend. 12-3pm.

But ultimately I'm pretty disillusioned. As I get more info about those on the committee I'll share the info.
Members for the committee were chosen. No one primarily representing the 4x4 community was selected. The closest representative is Dave Hiatt who worked at TSF and is a WOHVA member. There are a few ATV members as well as a Motorcyclist. Of the 16 members, 4 are affiliated with ORV interests.

The meeting is open to the public, it'd be great to have a show of people at this meeting Wednesday December 17th in North Bend. 12-3pm.

But ultimately I'm pretty disillusioned. As I get more info about those on the committee I'll share the info.

After talking with the DNR and Ed Tenny I was able to get Ed on the committee today. Thanks Ed for stepping up and making time to represent us. :awesomework:
After talking with the DNR and Ed Tenny I was able to get Ed on the committee today. Thanks Ed for stepping up and making time to represent us. :awesomework:

Can you pull any strings to get Horus on the committee?
The closest representative is Dave Hiatt who worked at TSF and is a WOHVA member.

Dave will have lot's to share with the committee...as you mentioned, he works for ODF building/maintaining trails at Tillamook State Forest. He is an active offroad motorcycle rider and is a founding member of WOHVA.
When I talked to Brock, Ed and my names were the 2 that the selection committee threw out to be on the committee. They "thought" that they already had a 4x4 rep on the list but he turned out to be a quad guy.
When I talked to Brock, Ed and my names were the 2 that the selection committee threw out to be on the committee. They "thought" that they already had a 4x4 rep on the list but he turned out to be a quad guy.

Didi you apply for the position?
I just talked to Brock this morning as well. He didn't mention to me Jim being on the committee, just Ed. While I'm not too happy about it, Brock is keeping me in on the loop and we're invited to the meetings to listen and share concerns.

Interestingly, I think this selection is a good example of what happens when the 4x4 community is fractured. There are 3 mountain bikers on the committee, and frankly between them and Steve Davies, I think they'll have more positive impact than the motorized representatives. Some of them are just like some of us, building unauthorized trails because of lack of availability.
I just talked to Brock this morning as well. He didn't mention to me Jim being on the committee, just Ed. While I'm not too happy about it, Brock is keeping me in on the loop and we're invited to the meetings to listen and share concerns.

Interestingly, I think this selection is a good example of what happens when the 4x4 community is fractured. There are 3 mountain bikers on the committee, and frankly between them and Steve Davies, I think they'll have more positive impact than the motorized representatives. Some of them are just like some of us, building unauthorized trails because of lack of availability.

I only see glen glover (mt bike alliance) on the list as a mt bike. Who are the others ? They may be using the same tactic that the hikers love to use and listing themselves as "recreation" or citizens at large.
So you shmoozed your way in to keep an applicant with different views out? :rolleyes:

Backdoor politics at its finest. :awesomework:

Once show you show your ignorance and inability to participate in an adult conversation. I bust my ass to make sure we are at the table when it comes to these things and all you do is bust my ass. Just so you understand all three of the 4x4 applicants were rejected by the DNR. I was not part of the process in any way shape form or fashion until I found out that there were no 4x4 reps on the committee. If you want to know why the 3 were not considered I suggest you contact the selection committee as i have no idea.

And BTW brad I am not on the committee. Try and keep up
I was afraid this would happen. I surely don't get the warm and fuzzys from Brock. When you have that many seats on a committee there is no reason that most interests can't be represented. I'd really like to know why Horus wasn't considered if his application was turned in?
Horus wasn't considered because they (Brock and the selection committee) didn't know him. I also tried to get him on, but alas I guess its too big already at 17.
Mike Ames was the '4x4 guy' because they misunderstood that he was affiliated with 4x4 groups. He isn't. so there are 3 ATV representatives on the committee.
Crystal and I weren't considered because we're too adversarial
.... But Karl Forsgaard was.. I guess its not adversarial if you have lawsuits to back your claim?

Here is the whole makeup of the commitee:

What worries me is that we only have 2 or 3 people on this committee that have a strong enough personality to inflict change. I wish I could subdue my personality a little more, it certainly would help the cause.

I'm pretty disappointed. And after this weekend of having fun outside again, maybe all my buddies are right: **** it and keep building our own secret trails.