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Walker Nov 13th...Rocking the reroute!

Also, this is supposedly the RRR4x4 halloween run. Some HOT4x4 people were planning on coming up for this, but I believe are planning on wheeling and not working.

I'm not sure which camp I'll be in... Walking with Jim, working, or playing with hot4x4 or none of the above (in NYC). but it should be an interesting, packed weekend!
Yes, the 'hands' are...Those that wish to attend the walkthru can (and is suggested so some of the regulars will have an idea of what to be on the lookout for)...those that have the ability and are willing to haul rock, can....Yes, I agree there's a lot goin' on this weekend...Yes the RRR Halloween Campout is happenin' this weekend as well, and those that wish to help, can; those that don't, don't have to and Elyse is aware of this...And the Herd is coming down as well??? First I've heard of this...and they are not at all expected to help!!!
Yes, the 'hands' are...Those that wish to attend the walkthru can (and is suggested so some of the regulars will have an idea of what to be on the lookout for)...those that have the ability and are willing to haul rock, can....Yes, I agree there's a lot goin' on this weekend...Yes the RRR Halloween Campout is happenin' this weekend as well, and those that wish to help, can; those that don't, don't have to and Elyse is aware of this...And the Herd is coming down as well??? First I've heard of this...and they are not at all expected to help!!!

I've had my fill of body damage for the month :haha: Hands it is. :awesomework:
A reminder, it's this saturday. Who's still in?...I talked to Elyse this morning and she said that since the Dept of Ecology walk is saturday also we could postpone our work party until sat the 20th if we want to. This way those that want to go on the walk with the DOE could do so......It doesn't matter to me if we do it this sat or the 20th so I'll leave it up to you guys.....
That might not be a bad idea Rick. Kevin and possibly myself ( home with kid with injured knee) will be at the focus meeting tonight. I'm sure that will be part of the discussion. Seems to be a lot of stuff going on this weekend. Not to mention that last 3 times I've been to Walker it's been all work. Would kinda like to play this time.
I'm fine with either day. Please let me know what day this will happen though, Since a magazine journalist will be with me for it. If it's not happening this saturday, then i will be playing on sunday. :awesomework:
Since a magazine journalist will be with me for it.

Sounds like a good reason to keep it this weekend. Maybe we could get some good press for a change.:awesomework:
It's still up to you guys so lets hear what some more people have to say.......
Like Len mentioned, the DNR meeting is tonight, and I (and poss Len) will be there.... I did also speak with Elyse, and she mentioned getting 10 yds of 8" material to do the winter hardening with (will confirm tonight at the meeting).... I agree with Rick, some good press might be good for a change. My vote's for this weekend, and with this size of material, should go pretty quick :awesomework:... but we'll bring it up tonight at the meeting.:cool:
OK, I just talked with Elyse again, and there WILL be material delivered tomorrow am...and it sounded like she didn't want to postpone this sat, but rather offered to come up again next sat to finish it up, which if we do it this sat I don't think another day will be necessary.:; But we'll have to see what we're up against when we get there...
OK, I just talked with Elyse again, and there WILL be material delivered tomorrow am...and it sounded like she didn't want to postpone this sat, but rather offered to come up again next sat to finish it up, which if we do it this sat I don't think another day will be necessary.:; But we'll have to see what we're up against when we get there...

So were a for sure on this Saturday?

PM your way. :awesomework:
Let's do it......:squirrel:besides next weekend we, or I will hopefully be up in the snow. Pending it cooperates .......
OK, yes it is a go for Saturday...there will be material at the landing delivered tomorrow am...
Myself, Rick, and Jimpaget are meeting Elyse at the landing at 8 (ish), so we can go over the priority area, and get things rollin'
Those that are coming up to help move material should be at the landing ready to help by 9:00...For those that are coming up from the Lk cavanaugh gate, it will be open for this, so you shouldn't be locked out! (THAT was the question you had Rick, and yes, it was discussed!:awesomework::redneck:)...
Let's get this ripped out quick folks, I wanna play!!!:cheer: